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Everything posted by mycatsaid

  1. Did anyone ever get this working with this script? _box addAction ["Save gear layout" call d_fnc_BlueText, "x_client\x_savelayout.sqf"]; _box addAction ["Clear gear layout" call d_fnc_BlueText, "x_client\x_clearlayout.sqf"]; Would be good to get it thanks.
  2. I was wondering if anyone knew the reason why after a map restart mid-game by admin in domination, AI clones can sometimes appear in the spawn area of the map. I have disabledAI=1; in the description.ext. Also can anyone give me a hand modifying the vrespawn2 script to have a Empty Respawn Timer like the helirespawn2 script but making sure that MHQ doesn't respawn while deployed only when undeployed. x_helirespawn2.sqf // by Xeno #define THIS_FILE "x_helirespawn2.sqf" #include "x_setup.sqf" private ["_heli_array", "_vec_a", "_vehicle", "_number_v", "_is_west_chopper", "_i", "_tt", "_ifdamage", "_empty", "_disabled", "_empty_respawn", "_startpos", "_hasbox", "_fuelleft"]; if (!isServer) exitWith{}; _heli_array = []; { _vec_a = _x; _vehicle = _vec_a select 0; _number_v = _vec_a select 1; _ifdamage = _vec_a select 2; _heli_array set [count _heli_array, [_vehicle,_number_v,_ifdamage,-1, position _vehicle,direction _vehicle,typeOf _vehicle,if (_ifdamage) then {-1} else {_vec_a select 3}]]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), -1]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec), _number_v, true]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec_islocked), (locked _vehicle)]; if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(fuelCheck)}}]; }; #ifdef __TT__ if (_number_v < 400) then { if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}}]; }; } else { if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}}]; }; }; #endif } forEach _this; _this = nil; _isfirst = true; while {true} do { __MPCheck; #ifdef __A2ONLY__ private "_forEachIndex"; _forEachIndex = 0; #endif { _tt = 20 + random 10; sleep _tt; _vec_a = _x; _vehicle = _vec_a select 0; _ifdamage = _vec_a select 2; _empty = _vehicle call FUNC(GetVehicleEmpty); _disabled = false; if (!_ifdamage) then { _empty_respawn = _vec_a select 3; if (_empty && _vehicle distance (_vec_a select 4) > 10 && _empty_respawn == -1) then { _vec_a set [3, time + (_vec_a select 7)]; }; if (_empty && time > _empty_respawn && _empty_respawn != -1) then { _disabled = true; } else { if (!_empty && alive _vehicle) then {_vec_a set [3,-1]}; }; }; if (damage _vehicle > 0.9) then {_disabled = true}; if (_empty && !_disabled && alive _vehicle && (_vehicle call FUNC(OutOfBounds))) then { _outb = _vehicle getVariable QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE); if (_outb != -1) then { if (time > _outb) then {_disabled = true}; } else { _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), time + 600]; }; } else { _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), -1]; }; sleep 0.01; if ((_disabled && _empty) || (_empty && !(alive _vehicle))) then { _hasbox = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(ammobox)); if (isNil "_hasbox") then {_hasbox = false}; _fuelleft = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(fuel)); if (isNil "_fuelleft") then {_fuelleft = 1}; if (_hasbox) then {["ammo_boxes",__XJIPGetVar(ammo_boxes) - 1] call FUNC(NetSetJIP)}; _isitlocked = _vehicle getVariable QGVAR(vec_islocked); sleep 0.1; deletevehicle _vehicle; if (!