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Posts posted by Harine

  1. In English :

    The French speaking Organization for Realistic Fighting in ArmA present :


    Public PVP OFCRA

    Wednesday, November 23 at 21H

    70 vs 70

    Addons requires

    Arma 2 / Operation Arrowhead

    -Download Ace 1.12 Stable

    -Download Map Isola di Capraia

    Any other addons banned

    Inscription required

    Choose your factions and your place

    The teams can reserve an entire group.

    See briefing and regulations

    The inscription

    -You should only post your presence on our forum

    -Choose your side and the position you want to occupy.

    -A team may reserve an entire group.

    Déroulement de la soirée :

    -This is a mission from 21h to 23h

    -The mission-oriented infantry with armored support.

    -A night-deployment will arrange to set up the briefing of each side and check the addons players.



    -The goal is to capture the 3 zone and eliminate the enemy forces.

    -Each side has a secondary objective

    -Each playable camps have 70 slots

    -The capture time-zone is 10 minutes and can re-switch indefinitely

    Victory Conditions

    -If after 2 hours one side to capture all areas.

    -If after 2 hours one side to capture at least 2 zones.

    -If the opponent is completely destroyed.



    En Français :

    L'organisation francophone de combat réaliste sur Arma présente :


    PVP Publique OFCRA

    Mercredi, 23 Novembre à 21H

    70 vs 70

    Les addons nécessaire :

    Arma 2 / Operation Arrowhead

    -Download Ace 1.12 Stable

    -Download Map Isola di Capraia

    Tout autre addons est strictement interdit.

    Inscription obligatoire

    Choisissez votre camp et votre poste dans l'effectif.

    Les Team peuvent réserver un groupe entier.

    Voir briefing et règlement

    L'inscription :

    -Vous devez postez votre présence uniquement sur notre forum

    -Choisissez votre camp et le poste que vous voulez occuper.

    -Une team peut réserver un groupe entier.

    Déroulement de la soirée :

    -Il s'agit d'une missions de 2H de 21h à 23h

    -La mission est orienté infanterie avec support blindés.

    -Une soirée de déploiement sera organiser pour mettre en place le briefing de chaque camp et vérifier les addons des joueurs.

    Les règles :

    -Pas de respawn

    -Le but est de capturer les 3 zone et d'éliminer les forces ennemies.

    -Chaque camp à un objectif secondaire à

    -Chaque camps possèdent 70 slots jouables

    -Le temps de capture d'une zone est de 10 minutes et peut re-basculer indéfiniment

    Conditions de victoire :

    -Si au bout de 2h un des camps à capturer toutes les zones.

    -Si au bout de 2h un des camps à capturer au moins 2 zones.

    -Si le camp adverse est complètement détruit.


  2. ban-ofcra.jpg

    French speaking Organization for Realistic Fighting in ArmA 2 : Combined Operation

    Addons Used :

    Arma 2 / Operation Arrowhead

    Advanced Combat Environment 2

    Pack OFCRA by Paquito & Kis4m3

    WebSite : www.ofcra.org

    Forum : www.ofcra.org/forum

    Current Campaign : Operation CRUSADER

    The OFCRA (French speaking Organization for Realistic Fighting in ArmA) aims to recreate the most realistic and immersive atmosphere Arma can emulate.

    Our goal is to put the player in the closest possible conditions to those encountered in a real theater.

    Here are the main principles:

    -Two camps are in presence (REDFOR and BLUEFOR)

    -Each camp is led by several Heads of Camp (CDC), which lead their Heads of Groups (CDG) and soldiers

    -A military-styled hierarchy is built on the work and participation of everybody in order to segment tasks and make good management possible

    -The two sides fight on tactical maps developed by the missions creation team (this, in order to save a lot of time during the preparation of a mission)

    -During a confrontation, the CDC determines in advance his tactics, creates the battle plan (before presenting it to his CDG during a briefing) and directs the fighting

    -The CDG must lead their groups in order to achieve the objectives they have been assigned, according to the plan prepared by the CDC

    -Soldiers must follow their CDG during their field operations

    -In order to recreate a realistic atmosphere and give the soldier the impression of being truly in operation and not currently playing a FPS, the emphasis is on behavior, which is worked during training

    -The battles are conducted either independently or in campaign of linked missions whose results influence on each other

    -We frequently use fixed stocks for our campaigns so that the CDC has a limited pool of units and has to optimize the management of his fighting force under realistic conditions

    -Communications are hierarchically organized in the fighting, we use external software for communication in the game where players are divided into channels according to their battle groups or areas of field operations

    To apply for involvement in an armed service, here's how:

    -First, you need to read the documents describing our activities here

    -Finally, post an introductory message on the forum here

    -Recruiters-camp concerned will review your request

    -Then download the new pack OFCRA and Teamspeak 3.

    You have a month trial or two official parties to know us better and discover our association.

    Vidéo :

    Current Campaign's Trailer :

    Ofcra pack Russian's Staffing

    http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhzuip ... videogames

    Thank you to Vilas, Krag, Slayer, Massi, Python, FFAA, Wolf, Sarmat who helped us make this wonderful addon.

    AAR Bluefor



    Pour ceux qui parlent français je vous invite a regarder ceci : http://www.cfr-arma.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=11195#p11195

  3. Russian paratroopers use blue berets , not red/purple like rest of the world

    camo is TTSKO (mostly marines had it afaik) , it had several colors variants (tan, brown, green, urban, dark), later it was taken by independent Ukraine and they made of it darker version which now is main Ukrainian camo (which brighter version is CDF )

    I confirm that said Vilas, the VDV were using a cutting TTsKo different from that of other units (Morpeh ect ...)

    Check that :

