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Everything posted by MissileMoose

  1. MissileMoose

    How to make an open ArmA II squad?

    I suggest that you use this SquadXML tool built by Jerry Hopper. :)
  2. It would be helpful if you posted a more detailed explanation of your issue, with report files and operating system included. :)
  3. MissileMoose

    Amazon threw ya'll under the bus...

    Contact customer support. Support staff don't operate on the forums.
  4. MissileMoose

    Python3 Gamespy Query

    GameSpy is among a few services which IGN have recently announced to be shutting down. I have no idea how GameSpy works, but would assume that it affects such scripts as yours. :(
  5. MissileMoose

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Yes and no. Performance all depends on the mission, but you should get decent performance for the most part. Sadly I doubt I will be able to say the same for multiplayer, due to my experiences with lower performing servers and unoptimised mission in ARMA 2 resulting in lower client performance.
  6. MissileMoose

    Help figuring out where to mark on map.

    Hello, I assume that you're playing with ACE, as the vanilla artillery system allows the operator to click and fire quick easily. If this is so, I recommend you take a look at the Defence Advanced GPS Receiver (DAGR). Combine this with a Vector 21B and you can precisely determine the range; eight digit grid reference of, and the angle to your target. If you are playing without addons then hopefully somebody else who has experience as an Forward Observer can help further. :)
  7. MissileMoose

    Forum Search Improvement

    If you're not happy with the current search functions of vBulletin, paste "site:forums.bistudio.com" into Google followed by your search terms. You'll get better results with the worlds largest and most advanced search engine than any built-in forum solution. :)
  8. The latest beta patch versions are higher than 1.62, so you will need it before you progress onto installing a beta. You can find the latest betas here, however I recommend using SixUpdater or Play withSix for maintaining files which update on a regular basis. I hope this helps! :)
  9. I'm available to assist if needed. I'll get in touch through Skype.
  10. Hello! First, for configuration of pre-defined mission parameters you should check the "Parameters" option just before launching a new mission on your server. For the more in-depth customisation you'll need to open (DePBO) the mission .PBO file and edit the scripts. Check out the Editing & Scripting section and Wiki. As for tools to help with administration, I recommend that you read the following links. - BattlEye Extended Controls - Server-Side Event Logging - Server Security - Server Documentation If you wish to spawn and modify the mission on the fly (as server admin), I recommend using the MCC Sandbox. I hope this helps! Enjoy your server. :)
  11. MissileMoose

    Fix Headbug

    The method of fixing the headbug if down to the mission maker, unless you are running ACE. You were most likely playing on a version of Warfare where "HQ" is an option under your action menu.
  12. MissileMoose

    Windows 8

    I recommend you give it a go. I was a little sceptical about the seemingly mobile orientated UI/UX design, but after installing it instantly grew on me. I won't be looking back, that's for sure. :)
  13. MissileMoose


    I don't have too much experience with BattlEye Extended Controls, however I'm pretty certain that it's possible to configure the tool to automatically kick people who idle in the lobby - which should be of assistance to you. :)
  14. You should still be able to install ACR without any issues. It is my understanding that no files are over-written by ACR, BAF or PMC. As for your latter question, it is most likely going to be included in the next milestone patch, yes. - Enjoy your day Marker. We need to catch up sometime. :)
  15. MissileMoose

    New wave of hackers, more deadly than before.

    Run the latest beta patch and follow the instructions listed here for securing your server. Do not purchase or download free "anti-hacks" as they are likely to cause more damage and fund the developers of the scripts, which is an incentive for them to continue. Creating new threads regarding the current situation also encourages script kiddies to continue hassling the community, as their goal is to get a reaction.
  16. MissileMoose

    Best screen capture program for making Tutorials

    If you check "Monitor Aero desktop (DWM)" on the general tab, you are then able to record your desktop with FRAPS. As an alternative you may wish to try out the XSplit Broadcaster (primarily a live streaming tool) to setup a local recording of your desktop. Note that both the free and paid versions have the same desktop recording functionality.
  17. I recently had this issue with a fresh (my first) Windows 8 installation. The "okt noBlur" addon was the cause of the problem for me. After deleting said addon, my game ran normally. :)
  18. MissileMoose

    Milsim Signature question

    Check this tool out, from Jerry Hopper.
  19. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?144236-How-to-compile-into-a-GUI-Question :)
  20. Happy New Year! I hope this helps you. :) Dialogs Below is a combination of the class lists which you posted above, with the addition of two more classes. Store the below in a "dialogs.hpp" file. Note: "Define Dialogs" marks the start of your actual dialog classes. Description Make sure to #include the created .hpp file within the your description.ext file. #include "resources\dialogs.hpp" Usage To call, close and check your dialogs use the following commands. createDialog closeDialog dialog For additional information and options, check out the Dialog Control page.
  21. Windows 7 Home Premium (Retail) will be suitable for most people. Have you considered Windows 8?
  22. I think you will find that it is indeed illegal under United Kingdom law to make threats of violence or derogatory/defamatory comments over the internet. Absolutely nothing changes just because such a criminal act has been committed via the internet. I highly suspect that the laws are similar in Russia. I will also assume that English is not your first language due to your shocking grammatical errors. Please don't pull others up on their differences in such a rude way. :) - Slightly off-topic, apologies. @Martin, you may be able to contact Google/Yahoo/Bing and issue a take-down request for their search engine results if your attempts to get their servers taken offline fail. This would depend on the search engines' terms of service agreements.
  23. To switch between profiles in-game, double click each profile in the loadout editor and apply as normal. Your loadouts should look like this. Use the in-game action menu as normal and the dialog to switch should appear.
  24. MissileMoose

    Learning to master the UH-1H

    I'll host a small training mission to assist you further if you'd like? :)
  25. You could send a take-down request to his game and website host, providing he is renting or co-locating. It'll be an inconvenience to him and shall give you time to prepare for civil legal action for damages, or a criminal lawsuit if he doesn't discontinue use. You have obviously done something right if he is taking great risks to modify and offer paid-use of your addon. Keep up the brilliant work, it's appreciated by many! :) ^ As above - If he is using any services to influence his illegal activity, contact the administrators with take-down requests. I didn't know that. It's worth a shot though Martin, the hosts may be sympathetic. :(