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About Servoinvicem

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    Private First Class
  1. Servoinvicem

    Ambient Combat Module

    No i was simply referring to the fact that the ACM spawns units around the unit its synced to.. meaning the center of the spawn area is the synced unit.
  2. It supposedly has more advanced coding doing more. But the only difference I have noticed personally is the default civs. Expansion defaults to takistani civs while the normal one gives you chernarus civs.
  3. Other than what they do and how often is kinda random so sometimes they do more than other times.. I've noticed alot less civilian action on Takistan map if your doing that. Also it usually takes them a few mins of being out before they start going on their "daily routine" so if your constantly moving then your just gonna see them coming out of their houses as thats the first thing they do when they spawn. Exactly. You can use copy or ctrl+C to copy stuff and Ctrl+V to paste stuff directly into the editor. no need to name it anything specific if u place it in the initilization box and use This instead of the name it knows your talking about itself. This tells it This module.
  4. Ambient civs will already walk around talk to each other etc. As for spawning more Alice is nice in the fact that u can just plug those optional params into the init file you already made such as. So BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["civilianCount","round (%1 / 10)"]; Or you can plug it into the INIT of the module itself in the init line of the module would be this setvariable ["civilianCount","round (%1 / 10)"]; Basically they use a variable formula that you can switch.. or simply remove the formula and do something with a set number which is what i usually do mainly cause i hate having to do tons of math simply to figure out how many civs im going to see on average. Which would look like this this setvariable ["civilianCount","25"];
  5. Servoinvicem

    Ambient Combat Module

    Yes. Simply put whatever unit you sync it to is the center of the area for units to spawn. Not syncing it to any unit means it wont spawn anything because it has no "center".
  6. Yes create a text document and copy and paste the script you found.. then save it as init.sqf in folder of the mission you want it to apply to. Reason ur not seeing alot of answers is alot of this is already covered in the Ambient combat module threads.And the lines are noted in that script.. but well break it down a little more for ya. [1, BIS_ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; //Sets the intensity of the ACM, in other words, determines how active it will be. Starts at 0 ends at 1.0, its been known to fail using 0.7 and 0.8 anything after the // is explaining what that particular line does the number there is the setting. BIS_ACM1 is the NAME of the ACM module u place. So when u place the module your going to name it BIS_ACM1 if your just going to copy/paste that code. If you have any MORE specific questions you can't find on the ACM thread feel free to ask i'll help if i can. As far as the 3rd party module I don't use it. Never saw the point.. simply using the civilian mod and civilian vehicles mod will make civilians occasionally hop in a car and drive it. Which is good enough for me.
  7. Servoinvicem

    Ambient Combat Module

    I have one thanks. It was simply meant for those who drop the acm and sync it and may find that issue. Now if they search for it a solution might come up. Which yes.. is to set relations in your init after the acm initializes. Ya one doesnt need more than 1 ACM to spawn just 2 factions tank units however my intent was simply to get Both acms to accept custom class lists.. when placing your custom class lists at the end of each acms params such as acm1 optional param acm1 custom class list acm2 optional param acm2 custom classlist Then the second ACM will revert to default settings spawning w.e it wants rather than your custom class list. My intent was simply to find and share a way to get multiple ACMs to accept custom class lists and the easy way for me to see it was working was to have each acm spawning a single class group different from the other.
  8. Servoinvicem

    Ambient Combat Module

    Simply place both of your custom class initilizations at the bottom of your init.sqf with a small sleep before them. You could probably take it lower but I know 10 works for me. Below is the code i used for testing and a major tank war ensued. sleep 10; [bIS_ACM1, ["RU_TankPlatoon"]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc; [bIS_ACM, ["USMC_TankPlatoon"]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc; For whatever Reason when using multiple ACMs with Custom class lists they must initialize after the rest of the ACM parameters. Should work with more than 2 but what do i know.
  9. Servoinvicem

    Ambient Combat Module

    I can get the factions i want from each one. However once i add in custom groups to the second one it goes back to default everything. Guessing something in the hardcode of the ACM ill play around with it see if i cant come up with some silly workaround.
  10. Thats what the optional parameters are for. You can customize how much/what how often etc. Takes a bit more time learning than just plopping the modules down but its certainly more simple than scripting the whole thing yourself.
  11. Servoinvicem

    Ambient Combat Module

    False.. the ACM module overwrites intel faction relations on initilization. Like i stated the work around is to apply faction relations after ACM is initialized. If u wanna test it yourself go ahead.. simply place yourself as independent.. link an acm and put a russian troop nearby. Set intel to freindly to all or freindly to op-for. The russian troop wont always fire on you (during testing i found that , units which can see you on startup tend to not fire. However units that are spawned by the ACM and/or see you after ACM initilization will)As in the other thread its a questionably implemented code. Unlike that issue it has a simple workaround which I shared. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/13405
  12. The sec ops manager already has support built in that comes with completing objectives. The options available on the communications menu is trying to be used twice when running both..one has to win leaving you with only the SSM modules options. Advice is either A. Live with the completing sec op A gets you support B thats prebuilt.. or Do custom support scripts so the menus dont conflict.
  13. The Ambeint civilan Module, which spawns Civilians.. Ambient Civilian vehicles module spawns civilian vehicles and Ambient Combat module which spawns opfor blufor and/or resistance units should cover whichever aspect of this you want. A sec ops map just uses the secops module.. which randomly generates premade missions close to you on the map. Which you could also place. Using any combination of these modules with your own mission specific objectives should pretty much cover what your looking for if i'm understanding what your wanting. Check out the linky at bottom for a basic run down of what each can/can't do optional parameters and the basics of getting them working. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:ArmA_2:_Editor_Modules
  14. Servoinvicem

    Ambient Combat Module

    Not sure what your trying to accomplish. Why would you want 2 ACMs? Multiplayer ?
  15. Servoinvicem

    Ambient Combat Module

    Syncing to ACM seems to cause Independent faction to be considered Hostile to Russia and vice versa no matter what the settings in Intel or Attempts to script it otherwise. Anyone else had this issue or is this a new one with the new patch? Messed around with the ACM before hand and don't remember ever having this issue (was it there before and i just dont remember?). I've tried everything I can think of to resolve this issue. If i unsync Player from the ACM and start mission it works fine though. Edit** Workaround is simply apply faction relations AFTER ACM is initialized..