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Everything posted by Maxzy

  1. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Yeah' date=' me too. But its hearteting to now that i can do it if I want to. If anything didn't happen to you it doesn't mean it didn't happen to anyone else. Check my previous posts where I described how and why I couldn't play a steam game. I understand all the reasons why it has to be implemented - dev blog was somewhat clear about it. But it doesn't make this desicion more appealing to me. This is a forum, a discussion where we can express our concerns and complaints:cry2:, is it not? :)
  2. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    But i want to play multiplayer too. So not everything is cool :) Unless some dev comes here and calm me down by saying "Relax, man. It won't be nessesary to have an internet connection to play on LAN ;)
  3. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    To all Yay-Steam!! guys: You asking for reason why we don't like steam. And it was given several times already, but I'll repeat - despite my personal unpleasant experience with it, the major problem (at least for me) is the idea that I do not really own something I gave my hard earned money for. Isn't this reason enough?
  4. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    tremanarch, I apologize, but when you say something like "There might be people which have problems but I dont see how a possible minority should dictate how things go for the majority?" i have the right to feel kinda bit oppressed as the member of forementioned minority, don't you think. I totally understand your point of view and kinda agree with it, but it doesn't make my experience less frustrating. @MadDogX I'm not an "anti-Steam guy", I just don't like it and pretty worried if I will be able to play Arma3 :)
  5. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Hey man, nice attitude - "If I didn't experience it, then it doesn't exist". And hey, another nice one - "I'm the majority and you're the minority, so STFU and GTFO. Nice, man, really nice.
  6. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Yay! Errr... Creative Assembly? Total War? Hehe, just kidding :). Thank you for all your hard work. ---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:45 PM ---------- Hey, I heard it somewhere recently. "Madmen" maybe?
  7. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    What is FUD? =)
  8. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I'm totally with ya on this :). A really shitty one, as it turned out - AvP :).
  9. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    A bunch of people alrady explained that there are some games which allow lan multiplayer in offline mode. But what gets me worried is this: "It will be possible to run Steam in Offline mode, and still play the game (with the exception of online services obviously, including multiplayer itself)." First it downloaded somewhat 120MB of what I assume was steam update. And then it just stopped at "verification" or "authentification" or whatever. Then I got disconnection. Then I started it again and it stopped at the same point. And again and again for 4 hours of this shit. So... GRRRRR :mad:
  10. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    My Internet connection is good enough to play via LAN with others like me :p. So now I have a fairly reasonable question - will I be able to play it on local network without constant internet connection? That is exactly what I'm going to do. But as I already explained in other topic - once I bought a DVD with steam game and I couldn't launch it because of my crappy internet. So i had to download pirated version in order to play it. I don't want to do it again =).
  11. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    And by the way - how does steam handles interrupted downloads (for example if connection is lost for some time)? Is it starting all over again or does it continue from where it has stopped?
  12. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    But it's not an advantage for me - it's advantage for developers. I, myself, don't have a "retail a2, steam a2, retail oa, steam oa, gog, sprocket, etc." All I have is a retail ones (A2, OA and BAF+PMC). Well, here I gotta admit - I don't think its easier, but i find it more convenient for me. It's just the way I used to do things for a very long time - manually. Manually download, manually install. I just don't trust these modern applications that do all the things for you. And again - these methods of ensuring that all or most users are running the latest version are not an advantage for me - they are adnvantage for devs and those not-so-bright or just lazy users, who cannot do things by themselfes and require a certain help from time to time :).
  13. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    But ofcourse it is! And thats the fucking problem!! I don't have a good enough internet connection, so I won't be able to play the game!!! And you still wonder why I'm against it?
  14. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    How is this an advantage in case of comparing it to current non-steam Arma2? Why the hell do i need delta patching if I can just download the patch and install it to my non-steam Arma2? And by the way delta-patching is not a unique steam-only feature - its a fixed steam fuckup. Why do I need any app at all to run the game? I can perfectly run Arma2 without any, even most "not-eating-cpu/ram", apps.
  15. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Yup, they did. At least I did =). But I don't care about those reasons, though I fully understand them. And all these pros don't matter if you ever had steam experience like in that video nuxil posted. I already described in other topic my interaction with this system - and guess what? It was exactly like in that video :).
  16. Maxzy

    Development Blog & Reveals

    So my statement about killing this game for me was a bit rushed I guess :). And now we just have to wait for more specifics from devs. Oh boy, more waiting. Never wanted to devs MAKE ALL THE THINGS, but now I want them to TELL US ALL THE THINGS:pet13:!!!!
  17. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    So you're saying that there are steam games that allow LAN multiplayer in offline mode?
  18. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Ok, this is good. Maybe there is some misunderstanding, but when i say "we have a pretty solid Arma community in our small city" I mean there are at least 20 people constantly playing via LAN. Or you mean that LAN multiplayer isn't "real" and the only real one is on Internet?
  19. Maxzy

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    And how about to be able to play it? I mean you don't think I'm playing it in single player only? Believe it or not - we have a pretty solid Arma community in our small city on the edge of the wolrd =). So you probably can understand my frustration when I read this: "It will be possible to run Steam in Offline mode, and still play the game (with the exception of online services obviously, including multiplayer itself)."
  20. Maxzy

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Ofcourse i do have a local DVD store. How else do u think i'm playing ArmA =). But let me describe my first and only interaction with steam - a while ago i bought DVD AliensvsPredator game. And guess what? During the installation it downloaded 120 MB of some updates and patches without asking me if i want to. And guess what else? It didn't start after all because it stopped at verification process for some reason and there was nothing i could do. So i had to download pirated version of this game from local network to play it.
  21. Maxzy

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Well, you finally did it. You killed my favorite game for me. And for all others like me, who have a shitty 20 kB/sec 0.10$ per MB satellite internet. This news sucks ass.
  22. Maxzy

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Just watched the E3 showcase and i gotta say this - the muzzleflashes are FRIGGIN AWESOME! Way to go, BIS.
  23. Maxzy

    The details

    Bloody textures of bullet holes on exact spot where the bullet hit the soldier would be very nice. Something like in Rogue Spear. Or Hitman. Small detail, but adding so much to immersion. Wanted to see it since OFP. It feels so good to come close to dead enemy and see that you hit him right between the eyes :cool:.
  24. Like this new mouse steering very much. It allows much faster tuns then keyboard or the old mouse way. Keep it =).