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Everything posted by mycatsaid

  1. Aha, thanks again for helping me guys! I could remember the code line but I couldn't remember what file it was in, there's so many files :S Thanks!
  2. Ah right! Thanks again! Does anyone know why some names are not showing up on the map as well? When you set Show player names and stuff in status to "show names" only certain people show up. Is there a way to fix that issue? Thanks to everyone who has helped so far!
  3. Ah sweet, nice one man. I'll try it out. I'll report back! Can't thank you enough. Works fine. So happy there will be no more noobs blowing the base up. Can I just ask also, maybe a nooby question but how do you keep your server running when everyone leaves? When everyone is finnished playing on my server the map will end and it will make the server go back to "creating" again instead of just waiting were the last people left off. Thanks again!
  4. Yeah that's what I've got and still they can plant outside the flag just not near that area. I might just go have a look at other maps and see if their version works, if it does it may save time to do what others have suggested and use someone elses. But it's strange that I'm using one of the updated versions from the domi site and it didn't work :S
  5. Sorry I don't quite understand what you mean. People are doing it all the time to my server. Just annoying that its not kicking people planting around the whole base.
  6. Hey, can anyone help me sort out this issue. I've explained more here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1882018#post1882018 Basically I need the satchel charge kick area to cover the whole of the base, I've had people coming on and blowing up the base and vehicles, even tho its turned on for kick. Thanks.
  7. Hello, I run the standard domi west map on takistan the newest version of it. I've been having an issue with immature players coming on my servers and blowing up everything with satchels. I have set the "kick for satchel at base" on but it doesn't kick, is there a way for me to protect all my base from satchels? Cover the whole baseline area? Thanks.
  8. It kicks people, but it doesn't cover the whole baseline area, it covers the flag and where people spawn but it doesn't stop people putting them down near the heli or other vehicles. The kick option is set on I've done that but is there anyway to make it kick in a larger area.
  9. mycatsaid

    Paintball Park

    Ha thats awesome.
  10. I sent you a message.
  11. Hi, I've been looking at getting the heli lift to work in Domi, for some reason it's not working on mine. I've downloaded multiple standalone ones and I have noticed there is a lift script in the map folder already. Can anyone give me either a script or tell me how to get the current domi one working? Everytime I try to edit the init.sqf my map won't load. Could you give me a decent explaination on where to put the code because it just breaks my mission everytime I try. P.s. I have searched the forums, I looked in that "How to expand domi thread" didn't really find anything. Thanks!
  12. Hm, ok thanks, I'll just do that then.
  13. Yeah, that's the one I downloaded ¬_¬ I did say I've alreayd looked but I don't know how to get them into my already made DOMI mission. I got the one you linked me to and I tried to pick out the code and I couldnt get it to work. Can you help me out?
  14. Hi I'm not so sure of the version. It's on Takistan just standard version of it pretty much. I have the scripts for the lift ect that came with it. x_heli_action.sqf x_heli_release.sqf x_helilift.sqf x_helilift_wreck.sqf I just don't know how to make them run from the init.sqf I think.
  15. It's not exaclty like that addon though, it doesn't change your hud or anything, it's just the standard display but when you target a vehicle using the tab key you can just fire the hellfire and it guides it like you have a gunner but there is only yourself in the pilot seat.
  16. Would like to know this also. How is it possible to get this to work.
  17. mycatsaid

    [CO]Co06 Disrupters Part1 - V1.0

    LoL when I loaded the map up it ended up showing the larger scale img. Feel silly for asking now ^_^.
  18. mycatsaid

    Operation Rock Avalanche DayII

    Edit: Nvm, good map btw!
  19. mycatsaid

    Chechen Rebels

    Nice work mate. These look great. Old BI rebels suck. Out of colour for woodland fighting. Chechen is perfect for russian combat.
  20. Hello, thanks for putting my vid on here, nice to get noticed. :P Pretty much after I did that video I started using the CSM2 sounds along with VOP. Great addon, makes the game so much better. Just to say I've also noticed sometimes the SA80 when firing in full auto but a single shot, it releases a burst distance bg sound like it's firing multiple shots. afRAAAYJSyI