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Everything posted by baz44331

  1. yep it worked. WBG try to logout and back in again then verify the game cache files. just to be safe.
  2. baz44331

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    yea when is going to be release for the steam users?
  3. lol just finished DL 1.54 from steam and i get a file addon error. someting like the file is to short. I had to verify the game cache files. that was about 2min and it start dl again but this time it was a short dl. ill let you know how i get on.
  4. baz44331

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    totaly agree Esco.
  5. baz44331

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    a dont get pissed off guys it happends. i dont mind waiting a wile . steam is a good tool i think.. handy really dont have to go to you loc store to buy game and dont have to look for patchs lol. anyway we have it by the weekend and then its game on lol..
  6. baz44331

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    No Beagle it hasint started yet man. lol and wont for a few hours.
  7. baz44331

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    they still haveint started yet lol. its being about 26 min and the unlock sign is gone and still noting. we are going to be a wile i guess.. due to the patch hasint even started yet. awell at least we will have it for the weekend:yay:
  8. baz44331

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    its unlocked atm but you still cant buy it lol
  9. is there not a normal DL that people can get? this way of geting the mod is alot of hassle im sure it turns people off from geting it.
  10. sorry to be this guy but will it be out before the new B.A addon for Arma 2 Aorrow head?
  11. baz44331

    Black screen CIT

    ok fixed the problem i just turned off the Vertical sync on the graphic card and everything work perfect on max setings. found the fix on a other thread. should of looked around before i post hehe.