_ifdamage) then {_vec_a set [3,-1]}; sleep 0.5; _vehicle = objNull; _vehicle = createVehicle [_vec_a select 6, _vec_a select 4, [], 0, "NONE"]; _vehicle setdir (_vec_a select 5); #ifndef __CARRIER__ _vehicle setpos (_vec_a select 4); #else _vehicle setPosASL [(_vec_a select 4) select 0, (_vec_a select 4) select 1, 15.9]; #endif _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec_islocked), _isitlocked]; if (_isitlocked) then {_vehicle lock true}; _vehicle setFuel _fuelleft; _vec_a set [0,_vehicle]; _heli_array set [_forEachIndex, _vec_a]; _number_v = _vec_a select 1; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), -1]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec), _number_v, true]; [QGVAR(n_v), _vehicle] call FUNC(NetCallEvent); if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(fuelCheck)}}]; }; #ifdef __TT__ if (_number_v < 400) then { if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}}]; }; } else { if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}}]; }; }; #endif }; #ifdef __A2ONLY__ __INC(_forEachIndex); #endif } forEach _heli_array; sleep 20 + random 5; }; x_vrespawn2.sqf // by Xeno #define THIS_FILE "x_vrespawn2.sqf" #include "x_setup.sqf" #define __Trans(tkind) _trans = getNumber(configFile >> #CfgVehicles >> typeOf _vehicle >> #tkind) private ["_vehicle", "_camotype", "_camo", "_i", "_disabled", "_trans", "_empty", "_outb", "_hasbox", "_fuelleft"]; if (!isServer) exitWith{}; _vec_array = []; { _vehicle = _x select 0; _number_v = _x select 1; _vec_array set [count _vec_array, [_vehicle,_number_v,position _vehicle,direction _vehicle,typeOf _vehicle]]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), -1]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec), _number_v, true]; _vehicle setAmmoCargo 0; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec_islocked), locked _vehicle]; if !(__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(fuelCheck)}}]; }; #ifdef __TT__ if (_number_v < 100) then { if !(__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}]; }; } else { if !(__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}]; }; }; #endif if (_number_v < 10 || (_number_v > 99 && _number_v < 110)) then { #ifndef __A2ONLY__ _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {(_this select 0) call FUNC(MHQFunc)}]; #else _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {(_this select 0) call FUNC(MHQFunc)}]; #endif }; #ifndef __CARRIER__ if (GVAR(with_base_camonet) == 0) then { _camotype = switch (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "side")) do { case 1: { switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_NATO_EP1"}; case (__COVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_NATO"}; } }; case 0: { switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_EAST_EP1"}; case (__COVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_EAST"}; }; }; }; _camo = createVehicle [_camotype, position _vehicle, [], 0, "NONE"]; _camo setDir (direction _vehicle) + 180; _camo setPos position _vehicle; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(camonet), _camo]; }; #endif } forEach _this; _this = nil; //sleep 65; sleep 5; while {true} do { sleep 8 + random 5; __MPCheck; #ifdef __A2ONLY__ private "_forEachIndex"; _forEachIndex = 0; #endif { _vec_a = _x; _vehicle = _vec_a select 0; _disabled = false; if (damage _vehicle > 0.9) then { _disabled = true; } else { __Trans(transportAmmo); if (_trans > 0) then { _vehicle setAmmoCargo 1; }; __Trans(transportRepair); if (_trans > 0) then { _vehicle setRepairCargo 1; }; __Trans(transportFuel); if (_trans > 0) then { _vehicle setFuelCargo 1; }; }; _empty = _vehicle call FUNC(GetVehicleEmpty); if (_empty && !_disabled && alive _vehicle && (_vehicle call FUNC(OutOfBounds))) then { _outb = _vehicle getVariable QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE); if (_outb != -1) then { if (time > _outb) then {_disabled = true}; } else { _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), time + 600]; }; } else { _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), -1]; }; sleep 0.01; #ifdef __ACE__ _aliveve = if (!isNil {_vehicle getVariable "ace_canmove"}) then {_vehicle call ace_v_alive} else {alive _vehicle}; #else _aliveve = alive _vehicle; #endif if ((_disabled && _empty) || (_empty && !