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About LastRoman

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  1. No. Sap clutter works well with new patch, the problem was most likely oktane's no blur mod, since it was for 1.60 only. Even thought you could try deleting ShackTac FT hud mod, because I got errors (that this mod needs Extended_Eventhandlers) even when I launched the game from clean shortcut without any modfolders and mods (and got error).
  2. I have this problem too. Had 1.60 and updated to 1.62, tried to launch the game - got this error. No dsound.dll or jayarma2lib.dll files were in my ArmA 2 folder - I've tried updating DirectX, no effect. Deleted savegames, removed modfolders (I only use mods in modfolders), config files. I'm really desperate. I have NON-STEAM VERSION. Arma X Anniversary Edition. Have not installed any beta patches at all. Somehow managed to get it running by using some startup parameters and its showing correct version (1.62.something), but when I look into video options, ATOC and PPAA boxes are empty, and when I click it, it shows few options beggining with "MISSING STRING...". What should I do? I run CO. My default starting parameters (used with 1.60) "C:\Hry\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe" -world=empty -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@PerformanceBoosts;@SmallAddons;@ASR_AI Specs: System: Win 7 Ultimate SP1 CPU: i5-2380p GPU: GTX 670 RAM: 8GB DDR3 Edit: Did a clean reinstall, started the game and no errors. Now I'll return the mods back and try it again. Edit: Deleted ShackTak FT hud mod, oktane's no blur mod and sap clutter mod, then returned the remaining addons. No problems.
  3. LastRoman

    COWarMod Release

    No, "Q" and "E" are default keys for triggering All Round Defence. You have to either change it in userconfig or delete the ard.pbo.
  4. LastRoman

    COWarMod Release

    Hello, I have a few questions. First of all, your compilation is great and I love almost every feature in it, so thanks for that. But to my questions - I think the "dying" animations are a bit too fast. How can I slow it down, or get back the vanilla anim? Which files affect it? Also, the combat seems to be a bit faster than what I'm used to (been using Zeus AI alone, the AI accuracy dispersion is what made the combat more intensive and longer). Is there any way to configurate that or the weapon dispersion?