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Everything posted by LoupVrt

  1. LoupVrt

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Ok, now I get the LSD part of the name, thanks Flummi. :cool:
  2. LoupVrt

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Sorry if the answer have already been posted but despite my best efforts, I haven't been able to find it. What is the AGM_ModuleLSDVehicles for?
  3. Goodson, I would like to spawn statics in several places, do I have to declare several markers in one fame logic (thus how do I seperate each marker name?) or is it best to use several game logics?
  4. LoupVrt

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Awesome, thanks a lot SMA crew!
  5. Jul 17 2014, 23:23 Today, 15:58 :confused: Errr... is it the same or a new 1.2 version have been released?
  6. LoupVrt

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Could you please make your range longer than 1000m? About 2500m would make it amazingly useful for sniper training.
  7. Drongo, what about a stringtable so the interface can be translated? That would help english impaired folks to enjoy your work better and may even make it ubiquitous among some communities. I, of course, am willing to translate it in the obscure language thatFrench is (we have a french artilleryman among us so I better have to to do it right ^^).
  8. Good to know, thank you Spartan and thank you SMA crew. I then assume that the point to use an AP bullet in Arma 3 would be to get through some surface before hitting the actual target, right? (By the way, are you providing Ruthberg with data for his Advanced Ballistics project?) Nevermind, I just have read your input to his thread. KUTGW Spartan, all the difficulties you are facing and going through will only make the final result more valuable to the community. Hopefully BI will take care not to ruin your efforts with the Sniper DLC. ;)
  9. RobertHammer's OA heli sounds would fit great imho. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?102545-RH-heli-sounds-for-OA
  10. LoupVrt

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Great details! You guys are Bullpup heroes! Could you please release an MP Showcase or even just an MP firing range?
  11. LoupVrt

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Your weapons are great gents, especially the rare ones, and I just love you Shooting Range, remind me Kronzky's shooting range from Arma2.
  12. Igi, do you intend to make your Load script works on RichardsD's Up Armored HMMWV Modification and Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR)? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178191-Up-Armored-HMMWV-Modification-Release http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?177497-A3-Medium-Tactical-Vehicle-Replacement-(MTVR)-Mod-Release
  13. Don't want to look under your skirt Burnes, just trying to figure out what mods may influence the perceived damage levels so we, public folks, can enjoy your tanks as they are carefully designed to be. ;) Keep up the good work!
  14. Burnes, could you please list the addons you guys at the 15th are using? I'm having kind of a disturbing issue when I do use your groundbreaking Abrams along our own pack, see screenshot below. Since we are using a shitload of addons, knowing what actually works first will help us feed you back with a better report. http://i.gyazo.com/72b248e354384bffcfae7676fe459666.png (Driver POV)
  15. Drongo, what would it take to make RDS Static Weapons Pack recognized?
  16. Patriot821, just peaking in this thread with no practical experience on that mod but "fal se;" seems to be a typo and is probably causing some misbehaviours.
  17. LoupVrt

    L85A2 Release

    The 11e Regiment de Dragons Portes officialy loves it! http://i.gyazo.com/031cb24f919402908423bbf30d165429.png (2208 kB)
  18. LoupVrt

    L85A2 Release

    Have you tried T-800A's patch Baconide?
  19. LoupVrt

    L85A2 Release

    Multiupload links leads me to a page where I can do nothing but download some suspicious download manager. Would anybody have it hosted somewhere else? Downaloded it on Armaholic but I'm facing same issue as Charles1109 is ("Warning Message: Cannot load texture life_backpacks\data\env_co.paa."), an dthus I'm trying to redownload it directly at the source: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22548#comments
  20. A mate of mine noticed the same issue regarding altitude difference, he spotted that flying the Mohawk and Wildcat, on Daryah and on Altis.
  21. If I had an harem, I would grant you a VIP access to it just to have GPMG like MG-3, MAG and PKM made by you Toadie! Proper firing posture and reloading animations would be so immersive that it's depressing to play with currently available MGs.
  22. Awesome work Toadie! Just one minor thing I want to bring to your attention is the suppressor's config: Here's a sample of yours on the left and one of BI's on the right: As you can see BI's ain't reducing muzzle velocity, hit and so forth anymore. If you are doing it by design, all fine though. Hope it helps.
  23. LoupVrt

    ArmA III Ballistics Overhaul

    Get well Spartan and glad to hear you didn't loose your research. We are excited too that you finish off all these ammos (HLCs AR-15 does have neats .300 rifles btw). For which barrel length(s) have you tailored the 7.62x51 ballistic?