_aliveve)) then { _number_v = _vec_a select 1; _hasbox = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(ammobox)); if (isNil "_hasbox") then {_hasbox = false}; _fuelleft = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(fuel)); if (isNil "_fuelleft") then {_fuelleft = 1}; if (_hasbox) then {["ammo_boxes",__XJIPGetVar(ammo_boxes) - 1] call FUNC(NetSetJIP)}; if (_number_v < 10 || (_number_v > 99 && _number_v < 110)) then { _dhqcamo = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(MHQ_Camo)); if (isNil "_dhqcamo") then {_dhqcamo = objNull}; if (!isNull _dhqcamo) then {deleteVehicle _dhqcamo}; }; #ifndef __CARRIER__ if (GVAR(with_base_camonet) == 0) then { _camo = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(camonet)); if (isNil "_camo") then {_camo = objNull}; if (!isNull _camo) then {deleteVehicle _camo;_camo = objNull} else {_camo = objNull}; }; #endif _isitlocked = _vehicle getVariable QGVAR(vec_islocked); sleep 0.1; deletevehicle _vehicle; sleep 0.5; _vehicle = objNull; _vehicle = createVehicle [_vec_a select 4, _vec_a select 2, [], 0, "NONE"]; _vehicle setdir (_vec_a select 3); #ifndef __CARRIER__ _vehicle setpos (_vec_a select 2); #else if (_number_v > 9) then { _vehicle setPos (_vec_a select 3); } else { _vehicle setPosASL [(_vec_a select 2) select 0, (_vec_a select 2) select 1, 15.9]; }; #endif _vehicle setFuel _fuelleft; if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(fuelCheck)}}]; }; if (_number_v < 10 || (_number_v > 99 && _number_v < 110)) then { #ifndef __A2ONLY__ _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {(_this select 0) call FUNC(MHQFunc)}]; #else _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {(_this select 0) call FUNC(MHQFunc)}]; #endif }; _vec_a set [0, _vehicle]; _vec_array set [_forEachIndex, _vec_a]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), -1]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec), _number_v, true]; _vehicle setAmmoCargo 0; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec_islocked), _isitlocked]; if (_isitlocked) then {_vehicle lock true}; [QGVAR(n_v), _vehicle] call FUNC(NetCallEvent); #ifdef __TT__ if (_number_v < 100) then { if !(__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}]; }; } else { if !(__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}]; }; }; #endif #ifndef __CARRIER__ if (GVAR(with_base_camonet) == 0) then { if (isNull _camo) then { _camotype = switch (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "side")) do { case 1: { switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_NATO_EP1"}; case (__COVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_NATO"}; } }; case 0: { switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_EAST_EP1"}; case (__COVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_EAST"}; }; }; }; _camo = createVehicle [_camotype, position _vehicle, [], 0, "NONE"]; _camo setDir (direction _vehicle) + 180; _camo setPos position _vehicle; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(camonet), _camo]; }; }; #endif }; sleep 8 + random 5; #ifdef __A2ONLY__ __INC(_forEachIndex); #endif } forEach _vec_array; }; Thanks to any replies.
  3. Can anyone modify the vrespawn2 script to have a _empty_respawn timer as well like the helirespawn2 script above, but to make sure that MHQ doesn't respawn when it's deployed because that could conflict with it because it would be empty.
  4. I just found out that my helicopter one does infact respawn when deserted, but the MHQ and vehicles using vrespawn2 does not reset. Does anyone know how to fix that? Is there an added timer in the scripts above that adds to the time I set, so if I set the heli to respawn in 1 it never does. Thanks.
