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About cpt.Nipsukka

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    "The meaning of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his"
  1. cpt.Nipsukka


    maybe i didnt notice but is there a date when this is released? or any information about possible release date? i cant wait for this mod sounds good ;)
  2. cpt.Nipsukka


    I downloaded CoC Mines and followed the instructions but in the trigger where i need to type: this && "Land" countType > 0 it says "Type Bool, expected nothing" u know whats wrong with it? :D
  3. cpt.Nipsukka


    ok thanks Rellikki..
  4. cpt.Nipsukka

    Waypoints on building

    you should also be able to decide the position in the building in the waypoint
  5. cpt.Nipsukka


    So im making a mission where i need enemies to step on tripwires, but they just go around them no matter the waypoint goes straight through them, and if they are surrounded by the tripwires they dont move at all.. I have tried to lower the AI skill level but doesnt help :mad: is there anyway to make them step into the tripwires? Its in FDF mod im not sure if tripwires are in original..