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Everything posted by sgtice

  1. sgtice

    Opinions on manual gun cocking?

    Aww yeaaaaa. We winnin.
  2. sgtice

    Opinions on manual gun cocking?

    If it's going to be ingame it should be forced. It's not a whole lot to ask everyone to play with the same set of rules. It's unfair however to do ask them to do it differently.
  3. sgtice

    Linking ArmA 3 with DCS/Combat Helo/Steal Beast

    Too lazy to research the concept but sounds interesting. I LIKE IT!
  4. sgtice

    Training from Amerca's Army Games in ArmA3

    Not true. Someone actually managed to stop a persons bleeding and give them first aid in real life because of that class. I learned quite a bit which I ended up using in a first aid class years later. Anyway on topic for a while I wanted AA training to but it dosen't really fit into ArmA, however it could be tweaked to work with it such as a camp which I love to build. The medical type training could be crunched easily to give you what you really need to know, however you may call the long lectures useless, but it's all about repetition. if you see it, hear and do it. you learn better. As for training though in the general sense you'd likely get some pre deployment training or in the US Army you will have refresher courses every 4-6 months sometimes more space in between. Seen Black Hawk Down? training not too far away from the warzone.
  5. What would be the exact point of making a whole new game just to have cities. I have been waiting for a city for ever and urban warfare is my favorite, but creating a whole new game similar to ArmA is not nearly as easy as you seem to think it is. It took them over 10 years just to get to where ArmA 3 almost is. They could just keep improving the engine and one day give us bigger cities for one or give us an island that's mostly just a huge city but on a smaller scale. I'd be happy with that.
  6. sgtice

    Controls improvment

    No. For one that limits your FoV, so I can only turn so far that should be deployable due to the fact you need to pull it down into the ready position. However, as far as controls go they need to have 1,2,3,4,5, etc. for the weapons or let us map them like that. I'm tired of pressing F to cycle my weapons RoF to. Just let it be F or something for the weapon i've got it if it allows for it.
  7. You opened with Ghost in the Shell. I was wondering at first what that had to do with a city which really has nothing to do with it especially for those that don't watch it.
  8. sgtice

    Automatic Updates

    There's no real need for such a system since it takes away from the development of things that are a lot more important, and auto updates are quite minisqule when you could just take a look every few months.
  9. sgtice

    Major issue with multiplayer

    PR is not moving to A3 until about two years after. They plan to exhaust the current engines limits first, said info can be found on the PR forums. www.realitymod.com
  10. sgtice

    ARMA3 - A Slice of Fried Gold.

    Doing so is already possible however, most Mission designers are just too lazy to do so. All you need is high command to be set up properly and then all the Sls can communicate via the Command channel
  11. Because the scales fall off at extreme temperatures, aka. desert environments like iraq & afghanistan.
  12. If they put in all the features instead of 12 guys, 4 vehicles and a few guns. I'd more then likely actually pay for the DLC. But it needs to be PR quality.
  13. SCARs and ACRs would be quite nice, and still seeing the M16A2 & A4s lying around as well as maybe some M4 & M4A1s
  14. sgtice

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    M16A2s and A4s Ability to mod your gun as you go through the battlefield Remove your scope to switch to ironsight quickly on the field Hiding your pistol if it's your only weapon or put it into a holster Fast ropes Rappeling Grappling Hooks A climb over feature Smoother gameplay, so I don't feel like a robot Animations that aren't slow as hell. Animations that make me feel like i'm in the military not an 80 year old man Maybe the ability to build your own barracades Loading equipment into vehicles Being able to construct a FOB in MP, with wires, h-barriers, hedgehog steel Wire cutters Some C4 that can be used for breaching doors/blowing up walls. A sliding animation Flashbangs, and wall hugging Attachable and detachable silencers, like Rainbow six. Animations for a human ladder to boost people over high walls or onto rooftops. More fortifications in the editor that can be used for making FOBs.
  15. So with this can we or in the future will we be able to broadcast or own voice, say for Training and set it up to broadcast over the ingame speakers?
  16. Simply put is there a way to lock a gate so that only specific units can open it?
  17. Anyone know or care to chime in on how BIS did that dust in the first PMC mission, where half the buildings are destroyed and dust is everywhere cutting down on your visibility.
  18. Riser did you spawn in the static C-130 everytime? Because i'm having problems where at times my guys will spawn outside at times.
  19. Is there a way I could modify it to a 3rd approach of respawning with a custom loadout minus the save loadout? And during my tests I get all the items back.
  20. Is there anywhere that the Automatic loading of crates/Load and unload from domi can be found in a stand alone state? Can't seem to find anything with a respawn function or a spawning crates function. If anyone has such info PM it to me thanks.
  21. As far as the script it respawns with the weapons, mags, backpack and contents you had when you spawned. I was wondering how to do the same with the items, like your watch, map, etc. I tried tinkering with it last night and couldn't get it to work And to clarify the 1st page script is now respawn with what you had when you died rather then started the mission with right?
  22. As far as adding items that you spawn with, say you removed GPS and Map from some people, etc. What would you need to add into that script?
  23. Any idea's why when you do so with a weapon it seems to be clientside rather then global as far as someone grabbing the weapons. When i've tried running it like that everyone grabs the same weapon, so it goes from 1 to around 8. Everyone can grab it even after someone else does and its not on that persons screen anymore
  24. Anyone know why the lights won't work inside the static C130's unless they are at around 4.7 Brightness? Trying to make it dark inside with just enough light to see, not really working out.