  5. I need help getting my land vehicles such as MHQ and supply trucks to respawn when deserted, they don't seem to work but helicopters reset when deserted. Also is there an added timer? In my d_init I set the heli to false and a timer of 1 but it doesn't reset with my timer, anyone know how to fix that part too? So it resets to my set timer. x_helirespawn2.sqf // by Xeno #define THIS_FILE "x_helirespawn2.sqf" #include "x_setup.sqf" private ["_heli_array", "_vec_a", "_vehicle", "_number_v", "_is_west_chopper", "_i", "_tt", "_ifdamage", "_empty", "_disabled", "_empty_respawn", "_startpos", "_hasbox", "_fuelleft"]; if (!isServer) exitWith{}; _heli_array = []; { _vec_a = _x; _vehicle = _vec_a select 0; _number_v = _vec_a select 1; _ifdamage = _vec_a select 2; _heli_array set [count _heli_array, [_vehicle,_number_v,_ifdamage,-1, position _vehicle,direction _vehicle,typeOf _vehicle,if (_ifdamage) then {-1} else {_vec_a select 3}]]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), -1]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec), _number_v, true]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec_islocked), (locked _vehicle)]; if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(fuelCheck)}}]; }; #ifdef __TT__ if (_number_v < 400) then { if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}}]; }; } else { if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}}]; }; }; #endif } forEach _this; _this = nil; _isfirst = true; while {true} do { __MPCheck; #ifdef __A2ONLY__ private "_forEachIndex"; _forEachIndex = 0; #endif { _tt = 20 + random 10; sleep _tt; _vec_a = _x; _vehicle = _vec_a select 0; _ifdamage = _vec_a select 2; _empty = _vehicle call FUNC(GetVehicleEmpty); _disabled = false; if (!_ifdamage) then { _empty_respawn = _vec_a select 3; if (_empty && _vehicle distance (_vec_a select 4) > 10 && _empty_respawn == -1) then { _vec_a set [3, time + (_vec_a select 7)]; }; if (_empty && time > _empty_respawn && _empty_respawn != -1) then { _disabled = true; } else { if (!_empty && alive _vehicle) then {_vec_a set [3,-1]}; }; }; if (damage _vehicle > 0.9) then {_disabled = true}; if (_empty && !_disabled && alive _vehicle && (_vehicle call FUNC(OutOfBounds))) then { _outb = _vehicle getVariable QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE); if (_outb != -1) then { if (time > _outb) then {_disabled = true}; } else { _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), time + 600]; }; } else { _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), -1]; }; sleep 0.01; if ((_disabled && _empty) || (_empty && !(alive _vehicle))) then { _hasbox = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(ammobox)); if (isNil "_hasbox") then {_hasbox = false}; _fuelleft = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(fuel)); if (isNil "_fuelleft") then {_fuelleft = 1}; if (_hasbox) then {["ammo_boxes",__XJIPGetVar(ammo_boxes) - 1] call FUNC(NetSetJIP)}; _isitlocked = _vehicle getVariable QGVAR(vec_islocked); sleep 0.1; deletevehicle _vehicle; if (!_ifdamage) then {_vec_a set [3,-1]}; sleep 0.5; _vehicle = objNull; _vehicle = createVehicle [_vec_a select 6, _vec_a select 4, [], 0, "NONE"]; _vehicle setdir (_vec_a select 5); #ifndef __CARRIER__ _vehicle setpos (_vec_a select 4); #else _vehicle setPosASL [(_vec_a select 4) select 0, (_vec_a select 4) select 1, 15.9]; #endif _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec_islocked), _isitlocked]; if (_isitlocked) then {_vehicle lock true}; _vehicle setFuel _fuelleft; _vec_a set [0,_vehicle]; _heli_array set [_forEachIndex, _vec_a]; _number_v = _vec_a select 1; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), -1]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec), _number_v, true]; [QGVAR(n_v), _vehicle] call FUNC(NetCallEvent); if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(fuelCheck)}}]; }; #ifdef __TT__ if (_number_v < 400) then { if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}}]; }; } else { if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}}]; }; }; #endif }; #ifdef __A2ONLY__ __INC(_forEachIndex); #endif } forEach _heli_array; sleep 20 + random 5; }; x_vrespawn2.sqf // by Xeno #define THIS_FILE "x_vrespawn2.sqf" #include "x_setup.sqf" #define __Trans(tkind) _trans = getNumber(configFile >> #CfgVehicles >> typeOf _vehicle >> #tkind) private ["_vehicle", "_camotype", "_camo", "_i", "_disabled", "_trans", "_empty", "_outb", "_hasbox", "_fuelleft"]; if (!isServer) exitWith{}; _vec_array = []; { _vehicle = _x select 0; _number_v = _x select 1; _vec_array set [count _vec_array, [_vehicle,_number_v,position _vehicle,direction _vehicle,typeOf _vehicle]]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), -1]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec), _number_v, true]; _vehicle setAmmoCargo 0; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec_islocked), locked _vehicle]; if !