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About WingmanSR

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. WingmanSR

    Is Arma 3 going to feel desolate?

    Is Dslyecxi behind one of those bushes? Did he pop out and shoot you in the face right after this picture was taken? THAT would be authentic! =P
  2. WingmanSR

    Customizable Soldier Load ( seriously?? )

    fixed... In that same vein then, I hope subsonic 5.56 rounds are gone, and suppressor simulation is closer to reality. In all the firearms material I've read, the only subsonic 556's cartridges I've heard of are custom handloads, which would be almost useless in an engagement. Might as well be shooting a Ruger 10/22 with a can screwed on the end.
  3. WingmanSR

    Customizable Soldier Load ( seriously?? )

    I like the ability to alter how your weapon in configured, however, I really hope that you can't change optics in the field. You should have to do it at an armorer or some sort of supply point, being that the optic would have to be bore-sighted every time you changed. Same thing with m203 and laser marker, though you could choose to remove/add laser without having it accurately sighted in the field, if you so choosed. I would LOVE to see the IR laser have all the different modes as in IRL, like flood, adjustable brightness, AND hopefully the beam will not abruptly end at 200m like now in A2. I believe the m320 GL can be removed and replaced at will, as the leaf sight is integral. That reminds me; BIS, working leaf/quadrant sights for grenade launchers, as well as working adjustable sighting systems for AT weapons, as in RPG-7 and AT-4. Pretty please....with sugar on top? I love the idea of removing/adding a suppressor at will, though, as well as other gadgets like a taclight. A different inventory system, similar to the way ACE handles rucks now, would also be welcome =D Seeing as I've gone all ADHD in this post, I'll suppress the urge to continue with other technical, gameplay-oriented improvements that I would love to see....it's difficult though....
  4. I have attempted to use that very same launcher, but I get the same problem. :confused: Interesting, I had taken Dwarden's post as confirmation that this was a steam limitation. So, from what you said about Windows itself being the limiting factor, I suppose the only issue with steam is that the file path to Arma2OA.exe is much longer than it would be with a dvd version installed in the base directory of the HDD, ie "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Arma2OA.exe" versus "C:\arma 2\Arma2OA.exe". and thus consumes more of the command line character limit. Is there a technical reason why Windows cannot/will not allow more than aprox. 260 characters in the target? Is it simply a "design decision" as in Microsoft assumes no one could possibly need to add enough launch parameters to the target line to get to 260 characters? I ask this more out of curiosity as I have already found a satisfactory solution in the form of oktane's symlink.
  5. Thank you for the input, Dwarden. Personally, I have used the link provided by oktane to merge the arma 2 files into the operation arrowhead directory, and now I can skip using the modline method and activate/deactivate mods directly within the UI "expansions" option on the main menu. It worked beautifully. I simply ran operation arrowhead vanilla, then activate arma 2 as a mod and presto, you now have combined ops. Checking with valve on increasing their command line relay length would be awesome. There are quite a few steam users who would benefit from this.
  6. Great find, MulleDK19. Yeah, steam says it's launching but never gets to the "checkbox" window. That mod line is from a launcher, I just clicked check all, and manually removed the mods I rarely use. Just your good ole' fashioned ID-10T user error. Now, where IS that 'any' key...?:cool: I'm pretty much already doing that, Techno. I really want the ability to cherry pick which mods I'm using. I'll try the symlink method mentioned by oktane first. It seems like the simplest solution, but that mod launcher looks awesome. I'm definitely going to have to play around with that. edit: thanks for making the NoBlur mod, oktane!
  7. WingmanSR

