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About 7Cav1Clip

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  1. 7Cav1Clip

    Force balance script

    Still at a loss, any ideas?
  2. 7Cav1Clip

    Force balance script

    I would double check, try it and report back ---------- Post added at 17:48 ---------- Previous post was at 16:48 ---------- Well it works but since it uses failmission "Loser"; once it finishes the mission on dom, it stops it for everyone
  3. The script is ment for a dom map to help balance the ratio between pilots and non pilots. It works fine in ACE, (tried a few maps) but not so much in regular OA (again I have tried a few maps besides dom) and no luck. Just looking for ideas or improvements waitUntil {!isNull player}; if ((typeOf player) == "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1") then { _side = side player; _cntNonPil = ({isplayer _x AND (side _x) == _side AND (typeOf _x) != "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"} count playableUnits); _cntPilots = ({isplayer _x AND (side _x) == _side AND (typeOf _x) == "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"} count playableUnits); if ((_cntNonPil/_cntPilots) <= 8) then { player groupChat "Already enough pilots active, you must return to lobby and select another slot within 30 seconds or you will be kicked"; hint "Already enough pilots active, you must return to lobby and select another slot within 30 seconds or you will be kicked"; titleText["Already enough pilots active, you must return to lobby and select another slot within 30 seconds or you will be kicked", "PLAIN", 30]; sleep 15; _cntNonPil = ({isplayer _x AND (side _x) == _side AND (typeOf _x) != "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"} count playableUnits); _cntPilots = ({isplayer _x AND (side _x) == _side AND (typeOf _x) == "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1"} count playableUnits); if ((_cntNonPil/_cntPilots) <= 8) then { _return = [nil,server,"loc",rSPAWN,name player,{failmission "Loser";}] call RE; }; }; };
  4. 7Cav1Clip

    Player UID trigger

    Fits like a glove Thank you much
  5. 7Cav1Clip

    Player UID trigger

    Hrmm, well sort of works. When I walk in, I am fine. When someone else walks in kills everyone including those on the list
  6. 7Cav1Clip

    Player UID trigger

    Error on the condition
  7. A trigger to call UID array. If its a match they can get in trigger area, if not something happens. Currently kills them, eventually just move them to X location. Works with just me and I change the UID in the array but not working once others join. uid = getPlayerUID player; if (uid in masterUIDArray) then {hint "Your good"} else { if (uid != masterUIDArray)} then {_x setdamage 1} foreach(_this select 1); Any ideas?
  8. I use norrins already, it doesn't quite have this ability.
  9. I haven't seen anything like this and have been searching. Looking for a script where you don't die (expect for dramatic damage, like explosion etc). You are incapacitated and only way to be revived is to be medevaced back to base/aid station etc. Trying to come up with a bigger way to get my medics and flight surgeons something to do. To further clarify, say 50% or less damage, can be patched in field, 51 to say 80 needs medievac etc Thank you
  10. With using this add on http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11424 I was looking to make a script where I can walk up to for example a map board, scroll wheel and have all of the opinions to change the Ghillie suit while in game. Any ideas to get this accomplished would be greatly appreciated. Thank you