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Everything posted by Psycho78

  1. Psycho78

    Do you guys fly with a joystick?

    I'm just starting out, but found myself not doing very well flying the helicopters. I hooked up a PS3 joystick and now I'm MUCH better at flying. My config is: Left stick: Roll left/right, Pitch up/down Right stick: Look around L1 and R1: Rudder Pedals X: Fire O: Switch weapons Triangle: Exit Vehicle I did have to run a special driver to get the PS3 controller to work in WinXP.
  2. Psycho78

    Let the AI take over for awhile

    Is there any sort of "console" in Arma2? Seems like a likely candidate for a console command.
  3. Psycho78

    Lock Forward Key

    It's a bit silly, but you can use the + key to speed up time 4x. That helps some.
  4. Psycho78

    Is There a Way to Lock Movement Keys?

    Don't forget time compression too.
  5. Psycho78

    Arma Shutting Down My PC

    One simple thing to try, try running with a fan blowing on the laptop. That should give you some indication whether it's a heat-related issue. I'd also ensure that your laptop runs at 100% speed when plugged into the wall, I've noticed laptops trying to save power even when plugged in.
  6. Thanks much steelblood, I had a black screen problem too. Windows XP and nVidia GTX 250, for some reason it won't run at 1680x1050 without my monitor going into out of sync mode. Edit again: Well that's weird, after selecting 1280x960 or whatever, then 1650x1080 again, then it works. Off to play (hopefully!)