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Posts posted by Mav87th

  1. Hi again EricJ

    Could i trouble you to post the modlist you use. And to be more specific, in what order they are. I seem to have some problems with how i have installed TMR, so when i have that mod on (at least the version and order i have it installed in), then there is no recoile what so ever with your weapons fx. SCAR-H long barrel. Properly the same as Shadow_MSOG has experienced. So i don't think its a problem with your mod, but a problem with TMR or one of its versions.

    ps was tested with RC14 update1

  2. Hey Feint - super fine Raven you have made there. I already packed up a Hunter with it in the luggage compartment along with all the other stuff we use.




    When loaded into a vehicle from the mission start. I can not assamble the Raven when i pull the Raven-backpack out of the cargo in the vehicle.. If i just place a backpack on the ground - no problems.

    Any ideas on that?

  3. Ohh my Lord

    EricJ this has been developing into a fantastic mod!!

    Those SCAR models are just awesome mate. We are definitly going to be using this for some time as the units standard weaponry. Especially the SCAR-H EGLM. How ever i have two things i would like to see fixed with it :D. 1) the red-dot aimpoint for the EGLM is off its mark. The grenades fall short by quite a bit. 2) It would so sexy in black :D

    Is there anything i can do to help out with either of those things?

    I do get one error though.

    When shooting any of the guns the first time i get a pop up error "Sound _Scope not found"

    Do you have any ideas what that error comes from?

    And now im at it....

    How do i put a Harris bipod into a cargo hold of a car this:

    this addItemCargo ["Harrissf_ej", 4];

    this addItemCargo ["Harris_ej", 4];

    this addItemCargo ["Harrisls_ej", 4];

    this addItemCargo ["SureFire_ej", 4];

    does not seem to work. There are no errors, but there is nothing in the cargohold of the vehicle.

  4. Reviving an old thread...

    Could someone please take me through the ini line, and trigger on act for joining two player squads to each other at a trigger location. There will be only players in the squads.

    So far i have two groups of 4 men.

    Alpha that has a module for set callsign to Alpha 1 1. the group leaders name is "alpha1" and in his ini line is "this setgroupID ["Alpha"];"

    Bravo that has a module for set callsign to Bravo 1 1. the group leaders name is "bravo1" and in his ini line is "this setgroupID ["Bravo"];"

    Then i have a trigger with a radius of 100x100 that has on act: "[bravo1, bravo2, bravo3, bravo4] joinsilent alpha1"

    It works like a charm in single player with AI, but not at all in Coop.

    Please help out :D

  5. super nice graphics and animations - i have a question about the sounds in the Release Candidate 1 version of the mod.

    Do i have to have the french weapons mod to not have errors regarding sound and some images?

    when clicking the ultimax 100 fx. i get an error on "pictures\r3f_arms\data\transparent_co.paa" not found.

    and when i shoot the weapons i get a "sound _FPV4 not found" error.

    I am wondering if the weapons are "supposed" to miss this in the RC1 or if i am missing a beat here :D

    But they look super nice

  6. Hi great mission.

    With two survivors the base was cleared and Bravo ordered extraction. Went to the extraction point (checked all zoomed in on map) and waited a good 20 minutes. Nothing happened. Mission never ended.

    Medic would report unable every time he treated a man or me.

    Also one of my men got stuck in a kneeled position at the antennas - not a mission fault i presume, but a regular bug.

  7. In a "Platoon House/Compound", that has to be partially defended by AI troops, some of the shooting positions are made from pallets arranged so you can stand on them and shoot over a wall.

    But how do I enable the AI to walk up on them. It's not happening with the "Move To" command in 3d right now. I know how to place a unit on the pallets at initialization, but i would like to know if there are a possibility to make them walk up on the pallets by them self's if told by the player.

  8. EDIT: This works. Needs improvement but it does function.

    Here's what I've been working on. It doesn't require secops and let's you set up custom fire missions in the function call. You would call it like this:

    Nul=[bat,type,ord,delay,rnds,disp] execvm "FireMission.sqf";

    Bat = name of artillery game logic

    Type = timed or immediate fire, can use t for timed

    Ord = type of round used like HE, WP, etc

    Delay = time between rounds fired. If timed then how long rounds fire for

    Rnds = total rounds fired

    Disp = dispersion.

    The rounds are shot from the weapons so don't stand infront of a mortar tube! This script was only tested with US mortars but has at least 1 fatal flaw, I can't get the mapSingleClick command to work properly. Due to this the artillery will always target the player. I tried turning the code into 2 blocks so the mapSingleClick would call the rest of the code, but then my vars went bad. So I changed the vars to global but then mapSingleClick stopped calling the rest of the script. Hope one of you can fix it.

    Got to be honest I can't remember which version of the script this is so it may not work at all. Also the splash over and such hints don't work well. Also I'm at work and had to post from my BB so if it doesn't look pretty, sorry


    K I think this may work. I'm using the marker (ty Wiper) to store the pos and then transfer that pos to _tPos. Hope this works.

    If anyone would like to test it here's a quick instruction.

    Make a map with you as a player. In your units 'INIT' field put this radio code:

    1 setRadioMsg "Fire HE"; 2 setRadioMsg "Fire WP";

    3 setRadioMsg "Fire Illum";

    Next make some artillery. Don't worry about adding ammo, it'll work as long as you use the right name.

    K. Now add an artillery Game Logic. Name it Battery1. Synchronize it with the mortar team leader.

    Finally were going to add 3 triggers, one for each ammo type (HE, WP, ILLUM). Make the three triggers, set them to repeatable. Then for activation select the radio codes Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. Next on the On Activation line enter the following:

    under the Alpha radio command:

    Nul=["Battery1","I","HE",2,10,50] execVM "FireMission.sqf";

    under the Bravo radio command:

    Nul=["Battery1","I","WP",2,10,50] execVM "FireMission.sqf";

    under the Charlie radio command:

    Nul=["Battery1","T","ILLUM",6,30,500] execVM "FireMission.sqf";

    Finally cut and paste his code into notepad. Then save it in your mission file (my documents/documents/Arma 2/missions/ I think). Name it FireMission.sqf

    If everything worked you should have a radio on the map screen with 3 options.

    Did this using USMC M252 mortars with the leader as a Lieutenant, but it fails out with "Out of Range" and a script error like this:

    Execute Template Mission

    Error Generic Error in expression

    If (glbbattery |#|getvariable "ARTY_BADTARGET")then


    Error getvariable: Type String, expected namespace, object,group,control,team

    And it gives a HUD feedback of "Out of Range"

    Any ideas what is wrong ?
