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Everything posted by stupidwhitekid75

  1. stupidwhitekid75

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    Great work all around, happy about the TAR-21's. :) Are the grenadiers supposed to be using the M4 with M203 though? Seems like the CTAR-21 with M203 would make more sense. The M4 looks really out of place. ---------- Post added at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 PM ---------- I agree as well. Every unit seems to be using ironsights, seems like the holo sight would make more sense for regular infantry and the ACOG for team and squad leaders.
  2. stupidwhitekid75

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    Not now, but this is based in 2035, where they very well could be. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6730 T-80 and BTR-80 models might be worth including down the road. Also, something like an MRAP would be suitable for desert ops, something like this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18130 It could fall into the same "They ripped it off of x and made there own" category. There are a lot of other addons on ArmAholic which would fit very well with the future force..Su-24, Tu22M, etc. Just throwing out some ideas. :)
  3. stupidwhitekid75

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    Yeah, I was pretty sure Vilas had the Galil ARM in a weapons pack somewhere. MG3 would be an even better idea as a replacement for the MG though.
  4. stupidwhitekid75

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    Galil and Tavor sound excellent. I suggested this in another Takistani related project awhile ago and got the whole "blah blah why would they use a zionist weapon" speech. Will you be using the Galil ARM for the Automatic Rifleman class?
  5. stupidwhitekid75

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    I was referring to the SCAR, the SCAR is made by FN as well. I believe the FAL was called, "The Right Arm of the Free World" :)
  6. stupidwhitekid75

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    I don't see why. FN is a Belgian company, so I'm sure if down the road (remember this is 2035) if the Takistani's were interested in the SCAR and had the money for it something could be worked out. Personally though I wouldn't use the SCAR"s, I would use something like the AEK, AK-74 or even something like the AUG. Just to mix things up.
  7. stupidwhitekid75

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    I went into the editor and looked at it close up and they do look a little wide at the sides but oh well, who cares really. The guys still look really cool imo. In the next update do you think you can equip the infantry with NVG's? Would be helpful when using them during night ops. Are you going to add Special Forces units and stuff as well?
  8. Paratroopers would be awesome. Based on the size of the airfield you would think that it would be able to hold bigger and newer planes. Capria doesn't have to be so small...who knows, it could be part of an island chain. Just none of it's other islands are featured in game haha.
  9. stupidwhitekid75

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    I like the helmets. It's a nice change from the regular helmets you usually see in game. A lot of mods seem to use CDF styled helmets already anyways. I think they look cool :cool:
  10. stupidwhitekid75

    Takistani Armed Forces 2035 v0.6b

    This is awesome...truly awesome. I have been waiting for someone (and a few times even tried myself) to do an update to the Takistani forces and better modernize them. Units look really great. In the faction list I would separate all of the 2035 units from the regular units just so it's easier to find things. Something like "Air 2035" ... "Armor 2035" ... etc. I would really think about using some different weapons too. Keep a set of units with the weapons they currently have (FAL, PKM, etc.) but maybe make another set with different, even more modernized weapons. Really excited about this. Can't wait to see what else is in store. Keep up the good work man.
  11. I will try and Redownload tomorrow afternoon sometime. I downloaded both versions you put up, first just the FALO and then the whole mod...FALO pbo was present however when I selected the unit in game it still was equipped with the MG36. It was probably just some weird fluke. I'll let you know tomorrow if the problem is fixed :)
  12. I just downloaded the update but I'm still seeing the Mg36 for the automatic rifleman. No FALO.
  13. Have you thought at all about creating an OPFOR to go against these guys? I know it is Capraian army but an OPFOR would still be cool B) For Photoshop textures, you can search around for brushes like this: http://www.brusheezy.com/brushes/1176-high-res-dirt-brush-set which give you dirt spatter brushes which you can add over top of the base texture. You can mess with the opacity for each layer to give it a layered appearance. I don't know if that helps you any but I thought I'd try. Next update already sounds awesome. Once again keep up the great work :)
  14. Awesome, awesome work. Especially on the infantry units, they all look great. I have some suggestions. Regarding the M117, M60A3, and T-55, I would try and dirty or roughen them up a little bit. They look really clean and shiny - like they are brand new and washed every day haha. Maybe lighten the vehicle textures up just a little bit to help it better match the Capria landscape. Some of the vehicles, like the tanks, seem just a little too dark and are kind of easy to spot. The desert M117 could be a little lighter in color and even have some olive green added to it to help it blend better. That is just my opinion though, I don't know how others might feel about that. I would give regular infantry units the FAMAS with the red dot, or at least the squad leader anyways, and I would replace all of the Special Forces weapons (who're using the FAMAS) with the G36 (either the G36C or G36K). Since they are Special Forces units they need a weapon which will allow them to operate in tighter spaces and also have room for a lot of optional attachments. I would also replace the regular infantry's MG36 with something a little more conventional like the M249. I know it's over used a lot but it is the most sensible weapon really. The MG36 with regular infantry units just seems really out of place to me for some reason. The units could really use some static weapons like a machine gun and mortar. With all of the mortar scripts out lately, mortars seem almost essential in larger scaled firefights. Anyways those are just my suggestions after playing around with it for a little bit. I hope you don't take offense in any way, I was just thinking of things that would be cool/help improve it. I really really love the work you've done, the faction is very unique and really different then most other mods out in game. I've already had a lot of great firefights using these units. Keep up the great work! :)
  15. stupidwhitekid75

