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Everything posted by x3kj

  1. x3kj

    ARMA 3 OPFOR Discussion Thread

    make that +1 I love playing on the russian side, especially infantry. Tacticool Ameuropean gear became boring to me ages ago. They all use the same stuff.
  2. x3kj

    Things you wish NOT to have in the game!

    What i don't want to see: Tanks going into "lubed ice skating mode" when pressing left/right while moving forward without applying gas as well... I mean i got used to it and can kinda control it now but geez...
  3. x3kj

    Warfare BE

    That sounds nice in theory, although i don't think the aerial recon/ FO /Snipers or Logistics would work for AI like you would expect from a "real" unit... Unless you do some hardcore game redesigning (i guess). I wouldn't want to rely on an AI Team with AI commander that is the only one with support trucks (fuel, ammo, repair). Commanding them directly can be frustrating enough (road? what road? i'll take a shortcut and climb that freakin mountain with my truck... whoops flipped over because of a pebble. Propably best if i don't tell the boss.) How about giving Field commanders the ability to build a small outpost/commandpost - for money -(Bunker or something) that gives the Teamleaders of that Fieldcommander the option to spawn there. That way the Teamleaders could get closer to the action if the "frontlines" have already advanced quite a bit from the mainbase without relocating the mainbase. Perhaps some conditions to prevent abuse (i.e. not within 500m of a Town, not further then 3km from mainbase,...) and an appropriate amount of buildtime, similar to basebuildings. Should be destroyable of course. Only one such post for each Fieldcommander, the old post has to be demolished before a new one can be build. If a post is demolished/destroyed it takes xyz seconds until that FC can build another one. Edit: Hm ok, just noticed that it's not very helpfull if only the Teamleaders can respawn there. What if the Teamleader could respawn there and buy Infantrie units at this post. They get built by the closest mainbase. After the buildtime it takes some more time until the units spawn at the oupost (to represent the transportation), depending on the distance to the mainbase. This would make playing Infantrie alot less of a pita if you want to get back into action.
  4. Hi, i've opened up a dedicated server and used the same addons as startup that i use for my client, but the Game keeps telling me that "blaa are not signed by a key accepted by this server etcetc". What did i do wrong? Server and Client are in the same folder, so their files are exactly the same :confused:
  5. How do i set up a dedicated server on my PC so it can run with the client as well? I've seen numerous "there are plenty of guides" in plenty of answers, yet all they do is link to long gone sites and dead ends... I'm searching since 2 hours and haven't found a single guide that covers the important details. What parameters do i have to use for the executables? how do i command my dedicated server (i used the server exe that comes with the game), is there some kind of console for commands?
  6. How do i set it up as lan server? How should i distribute the cores (quadcore)?
  7. x3kj

    Warfare BE

    Combined Operation mission version-> combined units. Edit: About the "too many town spawns if many AI pilots" - how about a larger extra radius around the town? If a unit wants to trigger AI in that town (and enable capture mode), it needs to be in that large radius for a certain amount of time. Only then it will trigger town units (if the attacker is in normal town spawn range as well). This will prevent townspawn if someone just boosts above a town with jet/heli.
  8. Oh and another bug - i shot a T80BVK in the rear hull, 7 hits with RPG-7VL When i entered it, all parts of the tank showed status red, but it was still fully operational. And a minor thing - if the select UBR ammo in the BMP, it still shows as HE on the ammo counter. Would be nice to have an indicator of what ammo you have loaded in the T80 too
  9. I think i found a Bug, the T80B (all of them) commander can't aim up/down, this makes it basically impossible to check distance with the sigths and assign targets to the gunner. The sound of the engine is a bit weak, if i'm standing right next to one my footsteps are way louder, and it sounds more as if another tank would be driving somewhere in the distance.
  10. yay, love them russkies! I'm bored by the tacticool christmastree blufor stuff, so this is exactly what i was looking for, thanks for your hard work.
  11. Open editor, place me a fennek and take a nice long drive through lemnos. Followed by a helicopter, plane and underwater trip.
  12. x3kj

    Higher altitudes?