(__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(fuelCheck)}}]; }; #ifdef __TT__ if (_number_v < 100) then { if !(__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}]; }; } else { if !(__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}]; }; }; #endif if (_number_v < 10 || (_number_v > 99 && _number_v < 110)) then { #ifndef __A2ONLY__ _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {(_this select 0) call FUNC(MHQFunc)}]; #else _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {(_this select 0) call FUNC(MHQFunc)}]; #endif }; #ifndef __CARRIER__ if (GVAR(with_base_camonet) == 0) then { _camotype = switch (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "side")) do { case 1: { switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_NATO_EP1"}; case (__COVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_NATO"}; } }; case 0: { switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_EAST_EP1"}; case (__COVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_EAST"}; }; }; }; _camo = createVehicle [_camotype, position _vehicle, [], 0, "NONE"]; _camo setDir (direction _vehicle) + 180; _camo setPos position _vehicle; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(camonet), _camo]; }; #endif } forEach _this; _this = nil; //sleep 65; sleep 5; while {true} do { sleep 8 + random 5; __MPCheck; #ifdef __A2ONLY__ private "_forEachIndex"; _forEachIndex = 0; #endif { _vec_a = _x; _vehicle = _vec_a select 0; _disabled = false; if (damage _vehicle > 0.9) then { _disabled = true; } else { __Trans(transportAmmo); if (_trans > 0) then { _vehicle setAmmoCargo 1; }; __Trans(transportRepair); if (_trans > 0) then { _vehicle setRepairCargo 1; }; __Trans(transportFuel); if (_trans > 0) then { _vehicle setFuelCargo 1; }; }; _empty = _vehicle call FUNC(GetVehicleEmpty); if (_empty && !_disabled && alive _vehicle && (_vehicle call FUNC(OutOfBounds))) then { _outb = _vehicle getVariable QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE); if (_outb != -1) then { if (time > _outb) then {_disabled = true}; } else { _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), time + 600]; }; } else { _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), -1]; }; sleep 0.01; #ifdef __ACE__ _aliveve = if (!isNil {_vehicle getVariable "ace_canmove"}) then {_vehicle call ace_v_alive} else {alive _vehicle}; #else _aliveve = alive _vehicle; #endif if ((_disabled && _empty) || (_empty && !_aliveve)) then { _number_v = _vec_a select 1; _hasbox = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(ammobox)); if (isNil "_hasbox") then {_hasbox = false}; _fuelleft = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(fuel)); if (isNil "_fuelleft") then {_fuelleft = 1}; if (_hasbox) then {["ammo_boxes",__XJIPGetVar(ammo_boxes) - 1] call FUNC(NetSetJIP)}; if (_number_v < 10 || (_number_v > 99 && _number_v < 110)) then { _dhqcamo = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(MHQ_Camo)); if (isNil "_dhqcamo") then {_dhqcamo = objNull}; if (!isNull _dhqcamo) then {deleteVehicle _dhqcamo}; }; #ifndef __CARRIER__ if (GVAR(with_base_camonet) == 0) then { _camo = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(camonet)); if (isNil "_camo") then {_camo = objNull}; if (!isNull _camo) then {deleteVehicle _camo;_camo = objNull} else {_camo = objNull}; }; #endif _isitlocked = _vehicle getVariable QGVAR(vec_islocked); sleep 0.1; deletevehicle _vehicle; sleep 0.5; _vehicle = objNull; _vehicle = createVehicle [_vec_a select 4, _vec_a select 2, [], 0, "NONE"]; _vehicle setdir (_vec_a select 3); #ifndef __CARRIER__ _vehicle setpos (_vec_a select 2); #else if (_number_v > 9) then { _vehicle setPos (_vec_a select 3); } else { _vehicle setPosASL [(_vec_a select 2) select 0, (_vec_a select 2) select 1, 15.9]; }; #endif _vehicle setFuel _fuelleft; if (!