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About streetone

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  1. hi there! Does anybody have informaiton about the PMC works with the dvd version of ARMA OA or it's only works the digital download version? sorry my english thanks!
  2. np! thanks to try it,but i solved the problem in another way.
  3. hey guys! the download links are borken in the first post. can anyone help me? (Hungarian to English) thanks
  4. Could someone send me an example mission on utes? I try it but not works Pls help. Thanks :)
  5. Hi guys! I would like to make some cutscenes like in Harvest Red or Op. Arrowhead campaigns intro scenes when you can control the camera(free look) but the movement, etc is scripted. I searched in lot of forums and scripts but I didn't find anything. Please help me! Thanks! Sorry my bad english :)