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Everything posted by DarkLabor

  1. Well STALKERGB, two things: A: Totally awesome! :cc: And B: The commander's observation unit looks not enough oblong. As you can see here, the top nearly reach the top of the opened commander's hatch. To save polys, you can reduce your model into simple shapes. By example, you can use a simple cylinder to model the smoke evacuator and then use transparency to be able to see inside the gun tube. The inner part of the gun tube can be simplified into a cone, long enough to give the appearance of a tube. The turret basket can be modeled with a squarred cross section. Keep going! :ok:
  2. Ha yes! I know! It's not really a wireframe representation neither a render. It's sketchup...
  3. No inner edges? What do you mean? :confused:
  4. Thanks! We'll see what A3 will bring us, but yeah! A fully fonctional recovery vehicule would be awesome! :mwah:
  5. I'll make smaller pictures as soon as I'll be on my workbench.
  6. After the MBT, it's time for the ARV: http://img67.xooimage.com/files/3/9/f/new-dcl687-2a1659c.png http://img69.xooimage.com/files/3/7/5/new-dcl79637-2a165a8.png http://img73.xooimage.com/files/f/7/0/new-dcl851446-2a165b8.png
  7. DarkLabor

    Tanks with TROPHY?!

    To delete.
  8. DarkLabor

    Tanks with TROPHY?!

    To delete.
  9. DarkLabor

    Google Sketchup to O2?

    To delete.
  10. DarkLabor

    Google Sketchup to O2?

    To delete.
  11. DarkLabor

    Google Sketchup to O2?

    To delete.
  12. Happy new year to you as well, treadheads and the others! ;) Your BMP2M's turret is freaking gorgeous! :dance: