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Everything posted by mycatsaid

  1. mycatsaid

    Script Hackers (Need Help)

    Nevermind, did http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1844337&postcount=28 and it worked fine ;).
  2. I was wondering if anyone knew how to disable bonus vehicles after you complete a side or main mission. Air and land bonus vehicles. Thanks.
  3. Well I did infact want to remove the bonus vehicles, that was just why I needed to remove them, I thought it would be a easier thing to take out.
  4. That's what it seems like when I replace the missions with the hint text Grimes gave. The main issue I have with the bonus script is that I run pilot only server and when the bonus vehicles get spawned, anyone can get in, it seems like theres some issue with the pilot only scipt with global air vehicles, I have it all setup correctly but it will only work with vehicles that I have set in the client.sqf or w/e it is where you can set the air vehicles with markers ect. If I could get the pilot only to fly working for all global vehicles I wouldn't need to get rid of the bonus vehicles.
  5. Both, both of them need removing, I dont want bonus vehicles at all..
  6. Ok tried the hint suggestion and that failed to work. After completing a target it just didnt do anything, just stayed saying "side mission" ect and didn't create a new one.
  7. Ok I got an issue with this. I'm certain that doing this its causing 2 AO's to appear on the map after one is captured. I deleted both lines from both files which seems to be the error but not sure on fixing it.
  8. I need some help! I run a domination map, I'm having issues with noobs destroying or shooting the helis and vehicles. I would like to know if anyone can get the spawn shield to appear in these areas I've marked in red on the map. I don't really want to extend the shield across the map or anything just kinda need it in them locations because the enemy attack the base and would make it impossible to fire back. There is a spawn protect/shield script already in the new version of domination so if anyone knew how to do it with that would be great as it just stops people from firing when in range of that. Many thanks to any response!
  9. Ok well I found the code I needed. Basically did what you said Grimes in the first part. Then found the rest of the code in x_dlg\SettingsDialog.hpp class [color="Red"]XD_PilotCaption[/color] : XC_RscText { x = 0.35; y = 0.75; w = 0.3; h = 0.1; sizeEx = 0.029; colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 0}; XCTextBlack; text = "[color="Red"]Pilot (player names)[/color]"; }; class [color="Red"]XD_PilotTxt[/color] : XC_RscText { [color="Red"]idc = 2011;[/color] style = 16; lineSpacing = 1; colorbackground[] = {0.643, 0.5742, 0.4102, 0.4}; x = 0.358; y = 0.82; w = 0.5; h = 0.04; sizeEx = 0.029; text = ""; }; Also instead of d_only_pilots_can_fly (which infact needed to be set as BAF_Pilot_MTP not the name of the pilot or when a pilot got in the heli he would be kicked and told you cannot fly since my servers runs pilot only option. I had to create a new line in the i_client.sqf and add the following // is pilot d_is_pilot = ["[color="Red"]bravo_2[/color]","[color="Red"]alpha_5[/color]"]; That being the name of my 2 pilots alpha 5 and bravo 2. Just to say the 2011 part is the given number and eng changed to pil we also talked about before. Added that code then worked :D Should be end result. (Althought I only put Pilot instead of Pilots but meh xD) Thanks for ya help first of all Grimez!
  10. Hello, I need some help with the domination status menu. I've already added the code to this file to add a pilot class in x_client\x_settingsdialog.sqf - (Thx Grimes) _str = ""; { _[color="Red"]pil[/color] = missionNamespace getVariable _x; if (!isNull _[color="Red"]pil[/color] && isPlayer _[color="Red"]pil[/color]) then { if (_str != "") then {_str = _str + ", "}; #ifdef __TT__ if (side _art == playerSide) then { #endif _str = _str + (if (alive _[color="Red"]pil[/color]) then {name _[color="Red"]pil[/color]} else {"(Dead)"}); #ifdef __TT__ }; #endif }; } forEach [color="Red"]d_is_pilot[/color]; if (_str == "") then {_str = "No human players are pilots"}; __ctrl([color="Red"]2011[/color]) ctrlSetText _str; Basically need to add an extra box there for the pilots to show up. If anyone knows it would be a great help. Many thanks!
  11. Hmm actually, the shield thing Grimes talked about might be easier tbh, because with the method you gave the vehicle is hit still which ends up moving the vehicle sometimes if its a rocket, if I could get grimes shield version working it might be a better idea because that stops the round hitting the vehicle altogether.
  12. Hey many thanks for the reply, where do I add this? Also can you add multiple helipads? Also about the A10 it's not on a helipad so how would you stop that getting damaged? Also thanks for Grimes [3rd ID] response as well.
  13. Hello, I run a server and I'm having a nightmare getting the verifying signature to work correctly. Here is my settings. // some ArmA specific stuff - signature verification // Enables signature verification for addons // This will prevent pbo hacks by only allowing pbo's that pass server's public key checks verifySignatures=2; regularcheck="{}"; // Signature timeout fix //list of files to check for identity checkfiles[]={"HWTL\dta\data3d.pbo","dta\data3d.pbo"}; // some ArmA specific stuff - signature verification onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // unsigned data detected //onHackedData = "ban (_this select 0)"; // tampering of the signature detected onDifferentData=""; // data with a valid signature, but different version than the one present on server detected // If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server. equalModRequired=0; // Anti-cheat battlEye = 1; I upload publickeys such as VOPsounds from that OFPEC website and it is still kicking me from my server. I'm just sick of all the hackers that can come on when you don't have any verifying script method. Is there anyway for me to also make new ones for other addons I have, I tried that DSutils v2 release (signatures) and can't get it to sign my addons just says ERROR after I try to sign them.
  14. mycatsaid

    Signature issue

    Thanks for reply! Can anyone else give a more in-depth description? A little how2?
  15. mycatsaid

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Did anyone say fix the jumpy/laggy AI animations yet. Sick of that in multiplayer. About time they did something about it after all this time.
  16. mycatsaid

    Arma2 dedicated server howto

    Hey, I tried from the ban server control menu and I tried to ban people by the name with the same command you used and the ID as well. I added a banlist.txt. Also BE is on and so is verifysignatures. Still it doesn't let me ban.
  17. mycatsaid

    Arma2 dedicated server howto

    Hello, can anyone give me a hand with this. I run an Arma 2 OA server but for some reason my server won't ban people, kicking works fine but when you try to ban someone nothing happens. Does the banning feature require battlEye to be set to on or any other feature to be turned on? Thanks.