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Everything posted by BobcatBob

  1. Except the product you just listed has a FOV of 45 degrees, I don't want to have the experiance of my regular monitor shoved in my face, getting actual peripheral vision from the 110 degree FOV would really enhance the experiance and be why I might be willing to buy one of those things (It certainly would be better than needing 3 whole monitors with those stupid gaps to get a less immersive effect in the end anyways) And headphones can fit on right over it, which is good enough for me, but im not exactly an audiophile... and unless I see one with retina display coming anytime soon I really won't be able to tell the difference between 720p and 1080p unless I look for it to nitpick.
  2. BobcatBob

    Development Blog & Reveals

    BI should probably get back to releasing them...
  3. "Why is the resolution of the Rift developer kit so low (720p)? While it’s true that the developer kit uses a relatively low-resolution screen (1280x800), we promise it delivers a compelling, immersive 3D experience. And to be clear, we plan on improving the resolution of the screen for the consumer version. Stay tuned for more details!" Taken from the kickstarter page FAQ
  4. BobcatBob

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Have any of the test machines you guys used for A3 included the latest GFX cards ala GTX680/GTX690, if yes, how many of the video-options that depend primarily on the GPU were you able to put on high-very high?
  5. BobcatBob

    jet fighter sp missions

    How about a timed ground attack run, (When the war really heats up later in the campaign) where you get random radio messages for CAS all across Limnos with increasing urgency from the ground forces, (Some optional and CRITICAL taskings) with a few "Danger Close" calls where extra percision (and maybe a little luck) are required to ensure your buddies don't get blown to bits aswell. If you get shot down and survive, drop you weapons and get captured by the Iranians, you may then play as a SF rescue team if you want to add in those elements of choice and consequence to the campaign. (Of course, if you can S.E.R.E yourself out of the frying pan and make your way to a pickup point then no rescue op would be neccesary :))
  6. BobcatBob

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I honestly will be really dissapointed in A3 if there is no 3D mission editor, it was confirmed and clearly trumped up at E3 2011, BI already put in a framework for A2 that they could build off of, and they could use the VBS2 3D editor for guidance on where they want there end product to be around. I get that, especially for a indipendant studio like BI they often have to make cutbacks on promises they thought they could keep (Devs with lots more people and money do the same aswell) but I just really just can't shrug my shoulders like the other times and not let it bother me because this is way too much. PLEASE for god's sake put the 3D editor in BI, It's a really important feature to me!
  7. BobcatBob

    Will ARMA3 feature realistic tank armor?

    God please be real...
  8. BobcatBob

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Good god man. This is why I love all you guys at BI! Even if it takes until Arma 4 I'll still buy as much of your stuff as I can, truly amazing effort and communication with community and you're VERY generous with the pricing of your content too. Wonderful! Seeing as we will all DEFINATLY support you for many years to come, I wonder what that "much more" means!:)
  9. BobcatBob

    Interactive Smoke

    Could some major overhaul allowing existing particles to be manipulated be a possibility for future ARMA's or is it not at all practicle/posssible?
  10. BobcatBob

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Some new friendly advice when it comes to recomended PC specs from our friend Dwarden! (over at Rock Paper Shotgun comments section) "think more about DX11 cards with 1GB VRAM as minimum, that’s safer (so HD5770 and GTX460)"
  11. BobcatBob


    So I forgot, does the inclusion of physx mean it will be possible for modders to allow the player walk around in moving vehicles even if BI do not allow us to in Vanilla, because if such a basic (yet really cool) feature had been implimented I think it would've been spelled out by-now?
  12. BobcatBob

    Aiming Accuracy in Arma 3

    I feel the poll options are a bit wierd I want shooting to be more REALISTIC, so yes, that would mean make shooting more difficult at longer ranges (wind, proper breathing simulation) however Close Quarters should be MUCH easier to do. Weapon bob in arma is insane, especially while aiming and moving!
  13. Fuck yeah babay!!! Whooo!!! We did it!!!
  14. Here is a viral video telling about the horrible crimes against humanity that this man (the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army) has committed. Despite the fact that these atrocities have been occurring for over two decades almost no-one (until recently) knew what was happening or was willing to take any decisive action. The movement has been gaining alot of traction now and because I did not see any thread about it on these forums I felt I should write about it here for those who do not know. This man must be stopped!
  15. BobcatBob

    Medal of Honor - Warfighter

    Looks to me like Act of Valor the video game (But with a better, more realistic story and better "acting" obviously :)) I hope they make the friendly AI a tad bit more effective as well so you feel more like a TEAM of operators instead of one operator and 4 other mildly-competent guys.
  16. Holy Crap. I just looked at that link and there is NO WAY that man is going to get his funding goal by that deadline...and it looked so fucking awesome too. My inner gamer has just died a thousand times over now :( I'm just so disappointed, and the worst of it is I'm not even surprised. God damn.
  17. Can we start with the physcics first for the Community Alpha? :) I want to blow up satchels and watch ragdolls fly everywhere!!! Or freefall into a stack of crates and see what happens...O.O
  18. BobcatBob

    Josppeh Kony's crimes against humanity

    Just so people are clear I am not suggesting anyone should give money to this particular charity, but I just felt this video was a "interesting" way of letting people know of the situation (which they should) and at least spread awareness so that we can provoke action from somwhere in some shape or form, not neccesarily supporting the Ugandan Army, but (best case scenario in my book) maybe a world power would send a small group of SOF personell to directly combat the LRA (I have no idea how many or what unit would really be up to the task realistically) whenever it needs to, ONLY to arrest/kill Kony since he seems to have such a hold on the group I think it would severly limit the whole group's moral/willingness to fight (especially if he were paraded and ridiculed to all hell).
  19. BobcatBob

    Test about test

    This testing dev response time. 1..2..3...
  20. BobcatBob

    Foliage cover and drawing distance?

    OH. My. God. That game looks incredible! So glad I found out this existed!!!!!:):):):)
  21. BobcatBob

    Opinions on manual gun cocking?

    I voted for the manual cocking for above etc. But I'm really unsure how much of a nice little extra challenging immersive/realistic feautre this will be over just a regular PITA. I couldn't possibly form an educated opinion without trying it out for myself. So in the event that it does become just more of an annoying hassle, I would like manual cocking for everything, to be an option, regardless of difficulty. (If it were to even be implemented)
  22. BobcatBob

    Community Nutritional Information

    Wow! Thanks for the Reply RiE! Awesome!
  23. BobcatBob

    Community Nutritional Information

    Any chance I can ask for an ETA on the next dev blog without getting scoffed at?:o I know, I know, just wondering if we actually can expect at least one every month or week or sumthing:)
  24. BobcatBob

    Near death experiences/intense situations.

    None yet, thank God.
  25. BobcatBob

    Future expansions

    Though I appreceaite your train of thought maionaze, and your double-entendre, If after looking up S.E.X I find I want it. I would buy surely buy any other base video-game that required me to get the expansion along with it. If I can just get SEX I would as it would be cheaper to buy one "game" then the base game as well as the add-on. So there. :{)