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Posts posted by zooloo75

  1. I was messing around with this + the new Unsung mod release. 

    Noticed it doesn't work with a lot of the US units. (no blood)

    Wonder why that would be?


    I've noticed this with another unit addon pack as well, didn't look into the issue. My guess right now is that those units aren't configured traditionally as most units. Could be different hitpoint names, could be that the class doesn't derive from Man.

  2. in that case, an event system would be best. Something that tells each client that a blood splatter needs to be created, but I'm wondering how much different that would be from using createvehicle


    Yep, all the clients need to know is that someone was hit -- just synchronize the events sending only the essential data. From there, clients can create blood splatters fairly accurately.

  3. Very nice of you to provide an entry into scripting for the beginners. Kudos.

    Also to throw in the classic quote from Knuth, "Premature optimization is the root of all evil." Solve the problem first, however you can, then optimize where possible. Getting caught up in implementation details before you even have anything implemented or designed is completely idiotic. Also, shame on those who are trying to "one-up" each other on the forums to fulfill their superiority complex.


    A suggestion to those posting very specific problems: create a separate thread. I imagine Ranwer created this guide as an introduction to scripting, and not as a thread for everyone to spam problems that are way over their heads. Start small, and keep practicing. Learning to code is a lengthy process (takes years to become fluent), don't bite off more than you can chew.


    Peace out and good luck!

    • Like 2

  4. Currently working on the vaporization gibs. I've set up the sample character model, splitting him into multiple pieces and I'll just let the text below speak for itself...


    Got a long ways to go. The commented lines are finished. This already looks better than the old gibs.

    • Like 1

  5. i knw how to work with 3d stuff , Zbrush , Maya


    what do you need with that ? i dont know about coding or scripting but if you need me to get some model done yeah i can help you


    Right now I'm following BadBenson's suggestion of taking apart the example character model and making gibs from that. If you can make meat chunks and other generic gibs (such as bone fragments), that'd be very appreciated! Would need them in .obj format, and textured.

    • Like 1

  6. I do like your mod but I have to say body vaporization is kinda bad, meat chunks look like from first Half-Life and they are bright red. Can you make a simple low poly, arm, leg  and torso shape and just give it that darker grey color and that's it. No need for organs just simple body parts. 

    Now this is kinda bad example because it's a baby doll, but something like this, just burned body parts and that's it.

    As everything else, nice man, really nice :D


    Dang, you hurt my feelings :( I spent a good couple of minutes on those gibs! LOL, just kidding, there's a ton of room for improvement for the gib models.

    BTW, what a creepy fuckin' picture, lol..

    I'm no 3D modeler, so if someone with some talent would like to contribute to this aspect of BloodLust, be my guest!  :)




    Too bad I´ve only discovered your mod now Zooloo!


    I´m really liking it!


    Sorry I haven´t read all the 30 pages but, do you have any plans to make limbs dismemberment and/or head explosions to please some snipers out there?

    Not feasible with the engine. The only thing that I can do is the vaporization effect (all or nothing). 

  7. Hey zooloo75, I wonder if you'd consider the possibility to add steam rising off dead bodies and larger pools of blood/gore for a short while. It'd really add a bit of immersion , especially on colder maps / during colder periods.


    Pools of blood are planned. Will experiment with the steam idea, thanks for the suggestions.

    • Like 1

  8. Boom





    New version available: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/@bloodlust_v2.2.zip

    Official BloodLust Webpage: http://bitdungeon.org/arma/bloodlust/


    Version 2.2:

    • Modified the "Man" class to emit blood regardless if blood is disabled in the Game Settings (this is for those who want to keep blood mists but remove the pizza sauce blood pools from the base game).
    • Improved performance on explosive handling -- now handled by dedicated Explosion event handler (also resulting in better damage accuracy).
    • Blood splatters from vaporization now utilize new blood splatter system, resulting in blood on walls, and ceilings.
    • Bleeding wounds will now smear across surfaces (such as when a unit is shot against a wall and slumps over).
    • Improved blood splatter monitoring (removes blood splatters that are at invalid positions).
    • Added speed threshold for blood to emit from gibs, preventing bleed spam.
    • Added texture preloading to cache blood textures for quicker loading.
    • Replaced the two ugly oval blood splatters with more natural shapes.
    • Added arterial blood spray (blood will spray out during bleeding).
    • Added blood mist to vaporization effect (courtesy of BadBenson).
    • Increased variety of vaporization blood splatter textures.
    • Vaporization is now enabled on the player by default.
    • Overhauled blood splatter system (complete rewrite).
    • Explosion force now determines vaporized gib speed.
    • Enhanced vaporization gib selection algorithm.
    • Added heat wave effect to vaporized objects.
    • Fixed timing issues with splatter spawning.
    • Increased default bleed duration.
    • Made blood slightly transparent.
    • Added hand and arm gibs.
    • Like 6

  9. My first thought would be that the diffuse in the rvmat may be set to 0, which means it still shows up but it ignores shadows (very handy for digital displays), setting RGBA to 1 will fix it if that is the case.

    Next would be to check the Emissive setting and make sure it is set to 0, if its not then that means that texture is effectively 'glowing'.

    Next I would recommend checking the _AS textures and ensure that they have an AS texture, sometimes the material will appear...off if it is not there, or the texture has not even the feintest of shadowing.

    Finally check the texture, make sure it is _ca and ensure that the colors are pure white or black.  This may be outdated information but when I tried to use alphas textures in a cockpit the screen would still catch sunlight despite blatantly being in shadow, if the alpha textures is not 0-1 then for whatever reason it refused to work.


    Thanks NodUnit, I'll give this a shot in the morning!
