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Everything posted by MissileMoose

  1. MissileMoose

    Learning to master the UH-1H

    Remove your bindings for "Left Turn" and "Right Turn", use "Bank" instead.
  2. Just to confirm, you do have your volume levels up to 100%? http://i.imgur.com/7Yp55.png
  3. I assume you are trying to upload the files to a Linux box? I experienced the same problem a few months back due to my (then) slow connection. I overcame the problem by downloading and installing the files with WINE through a remote desktop. Bearing in mind, I purchased my files online. For physical copies it'd be trickier. By uploading the files I'm pretty certain that would be breaking the law and terms and conditions set by Bohemia Interactive. It's a known problem and hopefully will be resolved in ARMA 3 by some sort of server 'lite' download.
  4. MissileMoose

    multiple monitor crash problem

    Hello, First, I suggest you backup and delete your configuration files for ARMA, these can be found under Documents > Arma 2/Other Profiles. Boot into ARMA using your three monitors, I believe it should automatically detect your aspect ratio and possibly matching resolution. If this doesn't work then you could try to edit your settings accordingly, when running with a single monitor. If the above fails, wait around for somebody else with a similar setup. Maybe they could provide their config files. I have little to no experience with multi-monitors. I hope this is of some assistance. :)
  5. MissileMoose

    Arma 2 CO multiplayer not working

    If you are running Combined Operations you shall need patches 1.60 and 1.62 only. Patch 1.11 is required only for standalone ARMA 2. Please ensure that you are correctly launching Combined Operations, either via an arma2co.exe or launcher (I recommend this if you do not use the SIX variants listed in my first post). If you are still unsure, you could private message me with details to start a TeamViewer session where I will walk you through it. :)
  6. MissileMoose

    Arma 2 CO multiplayer not working

    Hello, here are the steps I would recommend you take in-order to remove and fully install ARMA 2: Combined Operations. Removal 1. Uninstall ARMA 2: Combined Operations via the control panel or executable file found within the root folder. 1a. Remove all related folders found within My Programs, if they still exist. 2. Remove configuration and profile files located within your Documents folder. Installation 1. Install the files in this order. ARMA 2 ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead Private Millitary Company [Optional] British Armed Forces [Optional] Army of the Czech Republic [Optional] 2. Patch your game files with the 1.60 and 1.62 updates in that order (Combined Operations/Operation Arrowhead only). 2a. Install the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) lite patch if you have not paid for the full DLC from the BIStore. 3. As an addition I recommend that you download SIX Updater or PlaywithSix (newer but personally untested) for easy addon installation and updates, including DayZ. 4. To avoid any complications it is recommended you run your game as administrator. To do this right click the executable (.exe) file, select Properties > Compatability and tick Always run as administrator. This should cover pretty much everything and will hopefully help others in a similar position, if you have problems with your serial key please see the related threads in this section of the forum. - Moose.
  7. MissileMoose

    Multiplayer Issues with OA and CO

    Hello again, I've just had another thought. Try running the ARMA executable files as administrator when trying to host. That could be the problem, I'm quite doubtful however.
  8. I agree. On second thoughts, I wouldn't advise you overclock just yet as what Chris is saying is correct. Your system should perform well enough without any major modifications. I will post my setup in ten minutes for you to compare. Settings screenshot Running with patch 1.62 I achieved an average of 45FPS on the E08: Benchmark mission. With mods (Mainly ASR-AI, ACE, Blastcore) I achieved an average of 54. My frame-rate rarely drops below 30 unless it is a demanding mission. While online I use the Instant View Distance to set it to between 2000-4000 depending on the mission (4k VD on Lingor is pointless for example). Below are my configuration files if you wish to use them, I doubt it'll make a difference to your performance as there is probably another underlying problem. But at-least it's something to go off, right? .Arma2OAProfile .Cfg You could try to: 1. Use a tool such as RealTemp to check your temperatures. If you have an over-heating problem, it could down-clock your CPU/GPU. 2. Update or reinstall video drivers. Download the latest from the Nvidia website. 3. If you system works well with other games, then it's probably a software/driver issue. Maybe try a reinstall? Or install Windows to another drive. 3a. If not, check that you have your video card in the PCI-E X16 slot, it could be a power issue? What PSU do you have?
  9. Exactly, depending on a few variables a chip should last anywhere from five to thirty years.
  10. I dislike your attitude and insult towards Leon86 who was trying to help you, in-fact most hardware enthusiasts would back him up with his statement that you are wasting that chip by not unlocking its full potential. Your statement in regards to overclocking is partly incorrect and you seem to be uneducated on the matter. I suggest you research into the matter since the only likely factor which could kill your central processing unit is over-voltage (if you do not have sufficient cooling mechanisms in place). There are many safe and tested tutorials online that you could use to gain performance without damaging or noticeably degrading the life-span of you chip. Most high-end processors are designed to be overclocked, hence the fact that they are unlocked. Before I upgraded to my i7-3820 I used an AMD Phenom II X6 1090t overclocked to 4.1GHz which I often left running for days on-end. The 1090t's on-time duration was probably over a year before I sent it to my brother around fourteen months ago. The SB-E series uses better architecture than the AMD varient, so unless you have a faulty chip or irresponsibly overclock the only difference which you are likely to notice is the massive boost in performance. Nobody is forcing you to overclock, you posted a question so people are trying to assist. Much like I am by writing this post. :) TL;DR: Take the advice of an experienced hardware enthusiast and overclock your chip for a single day, using reference material which can be found online for your specific processor. The performance increase gained by overclocking to over 4GHz should be enough for you to leave it overclocked. By the time your i7 is nearing the end of its service life, you will likely be preparing for your pension (if you are in your thirties). As for the actual cause of low performance, it is probably your view-distance. As always I will still recommend you update your chipset and graphical processing unit drivers. I will post my settings when I get onto my desktop since I have a similar system specification to you. My resolution which is not contained within my signature is 2560x1440. I hope this gives you an insight into overclocking. I have some work to finish so will assist further in a couple of hours. Edit: I forgot to mention that the read and write speeds of flash based storage of solid state drives will improve your entire system speed massively. I suggest an Intel 520 if you have the money, or alternatively the Crucial M4 with firmware updates for cheap 400MB/s read and write speeds.
  11. MissileMoose