__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(fuelCheck)}}]; }; if (_number_v < 10 || (_number_v > 99 && _number_v < 110)) then { #ifndef __A2ONLY__ _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {(_this select 0) call FUNC(MHQFunc)}]; #else _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {(_this select 0) call FUNC(MHQFunc)}]; #endif }; _vec_a set [0, _vehicle]; _vec_array set [_forEachIndex, _vec_a]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(OUT_OF_SPACE), -1]; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec), _number_v, true]; _vehicle setAmmoCargo 0; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(vec_islocked), _isitlocked]; if (_isitlocked) then {_vehicle lock true}; [QGVAR(n_v), _vehicle] call FUNC(NetCallEvent); #ifdef __TT__ if (_number_v < 100) then { if !(__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {_this call FUNC(checkveckillwest)}]; }; } else { if !(__A2Ver) then { _vehicle addMPEventhandler ["MPKilled", {if (isServer) then {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}}]; } else { _vehicle addEventhandler ["Killed", {_this call FUNC(checkveckilleast)}]; }; }; #endif #ifndef __CARRIER__ if (GVAR(with_base_camonet) == 0) then { if (isNull _camo) then { _camotype = switch (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "side")) do { case 1: { switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_NATO_EP1"}; case (__COVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_NATO"}; } }; case 0: { switch (true) do { case (__OAVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_EAST_EP1"}; case (__COVer): {"Land_CamoNetB_EAST"}; }; }; }; _camo = createVehicle [_camotype, position _vehicle, [], 0, "NONE"]; _camo setDir (direction _vehicle) + 180; _camo setPos position _vehicle; _vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(camonet), _camo]; }; }; #endif }; sleep 8 + random 5; #ifdef __A2ONLY__ __INC(_forEachIndex); #endif } forEach _vec_array; }; Thanks in advance.
  6. mycatsaid

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Hey Mikero, thanks for the reply :) I kinda got the reason why it was saying that bu it was just confusing to try change that, but I read that resistance file gets compressed so the mission.sqm gets encoded so that's why I couldn't change it over to arma or I could be wrong. But I did read if you just depbo the pbo then load up the sqm file in elite it will refix it to arma? Anyway, thanks for clearing that up for me. I did manage to solve the issue by just recreating domi myself which I should have done in the first place. But I guess I tried the easy option of trying to get the files Xenon already created instead, it's just updating domi is always a nightmare xD Thanks for reply anyway!
  7. mycatsaid

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Thanks was a dumb mistake posting there. I didn't fix Eliteness however I just decided to follow Xeno's advice and do what he said http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1971787&postcount=903
  8. mycatsaid

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Can anyone give me a hand with Eliteness v2.90. I have latest files of dePBO too. I'm trying to dePBO the latest version of domination from the dev-heaven site but everytime I try it says ======HEADER======= Mikero=DePbo.dll Pbo Type is: Resistance I've tried to understand the readme and I can't figure out how to get it to change to arma, I have it set in my options but still no luck. I'm trying to edit the file co30_Domination_2_60u_West_OA.Takistan.pbo but everytime I try to edit the missions.sqm it's in a different format. I need the pbotype to show as Arma. Can anyone help out? Thanks. Ps sorry for posting in wrong forum
  9. Hey, I need some help from any of you who understand this errors I'm getting from my domination OA only mission 2.60. It loves to spam this error in the log. Error Zero divisor File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\x_client\x_marker.sqf, line 56 Error in expression <ble [_x, [_forEachIndex, d_player_roles select _forEachIndex]]; if (("A2" in d_v> Error position: <select _forEachIndex]]; if (("A2" in d_v> Error Zero divisor File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\x_client\x_marker.sqf, line 56 Error in expression <ble [_x, [_forEachIndex, d_player_roles select _forEachIndex]]; if (("A2" in d_v> Error position: <select _forEachIndex]]; if (("A2" in d_v> Error Zero divisor File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\x_client\x_marker.sqf, line 56 Error in expression <ble [_x, [_forEachIndex, d_player_roles select _forEachIndex]]; if (("A2" in d_v> Error position: <select _forEachIndex]]; if (("A2" in d_v> Error Zero divisor File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\x_client\x_marker.sqf, line 