    grenade launcher & misc stuff

    Incorrect, the "red dot" on the EGLM underbarrel grenade launcher is adjustable in the field in real life, it's called a "quadrant sight". The operator turns the sight up or down to match the range of the target. there are range marking on the sight for ranges from 50 to 400m, in 25m increments. A picture can be found at this link. How this works is, for example, you have a target at 200m. You turn the sight to 200m, now when you aim the red dot straight at the target, the weapon is tilted at the correct angle upwards to launch the grenade that distance. I think the problem with this ingame is animating the weapon to tilt upwards independently of the unit/player looking at an upward angle, which in my opinion, could be done with a 2d overlay when you go into sight-mode with the GL selected. 3d shouldn't even be that hard, the small dev team for america's army 3 made the 320(not a misspelling of 203, 320 has an integral leafsight, like the one on BAF weapons. 203 uses the front sight post of the rifle) leaf sight work perfectly, and that game is free. Just make the rifle tilt, BIS! I don't even care if it's floating in midair in front of me. Regardless, the ACE 2 addon has a decent work around for this. You simply use the GL ironsight, select a range like using a sniper rifle, aim the front sight post at the target and fire. BANG, first round hit. That works for me.
  8. ahh, bummer, I was really hoping there was some mystical, arcane wizardry hidden amongst the bis forum denizens. I do now wish I had purchased CO on dvd, for this situation and the fact that I have to move my whole steam folder to SSD instead of just the Arma 2 directory. thanks for the idea carl, I'll give it a go. Otherwise, it's back multi-mod folders.
  9. Hello, I have combined operations plus BAF, all purchased from STEAM. I have about 40 mods, I am using Arma II launcher v1.4 and running on Windows 7 64bit. I ran into a problem when I was adding "@mod"'s to the .cmd file that is used to run the steam version of combined operations, where it appears it cannot be more than a certain number of characters long. So my solution was to combine mods into broad mod category folders(ie @panthera. @Fallujah, @SAP_everon, etc all in an @Islands folder). Doing this allowed every mod I use to work together without issue. Enabling/Disabling mods via the in game UI does not function. Loaded mods via shortcut method are greyed out. Unloaded mods simply do not appear on the list. I believe this has to do with the .cmd file used to run Combined Operations. My problem is, I want each mod in an individual folder, with the ability to run all or some or none of the mods. I have all the RH weapon mods, for example, and want the option to load these individually. The reason for this is mission editing mainly; I do not want a mission that has f16's require the f14 mod, simply because I have combined them into an @Air folder, although I can remove it from the mission.sqm, I still want them individual for simplicity and organization. I thought that using a launcher would allow me to do so, but after taking 1.5hours to delete the combined mod folders and re-extract the .7z's, I am having the same issue when running all mods(steam window: "Preparing to launch ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead..." it progresses no further than this when the -mod= line exceeds an unknown length.) It appears the launcher is just a visual manner of adding -mod=. Is this an inherent limitation of windows 7 64, steam or arma 2 itself? Is running the mods in combined folders my only option? What exactly is the maximum number of @mods or characters I can add to the target/.cmd? I'm sorry for writing an essay, but I like to be crystal clear and provide as much detail as possible. Any information regarding my questions in the paragraph above will be appreciated. Regards Edit: this is what my mods line looks like with each mod in a separate folder:
  10. :j: Thats what I said... ::discretely edits post:: Thank you for pointing that out to me, apparently my logic was backwards. I was thinking you had to establish the variable as public before it is activated, but then how could it sync the variable if it doesn't actually "exist" yet. silly.
  11. To anyone else interested in making stealth oriented missions with AI detection and alarm triggers this is how I finally got this to work (might seem a bit crude/sloppy to a more seasoned mission designer :-p ) Trigger 1 - This trigger should cover the whole area where you want the AIplayer(s) to be able to trigger the detection trigger.(note: if you are detected outside the trigger area, this trigger will activate as soon as you enter the area.) -name : DetVarSwitch -Activation : link the trigger to player group using "group", select "any group member" on the activation drop down menu, set to "detected by OPFOR" -condition : this -On activation : A1 = true;publicVariable "A1" /*edited*/ You need to set " publicVariable "A1" " to sync the variable with other players in a multiplayer mission. You can add publicVariable "A1" to another trigger, but I'm fairly sure it has to be set BEFORE "A1 = true" to work properly. Edit: Thank you for correcting my usage of "publicVariable", shk. :) Trigger 2 - This trigger should enclose the whole area where there are AI you want to be alerted. -Name = DefineAI /*can be whatever you want, but this is important*/ -Activation : OPFOR, present -condition : A1 (make sure you remove the word "this") -on act. : {_x reveal t1; _x reveal t2; _x setBehaviour "COMBAT"; _x setCombatMode "YELLOW"; _x setSpeedMode "NORMAL"} forEach list DefineAI; This is why the name of the trigger is important(DefineAI). You can set whatever trigger area you want the AI to be alerted in, just have to name the trigger and reference it here. You also should name the player units you want revealed to the AI, if you want their positions revealed. Here you can see I named them "t1" and "t2". Now, you might like to add an alarm sound when you are detected, which is pretty simple. trigger(s), set the size to "axis a:0" "axis b:0" -name:whatever -activation : none -condition : A1 effects > Trigger > scroll down to "Alarm"(the first one) you can put as many of these as you want around the area to have alarms coming from different buildings or towers. I hope this was helpful to any other novice mission designers! :) Regards
  12. Thank you all for your input, this should set me down the right path for my current project. Regards.
  13. I want to have opfor vehicles that need to be sabotaged during a night ops, and while just settinging empty>shillka would be fine, my anal-retentiveness is slightly annoyed that blowing up "empty" armor shows a negative kill count. Edit(1): I did originally have takistani army shillkas in the mission, but they still showed up as yellow/neutral on the map after they were "detected".
  14. I know you can place down empty vehicles by choosing the "empty" side, but for my current project, I would like them to be OpFor controlled, with no crew inside. I would like the crew to exit vehicle on mission start and then the crew is deleted. I don't think "dogetout", "unassignvehicle" and "deletegroup" would work, because I can't access the units inside the vehicle in the editor to define them with names. If anyone could provide me with some guidance, I would be very appreciative :)
  15. Thank you for your help SNKMAN! I didn't expect a response so quickly :D. yeah, t1 and t2 are the players. I have tried your suggestion, but it seems that the OPFOR patrols remain in "AWARE" mode. Could this be because of their waypoint cycle, which is a "move(sync to infil trigger):aware, open fire"? Maybe if I remove the behavior from the waypoint and place "this setBehaviour aware" in init field of the patrol group leaders it would fix it. going to try it. Edit(1): Once I'm a bit more sure of what I'm doing, I will start to use .SQF files. For now, while I'm learning, using "init" and "on act" fields lets me adjust things quickly in the editor and fix my errors.