    Multiplayer Issues with OA and CO

    Hello, Here are a few things that you could both try: 1. Recheck server filters and make sure that you're not set to LAN. 2a. Open up your start menu and search for "advanced". 2b. Search through each tab until you find one which lists applications on your PC, make sure Arma is unblocked/green. Alternatively you could temporarily disable windows firewall to confirm if it is or isn't the cause. Apologies for the shot message, I'll try to be of better assistance once I get to my desktop.
  12. MissileMoose

    Bad jitter when looking around

    Maybe you could have a play around with the setting and compare the results while running an FPS counter (FRAPS ect)? The difference shouldn't be too big at all, but if you're looking to squeeze out more frames then it's worth it. Otherwise leave it at 100 since it's smoother. ;)
  13. MissileMoose

    Bad jitter when looking around

    Hello! Great work with fixing the problem. I just thought I'd pop in to mention that increasing smoothing may also decrease your frame-rate. So if you experience any performance issues it's likely to be your smoothing configuration. :)
  14. Hello, Why not run your server like a normal dedicated, using the server executable? I'm under the impression that this increases performance as the server and client aren't using the same cores. Check out this tool too. I hope this helps!
  15. MissileMoose

    New Arma2 CO admin help needed

    If I remember correctly, the server will do this if the mission you try to load requires an addon that is not installed server side. In your case, the server may not be loading Combined Operations. I'm not certain that this is the problem as it's been over a year since I had similar issues, I would suggest you create a two missions - one that requires A2 files and the other OA, then test on the server.
  16. MissileMoose

    Custom armories

    This is already possible and has been for a long time with the use of Bohemia's scripting language, SQF. Specifically with the commands 'addWeaponCargo' and 'addMagazineCargo' (Reference). You may want to do some research on the subject of scripting within ARMA 2, to start I would suggest you check out the 'Editing & Scripting' section of the forum and maybe OFPEC. This class-list should also come in handy if scripting is something that you'd be interested in. I hope this helps.
  17. MissileMoose

    Ubisoft "Uplay" fail?

    That's true but I was referring to the time since the security flaw was recognized and reported by the likes of RockPaperShotgun and PCGamer. :)
  18. MissileMoose

    Ubisoft "Uplay" fail?

    It did the exact same with me, fantastic anti-virus/internet security. Eugene Kaspersky's son, Ivan was kidnapped in Russia and held for ransom a while back. I heard reports that he paid it outright, conflicting reports that he was rescued in a raid though. I wouldn't be supprised, since he's a billionaire. Off-topic I know, just a little food for though Placebo. Back on topic to Ubisoft and I'm quite surprised at how quickly they "fixed" the issue. I have a slight feeling that they knew about the security issue and possible even coded it in on purpose for whatever reason, if that isn't the case then I would suggest they increase the amount of testing prior to releasing software. Anyway I highly doubt it anything more will be reported.
  19. If you have the money it may be worth looking into a gameboard. Such as the G13 if you have the money. You could use the controller and gameboard together.
  20. Hello, It's most likely something that the developers have overlooked, since it doesn't affect gameplay for the most part. It may be possible to write a script with AutoHotKey that holds '-' down for you, but I suspect that would have a disrupting impact on other interactions.
  21. Instead of zooming out in-game, you may want to adjust your actual field of view. To do this, navigate to the .Arma2OAProfile file within 'Documents > ArmA 2 Other Profiles > <YourName>' and open with Notepad (++). At the bottom of that file you should see two properties named "fovTop" and "fovLeft". You'll want to multiply each of those default values by around 1.20 to 1.45 depending on your in-game resolution and monitor size. Just to give you a rough idea of what numbers you should be looking at, I play on a 27" monitor with a resolution of 2560x1440 (1440p) with my in-game resolution at 114%. I multiplied my (default) field of view by around 1.40, which equals: fovTop=1.0650001; fovLeft=1.8933334; I hope this helps. :)
  22. MissileMoose

    Good server hosting sites

    JestServers will always have my recommendation. :)
  23. MissileMoose

    DayZ as a Standalone game...?

    There's no need to punish players that play alone. Just give certain (balanced) benefits to the ones that take the time to form groups.
  24. MissileMoose

    DayZ as a Standalone game...?

    Hello, DayZ has attracted a variety of people with different playing styles from all over the world and it is my understanding that most of them haven't experienced ArmA 2 in the way it 'should be played' which is in a group using teamwork (Not saying that's how DayZ should be played). If you can add group/posse/squad management features to the game then people will be more likely to join up and stick together. People would have to make that decision to either move on their own and risk being overwhelmed by another group, or join a group and be a little more protected from others. I think it'll add more of a risk to the gameplay and since people spend hours trying to find items, it'll make them think harder about the way they want to play the game. Certain advantages of being in a group with others may work too. I'll quickly write some up so you can all get an idea what I'm thinking. What do you all think?
  25. If we're onto headsets I'd recommend the Corsair gamer series. I have the HS1 but the Vengeance 1500 and 2000 have since been released.