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Everything posted by Robster

  1. I am in the islands "business" because of you Mr. Johnston, cause Minimalaco didn't know how to use your excellent tool If it would be possible, when exporting it would be nice to ticket an option to export position (x,y,z,) of any individual part of road... Just asking if it's possible, but thank you very much indeed for all your effort...
  2. So, you want some terraces... Yep, you can make those, but it's a lot of hard work... a lot... I've been making some terraces just to test the idea, I really like those terraces lying over hills... there are some apps that make this easier also ... some apps provide tools or filters just like bevel or terrace ... but i haven't use any of them cause they do not suit my own workflow and I haven't wanted to mess up with an ongoing project just for making some later experiments... :) Terrain is not precisely a model or an object in the classic sense, but it's a map of vertices, I mean, a table or grid with X,Y,Z values that is used to sculpt grounds... in Wilbur you could "draw" a lazo selection over some hillside, them use height clip filter or any similar tool to address some fixed value to that piece of terrain, then draw next part of terrace (let's say second floor) and apply the same method, and so on till your terrace is finished... In my experience this is hard to accomplish since you have to make a lot of adjustments in surrounding areas just to avoid it looks unnatural... btw you really have to know what you are doing at this stage... measures, scales, conversion params, etc... With some fine detail grid size, i.e., 4x4 meters, could be easier to get a smooth transition in slopes/terraces... if you try with a lower resolution you could affect performance ingame... EDIT: There is no limit regarding size... in fact, if you may apply some terrace filter to your whole terrain... it would look like a nazca pyramid all over the place :S and it would be easier to smooth those areas without terraces then :) EDIT2: As a matter of fact, may be not so important how large or small vertices are, which is a relative thing regarding your map grid size and max and mix heights. You can make some tests in Wilbur using span filter to get the idea. Then you will see that key factor is proportion between your new terrace and the whole surrounding area... if you are working with bigger heights you may get a headache trying to match a perfect terrace, unless you use some professional tool to make your terrain...
  3. Welcome aboard!!!! Dear McNools, you are dealing with all those things that make our mapper lives a bit difficult and everyone has been asking once with not much success... Besides you can't export objects size, you only can alter this basic setting manually, so I can tell you about this "semi-automatic" procedure to help you somehow: 1) You can make a selection of that specfic object using "SelectObjects.vis" script and then export it as an .exp or .vis file, or whatever extension you want... it shall be a text file anyway, which can be viewed/edited on notepad (i also recommend notepad++) 2) Once you exported those objects you may delete them from your pew... WARNING: Just to be sure that everything will work fine, I suggest to you to make a backup of your pew just in case you mess up with anything, making an undoable mistake. Thus, making a backup you wouldn't lost any former work... 3) Then you can change that specific object size parameter... in this case, go to "Tools" -> "Nature objects..." look for your specific object in the diisplaying list, select it and apply changes by putting a ticket in "Randomize size" located in "Randomize objects" section (it's pretty obvious, but also put a ticket here)... there you can adjust your size with some values that suit your taste... 4) Reimport your .vis, .exp o whatever like text file containing the table of positions regarding your specific object... 5) And there you go, you should launch buldozer to see your new reimported objects with updated size... Hope this helps. Also, I remember that Mikero told me that you could work directly over objects size dealing with some tables or database... but I really can't remember well what exactly was he talking about... just check for his wise comments at skype channels... Cheers!
  4. Robster

    BattleField 3

    We've been looking closer to this one, since I like the topology of maps, I like the animations on characters, specially those regarding running and turning, and I am thinking how to bring all that look and feel to ArmA, which IMO is perfectly possible... In fact, I've been asked for a HD sort of terrain as a lab to try these kind of stuff Also, I paid attention to those soft craters made by explosions on grounds, not that kind of ground object over terrain, but some kind of soft hole... made on the fly... Also I like those incidental voices related to actual situations, is very natural to hear phrases like "reloading" or, more customized, "die you son of a b****"... it doesn't sound robotic and thus is an awesome little improvement... Apart of those, we should look at that damage or destruction system which I guess it's some sort of evolution coming from BC series... at this stage, I couldn't tell if BIS engine could achieve that level of cinematic COD like gameplay... but it's clear that this is a different approach, so what become interesting is to see where BIS guys can go so far, since we've been happily surprised in the past... BTW, I love ArmAverse, but I knew BF first, and I love it too ;) EDIT : I hate how it looks inside a chopper... those HUDs and tilting stuff looks like a nintendo o ps3 sort of game which I consider annoying most of the time... cheers!
  5. Robster

