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Everything posted by remus

  1. remus

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Loving the game now I've got a few things worked out. But how do I create an observation post ? I think I need that to fast travel to ? I think I read somewhere to create one with the radio, I've got one in my inventory, I hit 0 but no options. Thanks. << UPDATE >> Ok, I figured it out, they spawn at the HQ on a qaud bike and wait for instructions to move. I've tried escorting them to a point near the observation point I want them to move to. But if I encounter enemy patrol on the way, they get off the quad bike and engage. How do I get em back on the quad bike so I can continue escorting them to destination ? << UPDATE >> Have discovered AI Management feature from Y key, can work on my ai, and Sqauds. Dude, you've thought of everything !
  2. Hi, if I hit . key and zoom out, I can't use the number's on the num pad to pan around my command view, any suggestions ?
  3. studied this thread. Learnt to setup my controls for this mod in "custom controls" Still didn't work... So I wonder if its the moded mission i'm playing Antistasi. So i create a quick mission in editor and the controls work now. I restart Antistasi, and the controls don't work, do i simply need to find a keybinding that isn't reserved by antistasi ?
  4. Hi, Am having trouble with the keybindings. When I go to ( Options > Controls > Configure Addons ) The Addon menu is empty, as is all other options... I do have CBA 3 installed, its the latest version. Any idea what the trouble could be ? Might it conflict with another adon ?
  5. remus


    Hi all, Whats the minimum version of CBA I need to run this mod ? The latest version of CBA does not work with my version of ARMA 3. And i don't have the ability to update ARMA 3 to the latest version atm.
  6. remus

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Do you have an archive of older versions of the game I could try, if the latest version does not work on my ARMA 3 version ?
  7. remus

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Thanks for responding. I am running ARMA 3 Version 1.46 I have an older single player only version of Antistasi.Altis that does work on my version of ARMA 3, however it does have the occasional problem. But its from 2014 i think. I'm sure you've made much improvement. I've downloaded the latest version from http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28007and followed instructions to place the extracted file in my MPMissions folder. When starting the game, nothing happens, there is no reaction, I stay at the screen where I can select MultiPlayer maps to play. I've also tried placing the pbo file in my Missions folder but trying to run it from there generates a strange bunch of error characters, if your interested I'll try to make a screen shot and post it ?
  8. remus

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi all, Great Mod, one of my favourites. I've been playing a single player version I downloaded a while ago, which has a few bugs, so i thought i'd download the latest version. I noticed that i had to put the new version into the MPMissions folder, my older version just goes n the Missions folder. When I load up Multi Player and try to start a game, nothing happens. I have not updated my game in a while, I only have a little internet on my phone, no adsl or cable. Do I need a special version of arma 3 to make the latest antistasi work ? Do I need special mods or anything ?
  9. remus

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Great Mod !!! I was playing the single player missions, and noticed that the zomibes/demons will run at me, but not attack me, they just come close.
  10. remus

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hi just found this mod, and sounds great, have downloaded 1.93 from armaholic, I get to screen where I choose parameters, then start game, Screen shows above view of a habour, hard drive starts making noise and nothing else happens. I wait for 5 minutes, and press escape and exit game. Is there anything I have to do to get it working ? Thanks.
  11. remus

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi I downloaded the version from dropbox and I still have the same problem. can you perhaps check if the dropbox version is as up to date as the steam version ? ps I dont us steam. ---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 AM ---------- Any static vehicle is persistant. Such as morter. any mobile vehicle disappeared seconds after its purchased
  12. remus

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi all Everytime I buy a vehicle at hq it disappears after a few seconds. Any clues how I fix this ?
  13. remus

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi all, Looks like a great mod, I have a problem, after spawning in game I approach the flag and recruit a few ai soldiers. Then i purchase a vehicle(truck) and it disappears after about 5 seconds. any suggetions how i fix this ?
  14. Perhaps the problem is task related, when I try to create my home base, I can build a fortress, but no other category's appear, I can't create the tents. maybe that is screwing up the resistance leader location ? I've downloaded the latest version, perhaps its fixed, will post if it is.
  15. I tried zooming out, but can see not red flag or text, I can see text for other missions, I get from villagers tough.
  16. Hi all, I've just downloaded the latest sp version, and approached civilian, and asked about resistance, they said they would mark it on my map, but I can't see it anywhere. Its also gone from my list of TASK's and I can't ask the question again. any ideas ?
  17. Great mission SaOk I really enjoy the un predictability of random insertion, and random enemy contact. Noticed that sometimes when i try to remove a crate from the truck that it comes back onto the truck, but is now listed as on the ground. I overcome this by driving the truck in fast circles until the crate falls off the side :)
  18. remus

    Altis Resistance (SP)

    Thanks for making more auto saves, I can still only make one manual save
  19. remus

    Altis Resistance (SP)

    Thanks bootsy Will download in the morning and try it out
  20. remus

    Altis Resistance (SP)

    Hi all, Love this mission, I can't get it to auto save at the second objective. Once I kill the officer I'm told to attack helicopters at airfield. But it never auto saves. I have game set on recruit but I only get one manual save, the it's greyed out. Hope you can help. Ps this mission would be awesome with some zombies
  21. Hi all, I need some advice about Arma 2 Red harvest. Problem 1. Whenever I give a move order the game crashes to desktop. Problem 2. I'm playing mission Razor 2, where I've been given access to a helicopter that has a pilot in it. When I board the copter the pilot ask's me where I want to go, but I don't know how to give the order, any ideas ? I'm playing the game on P4 2.8 ghz nvidea 7600gt video card 1280mb DDR ram frames per second are very low as you can imagine, i've improved the performance a fair bit by hacking the config file in mydocuments/arma2