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Everything posted by hadoancuong

  1. this mod have bug when i active it with b52 mk82, this mod b52 mk82 cannot open object rktweapon, please fix its
  2. I have error " Addon cba_xeh_oa requires CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E", i had arma 2 combine and beta patch required. Please help!!
  3. hadoancuong

    TMT Azerbaijan Mod

    amored 2s1, 2s2 and 2s3 can't fire arty computer and fire in position, please fix it :(
  4. hadoancuong

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    How to disable MMA for only my airplane?
  5. hadoancuong

    Visitors for Arma2

    ohh,really, i didn't known it
  6. hadoancuong

    Visitors for Arma2

    so sad, need addon UFO, for make missions as independent day :((
  7. hadoancuong

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    yes, i known, but i can't switch between AGM with AIM, i can only AGM :(, problem with F18!!!
  8. hadoancuong

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    how to use AIM for F18??? i'm only use AGM camera to fire, i can't use missile AA
  9. hadoancuong

    MBG Window of opportunity

    Can I use it in editor map???
  10. hadoancuong

    MBG Window of opportunity

    where supplied missions??
  11. hadoancuong

    MBG Window of opportunity

    nobody help me???:confused:
  12. hadoancuong

    MBG Window of opportunity

    how to active it in editor??please help
  13. hadoancuong

    MBG Window of opportunity

    sorry! is this mod for MP not for SP???
  14. Who can make addon transformer????
  15. hadoancuong

    M109A6 Paladin v1.1 (UPDATED)

    too difficult to fire, ex: target altitude :(
  16. hadoancuong

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    I read, but I didn't found key tab
  17. hadoancuong

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    how to change tab key default in mando missile?
  18. Arma 2 don't have many addon about UFO, Alien...Anybody don't like battles between human and Alien?:)
  19. hadoancuong

    Star Trek Addons

    I like it, hope soon release
  20. hadoancuong

    Visitors for Arma2

    when you finish?
  21. hadoancuong

    addon UFO, Stargate, Alien...

    @wolfbite: oh, i need addon, i can't do it :(
  22. Arma 2 don't have many addon about UFO, Alien...Anybody don't like battles between human and Alien?I want addon UFO :X