    3D Modeler

    I you want to speed up things you could try with Luxology Modo 401/501 and then go for O2... check out for P3D plugin for Modo in the sticky thread at model editing section... Also there is a plugin for 3DSMAX I guess, so you can start to get faster results... cheers!
  6. Afaik there's no difference between objects. It's only a lite version versus a full version of objects... That's why we didn't address these as required addons, since some people already have full version and we didn't want to force everybody to download this specially considering that we didn't use all those objects found in full version... thus, it's a more efficient way to manage things imo
  7. Yeah! There is an included script dealing with set absolute height, but it could be modified to add/substract some fixed/relative value in Y axis... Initially, you could use select objects to prepare a selection over those out-of-place bushes... Anyhow, I do not know how to make something like that, since I'm not a coder, but I made a little mod in avenue script just to get electric poles not to face roads, so I turn them 90 degree on x axys as you may see them next to raods in clafghan, so it shouldn't be impossible to do...
  8. To me, it seems that you are using a map so huge that Vis3 can't handle it nor even load it... If it's not the case, you could try to convert that XYZ to some other format and/or then go for visitor as a png image. For this purpose, you can use Wilbur which open a nice list of formats, including some standards just like BT (binary terrain) files... if you succeed at this, then you may save your map as a PNG surface (16 bits) and then you can open terrain in vis3... to do this load visitor3 -> open and then move the diplaying files list to pbl (I guess this stands for powerbuilder file format)... This pbl thing is just a text file looking like this (you can copy&paste the blue text and save it as "terrain.pbl" file and then you have a template): [b][color="Blue"]class cfg { PNGfilename="terrain.png";[/color][/b] // here you name "terrain" or whatever your png image file is named, both files, png and pbl, usually are inside terrain folder inside your source folder at p: drive... you know... or should [b][color="Blue"]squareSize=4;[/color][/b] // this is the size of your grid, usually is 10 = 10 meters per pixel [b][color="Blue"]originX=0;[/color][/b] // leave this as is till you know how it works, it will display map starting from left border [b][color="Blue"]originY=0;[/color][/b] // same as above in the Y axis [b][color="Blue"]minHeight=-3;[/color][/b] // if this value is under 0 you will see water... in this example 3 meters depth maximum [b][color="Blue"]maxHeight=8;[/color][/b] // as it says this tells how high will be the highest part of terrain [b][color="Blue"]};[/color][/b] Usually, if you are using XYZ you should know which are your max and min values for your terrain, but if you are not sure, in Wilbur you can go to Surface -> Map Info in case you loaded some BT file or any of those that contain this kind of info... If you have your min and max values right but Wilbur doesn't display terrain as it is, you should go to Filter -> Mathematical -> Span and enter your min and max values, so Wilbur can know where might be water and so... Doing like this you may even use these surfaces to get a mask, well, but that's another story... Hope this helps, Saludines !!! EDIT: And don't forget to always use a power of two square size image as png file ... e.g.: 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, and 4096x4096 as max value EDIT2: This is your very first post!!! Lero lero! Pajarito nuevo!!! :D
  9. That's a config amendment right? How do we do that?
  10. @ArmArrific: Columdrum was talking me about some issues regarding config... we would really appreciate if someone can take a look over config.cpp and look for anything misplaced or wrong... @SickBoy: We've never use dev-heaven space for our own since we do not have any idea about how it works... as said before config will need an update or fix and perhaps there will be a lot of work about it, just to allow full compatibility with actual working addons that require some config... BTW I made copy & paste about enviromental animal life ... but still haven't seen any rabbit over there... sorry guys I'm still a newbie :(
  11. @McNools: I had those same questions and still haven't found an answer... A tip: To avoid placing those bushes or trees where they might look a bit ugly you may use Wilbur: Select -> From terrain -> Flat areas... and then enter allowed variance in degrees (0.125 by default) With this selection already made you can make a mask: Just assign the same value over selection using anything that suits you, i.e., you may use some Filter just like "Height clip" or Fill/Replace, etc, and then export that image as bmp texture to be used in World Tools... This way you will make a selection of those flat areas where you can place your trees or bushes, avoiding heavy slopes... BTW your project is looking good, Mini showed to me some very realistic photos, they look beautiful! dada
  12. AFAIK those roads are not present at all in map, so editor might be calling them from some addtional config file regarding your config (?), cause we have never noticed some warning like that... Anyway, we will track any report informed by all of you since this map is at beta stage and our final goal is to provide a good piece of you know... @Katipo66, please try to keep us informed about any issues regarding this map performance, so we may know what need to be addressed further... @Cameron, concerning those models I believe one of the tree modelers was thinking about updating his work just to fit with A2OA standard, so if that happens we will be watching to come with a new update... Also, I've noticed that some big rocks from A2OA present some shadows issues, and the same goes for all huge objects... but this is where we are at this stage... Many thanks for your reports! Saludos saludetes!!!
  13. Thank you very much for give me permissions to upload my signature !!!
  14. allright! Uruguay 4 - Chile 0 uploading beta hahahaha
  15. come on pals! we got to comply in RL, so this thing takes some time... today mini will fix some objects and i'll apply a quick mask and then we got a beta release... don't rush... anyways, we will keep working in this map after release just to achieve a final better map, so we will appreciate your opinions, support and feedback... BTW this morning i received a new video from Malaco... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECEM8fkTUdI hahahaha
  16. Good morning mates! As some of you might know, I usually make terrains and related stuff, but lately I've been flirting with modelling basics, so I don't get too bored while awaiting for a new map release, i mean, while other guys plant objects over those maps... And I have some questions, regarding my own first model building which counts 2111 polys in 0 resLOD... 1.- How can I fix these black ceilings, at bottom plane of horizontal meshes... ? PIC1: PIC2: Do I have to config some special property on ShadowVolume 0.0 or remaining LODs???? Or do I have to adjust ShadowVolume0.0 behind 0.resolution LOD, I mean to match not same position as 0.resLOD nor being coplanar ?? 2.- Can I use double faced property on ShadowVolume0.0 ? 3. Can I use double faced polys when reducing resLODs? It's good for FPS ? I am thinking of inner walls that you may see from distance, not those walls which wont'be seen at all which I just delete completely... 4. Which is the best size for diffuse map??? 2048x2048px ? This building has 4/5 floors?? Is it wise to use some 4096x4096 diffuse map??? 5. Which LODs must enable shadows or enable merging textures properties...??? I am leaving these ones just for 0.resLOD and ShadowVolume0.0 ... It's ok... ? BTW I still have no clue about rvmats , just coping and pasting another's ones and trying to reach a good looking one by trial... Once I fix this I will go for my working doors and some windows
  17. Thanks, I will try that. Also, I've noticed that many other buildings objects have the same problem on ceiling... they look all black as if they had no texture defined or something like that, so this is related with the amount of light that this plane receive but I haven't found a method to solve this ...
  18. Robster