    Quantity isn't Quality. I don't think playing infantry in take-on would be very pleasant, unless you want OFP charm. For Take-On it's sufficient, it's a flightsim after all. But not for Arma3.
  13. x3kj

    Higher altitudes?

    guess why! because it's not a dedicated flightsim. To make it look like in the vid above you would need 1000's of km² of landscape
  14. Here's John Carmacs behind-close-doors E3 demo. Very impressive, would actually enable me to finally use 3D. The current technology is just either not convincing or gives headaches. Giving support to the unfinished product is obviously not possible. But once this is out, it would be awesome to have it (copied from the other thread, just because i think it is very interesting to hear carmac's explanation)
  15. x3kj

    AI Improvement

    ordering to a house position is not entering it nor fighting in it.
  16. x3kj

    Development Blog & Reveals

    i'm afraid it won't get "realtime" because of performance issues.
  17. x3kj

    AI Improvement

    *takes a look at 1.60 and 1.62 patchnotes* ... what did you just say?
  18. for competitive play i think the best compromise is doing 2 games with teamswitch inbetween. As long as there is a base balance between forces (no copy paste balance :j:) that should work. It's called Mi-28 ...
  19. x3kj

    jet fighter sp missions

    Transportmissions should be in, yeah. Would be a good exercise for Multiplayer if you are new to the game. The player should be tought that those vehicles are valuable - instead of the battefield tactic: fly above targetzone, eject. Well, then give the player more then 2 targets so he has to use his board weapons too =P From a gameplay perspective you wouldn't gain anything from that imo. Even if the island is bigger, the action will still be only in a small zone
  20. x3kj

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    woof woof! good one.
  21. x3kj

    jet fighter sp missions

    Hunt area missions are lame imo. If you want to have fun in the air in SP you need real action on the ground too - shooting convoys that just travel a certain route is boring target practise. But if you have to support your ground forces in the battle, the targets are not always predictable in their movement, you have to take care about not shooting friendlies, approach in a good direction, etc etc. It only gets interesting if you can see the ground forces struggle from above, and most important: hear their radio reports. Otherwise it's just point, shoot, "you won", without atmosphere at all - like in the arma 2 armory.
  22. x3kj

    AI Improvement

    well, we got quite some patches for Arma2, with many AI issues beeing fixed. I don't think it was just because they felt like it, but because they wanted to improve it for Arma 3 - and decided that it was fair to share it with Arma 2 customers since it's the same AI more or less.
  23. x3kj

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    In that case we would have to look at the bright side: The "scifi"-haters couldn't complain about it beeing fiction anymore.
  24. x3kj

    AI Improvement

    E3 didn't show a plane in action, does that mean they can't be manually controlled? ... seriously dude the showoff was supposed to show off (surprise!) action and not the full game. What's the point in showing how good the AI can hide behind bushes and having the visitor crouch through the hole village for 30min in order to find the damn AI, with 10 other people waiting behind you to play. They were certainly set to aggressive and attack to enforce action.
  25. x3kj

    Opinions on manual gun cocking?

    I don't see the point of manual cocking for automatic weapons. You hit reload, then you have to cock manually. Why? You always have to do it, it's part of the reloading procedure that you have to do anyway. There's no reason why you would want to delay it. And since weapons don't jam there's absolutely no reason why you would need to cock your weapon apart from reloading in this game (as gun safety is non existant). Its like pressing W to move your leg up in the Air, and then you have to push W again to put it on the ground to make a step. Or push a doorknob down and then having to push a hotkey again to open the door :j: And most modern automatic weapons have a boltcatch so the only time you actually have to cock is at mission begin. That's wasted development efford. If there was gun jaming or gun safety then yes - otherwise no, pointless.