56 Error in expression <ble [_x, [_forEachIndex, d_player_roles select _forEachIndex]]; if (("A2" in d_v> Error position: <select _forEachIndex]]; if (("A2" in d_v> Error Zero divisor Also I have an issue with the helirespawn on my server, it doesn't work and I get error from that file too. __DEBUG_NET("x_helirespawn2.sqf",(call XPlayersNumb> Error position: <("x_helirespawn2.sqf",(call XPlayersNumb> Error Missing ; File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf, line 26 Error in expression <tion_stoped = false; }; };; __DEBUG_NET("x_helirespawn2.sqf",(call XPlayersNumb> Error position: <("x_helirespawn2.sqf",(call XPlayersNumb> Error Missing ; File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf, line 26 Error in expression <tion_stoped = false; }; };; __DEBUG_NET("x_helirespawn2.sqf",(call XPlayersNumb> Error position: <("x_helirespawn2.sqf",(call XPlayersNumb> Error Missing ; File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf, line 26 Error in expression <tion_stoped = false; }; };; __DEBUG_NET("x_helirespawn2.sqf",(call XPlayersNumb> Error position: <("x_helirespawn2.sqf",(call XPlayersNumb> Error Missing ; File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf, line 26 And last but not least Error in expression <n {_this select 9} else {0}; _marker = createMarkerLocal [_m_name, _m_pos]; if > Error position: <createMarkerLocal [_m_name, _m_pos]; if > Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\x_common\x_f\x_functions1.sqf, line 227 Error in expression <n {_this select 9} else {0}; So, if anyone could give me a hand with any of them errors would be fantastic. I've uploaded all 3 files to my website so you can view the full file. http://www.jaxk.co.uk/arma/x_functions1.sqf http://www.jaxk.co.uk/arma/x_helirespawn2.sqf http://www.jaxk.co.uk/arma/x_marker.sqf Thanks!
  10. Anyone? At least the major 2 are the x_marker and x_helirespawn2 ones cos their causing issue with my server. Thanks!
  11. Hey sorry it didn't work ;( But thanks for trying, it's still giving out the same error. Also got one more. Error in expression <eH",false] call d_fnc_NetSetJIP; _fac = createVehicle [_wairfac, _pos, [], 0, "N> Error position: <createVehicle [_wairfac, _pos, [], 0, "N> Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Takistan\i_server.sqf, line 619 http://www.jaxk.co.uk/arma/i_server.sqf Thanks again!
  12. mycatsaid

    ARMA 2 : OA beta build 84628

    When is 1.60 official meant to be released? Are they gunna do anything to make dedicated servers more stable?
  13. Hello, I recently added CBA and DooACS to my server to try protect it from the average script exploit. But we've been getting some unusual lag spikes, and it's maybe because of that. I run a domination server, 40 man, on a dedicated server 4x 2.8ghz Dual Core. I only run CBA because my server has arma 2 installed as well but our mission only requires OA but in the mod line it still says Arma 2 as well but doesnt require it and then DooACS. I kinda need this script running. Also does anyone have some good bandwidth settings for my server. Maybe that could be causing lag too because I changed that recently too. Also server settings.. I know people say about verify sig 2 but It stills kicks people who have BAF/PMC. Current ones. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  14. Can anyone give me a hand with the basic.cfg I need to get some good settings for my server.
  15. mycatsaid

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84554

    That is using about 460,000k.
  16. mycatsaid

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 84554

    Is there any improvement of memory usage?
  17. All I did was apply the beta patch to my client. Copy over the files to the server and then change the startup line to run the beta.
  18. I turned signatures off and it still kicked me.
  19. I installed the beta patch on my server but then removed it from my client. First time when I had the patch installed in client I got kicked. Second time without beta patch in my client.
  20. Where can I get the beta patch from? Sorry..
  21. But our server is windows o_0 Isn't the beta patch for linux? Also I havent a clue how to use that DSUtilis2 to sign the keys. Also we have an insurgency server running as well and that is not on our box and we still exprience lag spikes.
  22. Is there a place where I can get V2 sig keys for addons? I just want the common sound mods in my server. Also does V2 still kick pmc/baf users?