    LOD system

    clutter display is generated according to each island config and as such is related to grid spacing and lco files, which both correspond to sat picture display also... so, clutter effect coming from an object at some distance certainly will have their own rules, but none of these will apply to real inmap clutter...
  19. and check that your mask uses no more than four colours in every base surface layer (in tut_map is 40x40 meters if I remember well)
  20. Robster

    Wilbur to Visitor Problem

    A tip regarding Wilbur: You may use the SPAN function in FILTERS menu... How does this one works is simple: Just copy and paste your own terrain values obtained from visitor3 (File -> Export terrain as image... then visitor informs you about your max and min heights) So, when you apply this span thing Wilbur will display your map exactly as visitor shows it... with rivers, lakes and sea, in example... Hope it helps, cheers! EDIT: In addition, you may develop some quick experiments with this span, it is useful to stretch or expand your mesh terrain so you can have a first idea about how it would look before reimporting in vis3
  21. I received it from Mini this morning... ATM I'm trying to fix some "details": - A bit of tide over a road - An object that generates a warning (wall3.p3d), - A high bridge that leads nowhere (Malaco: what the h*ll were you thinking of ?) - Some custom objects that must be properly set inside the pbo - Painting some crop fields - Cutting some grass clutter near houses, bridges, etc... It shouldn't take longer, so I hope to release this map in a week or so...
  22. Robster

    Setting the angle

    AFAIK you can rotate on three axes only on VBS2 but neither in A2 :(
  23. I have made maps for A2OA only... but we have used more than a million and a half objects with no lag... as per say, you may use one, two or three objects repeatedly and it will work better than 25 unique objects... In Clafghan we have a forest base with 9 different objects and still no problem, but we have been very cautious and we haven't use any A2 building cause they are troublesome...
  24. eee Do you all remember when I said we would release this one within this month???? wahahahaha!!!! Mini has gone crazy... and he won't let this go yet... not so soon... ;) wmf7A6xB1Ec EDIT: Do not bother please! this is WIP .... Saludos Saludetes !!!!
  25. Good evening mates! How can I get clutter over my infinite (outside) terrain ? Best regards,