    Invasion 1944 v2.6 (CO)

    Would it be possible in the next release to make groups for the winter British Army troops? Nothing overly important, it just makes creating missions a little easier.
  16. stupidwhitekid75

    HETMAN - Artificial Commander

    I also like the idea of being able to call in support. I don't even know that you're able to do this with regular ArmA support waypoints and what not. Whenever I have a medic/ambulance on standby and I find myself or a large part of my squad wounded, I'll call in and ask for support and every time I get a nice firm "NEGATIVE" back from higher command. Quite annoying when you're without a medic and have a leg wound which prevents you from walking. I was also thinking Ryd, would it be possible in future releases to include a trigger which you can name for holding POW's? What I mean by that is: Currently when a unit surrenders on the battlefield, he will raise his hands behind is head and just stand there. If you move far enough away from him, he takes off and bails. What would be kind of cool is if you could designate an area for POW's, and have leaderHQ designate one squad or group to 'retrieve' an enemy each time they surrender and escort them back to the POW zone, while another group guards. It could be made so that if an enemy group gets to that POW area, all of the POW's would essentially flee and try to rejoin their army again. I don't know if any of this is possible and I'm sure it would be difficult to put together, but it would make for some very awesome side missions while the battle is going on (think special forces sneaking around the battlefield, avoiding enemy patrols, finally arriving and liberating all of the captives).
  17. stupidwhitekid75

    Tonali Special Forces 2013 Redux

    These look really nice and I like the concept behind them. Downloading now! :)
  18. stupidwhitekid75

    Arma 2 DLC? PMC, BAF or ACR?

    Both content and campaign wise, I'd say BAF is a winner for sure. Wonderful units, and I felt that the campaign was the first ArmA 2 campaign which I really enjoyed playing through. Content wise I was not happy at all with what PMC came with, however the campaign is long and sort of fun during some of the missions. ACR was great content wise, lots of new stuff to use, but the campaign isn't really that great imo. Be warned: while ACR comes with a lot of stuff, some of the content has problems (sound problems, one of the trucks dismounts you way to high and you find yourself wounded, etc.)
  19. I believe Vilas has a G36 pack, or some kind of Western Weapons pack anyways, that has all the G36's you'd need. Standard G36K for Team/Squad Leaders, standard G36 for most rifleman, G36 with AG36 grenade launcher for grenadier, and possibly a G3 with scope as a marksman rifle. I'm out of ideas for what you could use as an Automatic Rifleman primary, but for your Machine Gunner you could use the MG3 which (I believe) is also in that weapons pack. FAMAS sounds cool too for the primary. Maybe you could create a special forces group that uses them or something. I know the French Point mod has some really cool FAMAS variants with all kinds of scopes and thermal sights, etc.
  20. M16/M4 seems to be used a lot in game. Something like the AUG or G36 would be nice to see for a change :) As far as tanks go, you could use something like the Leopard 1A5 or the M60A3. These tanks here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13456 would be really out of place but I certainly haven't seen any mods use them in game which would allow yours to be more unique. Just some ideas.
  21. stupidwhitekid75

    Frozen Skies:War In The East

    Wow, great work man. Can't wait to see what the infantry look like. Keep it up!!! :)
  22. stupidwhitekid75

    Frozen Skies:War In The East

    Boy, you guys work fast!
  23. stupidwhitekid75

    Frozen Skies:War In The East

    Great! Glad to see someone is working on this and hopefully we can see it in game. I love the Eastern Front. If you're interested in bringing U.S., British and German troops in game, see if you can cooperate with the Invasion 1944 team, they may be able to help you out (here is a link to their thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131613-Invasion-1944-v2-6-(CO). I especially love the idea of Finnish, Romanian and Italian troops making it into the game some time. I would suggest that you make these factions have higher priority over the U.S. and British so that players can have something new and unique (there are already two existing WW2 mods for ArmA that have both U.S. and British factions...Invasion 1944 and Hell in the Pacific....however no released mods that I know of have Italian, Finnish or Romanian troops). As far as maps go, I would focus on an area during the beginning of Barbarossa. I would make a small map to go with your first release so that your project does not begin overly ambitious. Make it just large enough for decent infantry combat that is also capable of some light tank combat. If you check out Invasion 1944's "Battle of the Bulge" map, I believe that would probably be a good sized map to go off of. I think the name of this mod is fine as is, when I first saw it I originally thought it would be something to do with aircraft and the Eastern Front but it works. Keep up the good work guys, I'm really looking forward to this!
  24. stupidwhitekid75

    Project RACS

    I think he means the effects that come with ACE when you go flying. Sometimes when you're using ACE with non-ace planes your player starts to black out when you trying to make even a slight turn. It's very annoying. Simple solution though...disable ACE! Your planes are pretty awesome wld427 :) defiantly my favorite.
  25. stupidwhitekid75

    HETMAN - Artificial Commander

    There was an earlier version on Armaholic which was corrupted. Maybe you should try to redownload and see if it makes a difference. I think I misunderstood your problem and didn't read your post well enough the first time around so ignore me...