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Posts posted by mycatsaid

  1. If i do this, can i still play online with others?

    Of course! It's just updating your client files.

    Thank you for informing us about the new version :cool:

    Updated release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.

    Cheers Fox!

    Looking good! Also showcasing the M4 along with it. Awesome job man!

    Extra Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/uMx18#6


    Looks good! I did download that M4 as well as I wanted to screenshot with it but it kept giving me errors so I said nah xD

  2. Everything looks good, except for the helmets. I'm having issues getting them to work. Any ideas?

    The helmet texture has just been fixed in the development build.

    If you goto steam and click properties then beta and click development build. It should download the latest client with the fix.

    Let me know if it works then I'll put an update on the frontpage warning people as they won't update until the build is stable.

    Ps. Sorry mods for double post. I cannot edit my previous post on phone browser. Please just form this into one.

  3. As a fellow Marine, I can say that this is a great addition to Arma 3. Thank you for adding this. I would also suggest that you add our home jersey's as well, we could use a little bit of greens in Stratis.

    Oorah, 0351

    Hi, glad you like.

    What exactly do you mean by the 'home jersey'? The woodland marpat? If so then you can get that on Armaholic unit downloads by crow. (I would post link but on iphone).

  4. Sorry for the hold up. The download Mirror is back up. Forgot to add the new icon images.

    These will be my primary skins once you release them. So look for them in my future videos! :)

    That's good to hear :) If you do make any videos with these skins feel free to post them here. I'd like to see them in use. Thanks!

  5. Whats about backpacks in this color? This unit reskin looks nice!! Hope to get some backpacks too. I also vote for the UCP-Delta Camo.

    Thanks for ur great work!

    I haven't had a look at backpacks yet. But I guess I can add it to my todo list. Helmet is priority right now though but that is done. It might just need tweaking once the fix gets released.

    Have you tried "B_AssaultPack_cbr" and other backpacks in that colour. I think they work pretty good as standard.


  6. "This file does not exist, the access to the following file is limited or it has been removed due to infringement of copyright." this is what it says when i try to download.

    Please upload to MediaFire. Really want to try this out!

    Where exactly are you trying to download from? This works fine. If you cannot download from there then Armaholic will hopefully have it up soon.

  7. As requested a retexture of some uniforms, vests and helmets styled as US Marine Desert MARPAT.





    Version 1.1


    Download Mirror (MediaFire) 14.9 MB

    High-Res Screenshots

    Screenshot Gallery


    Ver 1.1

    - Added reskinned ballistic helmet.

    Ver 1.0

    - Added reskinned texture for the MTP Uniform and Plates.


    My plan is to create a full retexture pack once more gear gets released so you can enjoy a variety of clothing and helmets to create your marine army. I want to add more default units, such as Machine Gunner and Team Leader ect so you can have some basic setups for your missions.


    Please comment and let me know what you think and any feedback.


    If your helmet texture is not showing in-game then please update your game to the developers build.

    Developers Build

    Enjoy :)

  8. thats not what i mean its the design of the pant because, for example the regular FROG,and MCCUU doesn't have integrated kneepads ;)

    EDIT: but i look good besides that, its a nice re-texture

    I see what you mean now. But once I get the full skin sorted I will eventually move on to texturing the other clothing. So you can pick from which one you want.

    Edit: Some new screenshots with the vest.

    I'm pretty much done until we can start skinning the helmets which isn't working yet. I'll add the default plain helmet and will reskin it when it's working.





  9. With help from crow I've been working on a desert version of the USMC MARPAT. It is really hard to get the colours correct in this game but I think I've got it.

    Any comments?


    Love it. Need it. Release soon?

    It still needs some work.

    Once I get the vest done and the touch ups then crow will add it to the USMC Marpat unit.

    Well you all need to change the uniform because it the picture "mycatsaid" gave it look like AOR1 crye uniform which the Seals use, it does look cool though, but properly not what people want!

    I did use a texture made from official USMC pants. Maybe it is just the light that makes it look similar.

  10. Stupid question, Scarecrow... how in the first place did you get your hands on the A3 textures? Does cpbo work? I tried to open one of the pbo's yesterday and failed...

    You can extract the character_f pbo with Eliteness.

    Crow would you be able to explain how you managed to get the reskinned textures to work? I've been working on a desert MARPAT.

  11. I'd very much be okay with (and I'm sure a lot of other Devil Dogs out there would be too) a replacement for the MTP if you're up for it!

    I'll see what I can do.

    I'm good with re-texturing and stuff in PS but when it comes to getting it in the game I'm not so sure.

    If anyone else can do it better/faster then go ahead! I'm sure there is someone else busy with this already.

  12. I was messing around with making some MARPAT replacements today.

    Although I'm not sure how you would go around making a separate camouflage pattern for all.

    I could definitely work on a replacement pack for the MTP though. Not sure the best way to go around doing it when people suggest making a full camo set instead of replacements.

    Just might be worth waiting for someone more experienced in the skinning area to do what you want properly.
