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Posts posted by zooloo75

  1. Any clue how to do this?  :P  I said it more to see if it was possible and how to do it if it was.  lol.  I didn't know visible triggers were possible. I've only seen stuff attached to them. 


    I don't think it's possible to make the trigger itself visible, but to represent a trigger with some sort of object like an arrow or some transparent box model.

  2. Reminds me of Neverwinter Night's transition triggers. Great work!


    Instead of using an arrow, is it possible to reveal the actual trigger in game to a player within a certain proximity?  Honestly, a transparent blue "blank" to walk through/onto seems more intuitive than a brightly colored arrow floating around in missions. 


    Of course; that was just an example. It's up to the mission maker's creativity on how to visualize the triggers to the player.

  3. Currently refactoring the codebase and implementing an optional delay to mimic travel time between the beginning and end access points (as suggested by Electricleash).


    Regarding gameplay and mission design, it would be wise to place an arrow object or an indicator of some sort at entry points to show players that a doorway is usable. You can even expand the script yourself to do this automatically if you wish.


  4. Great ideas everyone. Luckily the script is so small that making any modifications to it should be trivial. The scope of the system on my end is to make it so mission makers can create "teleport" points with ease, all within the editor, and without any further scripting. It's meant to be bare-bones in respect to fancy features.

    Anything extra is up to the creativity of the mission maker. I am providing the system merely as a foundation, and am allowing anyone to create and redistribute modifications of my script.

    What I will be doing is further testing and integration in a multiplayer environment.

  5. Access Points

    A simple to use system which allows mission makers to easily setup access points that allow players to reach places they wouldn't be able to normally reach (but should) *whew*.

    Why'd I make it? Because Tanoa looks pretty, but the skyscrapers don't have interiors, making players unable to access the rooftops by foot.


    Download: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/AccessPoints.Tanoa.v0.3.zip

    Multiplayer Compatible!

    Updated on 6-9-2016


    Demo Video






    Preliminary: Copy the "AccessPoints" directory into your mission. Copy the "execVM" statement into your mission's "Init.sqf".

    1. Find yourself a nice building that you want to rig.



    2. Place a trigger that you want a player to enter to access the roof.



    3. Resize the trigger to better fit the doorway (optional)



    4. Change the "Text" attribute of the trigger to follow the format "AccessPoint_UniquePairNameHere". This distinguishes this access point pair from the others.



    5. Apply the change to the trigger text.



    6. Copy the trigger (or create a new one, if you hate yourself).



    7. Paste the trigger at the position you want players to be able to access.



    8. Tweak the rotation and scaling of the new access point to your heart's desire.



    9. Start the scenario and test it out!



    10. Boom! That's it! You got it done like the badass you are.





    [6-9-2016] v0.3:

    Restricted access points to units only (anything that inherits from "CaManBase").

    Multiplayer compatibility added.

    Made units inherit access point trigger's direction.


    [6-8-2016] v0.2:

    Refactored codebase.

    Added travel delay option and other initialization parameters.

    Added readme.txt.


    [6-8-2016] v0.1:

    Initial release.

    • Like 19

  6. Hello zooloo75, i don't know if it has been already reported but :

     0:00:02 Error in expression <tFiredProjectileInfo", []]; if(time == _lastEventTime) exitWith {}; if((positio>
     0:00:02   Error position: <_lastEventTime) exitWith {}; if((positio>
     0:00:02   Error Variable indéfinie dans une expression: _lasteventtime
     0:00:02 File BloodSplatter\Scripts\CoreMultiplayer.sqf, line 78

    In a simple firefight on a dedicated server, both server and client running the mod (2.33) of course ;).


    Thanks for working on the MP compatibility :).


    Thanks for the report. This was a remnant of some old code, I've fixed this and will release a hotfix in a bit.

  7. I was doing a simple scenario yesterday, which ended with me shooting an RPG at a CSAT Ifrit. I was not running BloodLust, I should note. I got a nice hit and the vehicle caught fire with I think two people on board.


    I walked round the burning vehicle, and I would guess that would be a rather grim scene in reality. But none of the crew were to be seen in any form or shape. Which brings me to this thread! Can you do something to better display the grim nature of that kind of incident, this might be the one place where charcoal characters such as the ones from SLX might be warranted?





    In the last update I made it so units are vaporized (body parts are scattered around the wreckage).

    • Like 1

  8. I've seen this mod today on Youtube, and it looks awesome. However, I must say that obliteration feature i.e. that bodies get totally dismembered by a hand grenade explosion should not be so pronounced. No hand grenade will turn a man into pile of pieces. In order to totally dismember a person you'd have to have artillery or high caliber mortar shell explode near them. Hand grenades do not work like this i.e. to have huge explosion radius. The explosion is very limited, and what kills people are shrapnel when grenade fragments upon exploding. If you could tweak it so it doesnt obliterate a person, but rather have massive bleeding or maybe only one limb torn from body, that would make this mod much more realistic. Cheers mate and keep up the good work.

    Thanks! If you find the vaporization damage threshold to be low, you can tweak it in the settings menu. The key is called, "BloodLust_VaporizationDamageThreshold".

    Also if you saw this obliteration effect in a YouTube video, that player could have tweaked the values to be lower or ran an older version where it was lower or looked different. It's best to try out the current version for yourself if you haven't already.

    • Like 1

  9. I've decided to offer a small perk to those who have or will be donating before August 1, 2016.


    Those whom donate before August 1, 2016 will have their name added permanently to a "Thank You" area in the BloodLust Settings Menu. Participants should leave a message through PayPal of the name they want displayed, else I will just use your initials.


    Would be like an early supporters section.

    • Like 3