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Posts posted by zooloo75

  1. The current version of this mod is outstanding, and I love how it is constantly updated and expanded. Great work Zoo.

    I've just tested it and I'm happy to see that many imperfections of the previous releases were fixed, and that some great improvements were made. I'll surely try it again, again and again because, in my opinion, this mod is a must have.

    I'm looking forward to seeing advanced head wounds and... and an MP compatible version as well... If/when possible, of course. (I hope it is)

    Keep up the good work Zooloo, this is getting better every day.


    Thank you for your kind words.

    I am planning on a MP version of BloodLust. It'll be simplified for both performance-sake and because of the useful data I'd be missing for not using the HitPart event handler (which is one of the big things holding BL back from MP).

    I personally don't play MP, since it's nothing but WasteLife, hence my lack of urgency to get this MP-compatible, but I do understand that there are some groups who actually do play ArmA the way it's meant to be played (don't bother arguing with me about this), and I do want to bring them one of the most anticipated features they've been waiting for for quite some time now.




    I'd also like to add that in v2.0, I've randomized splatter rotations on surfaces -- before, splatters were always facing the same direction when they were placed on surfaces, this was something that I didn't notice until today, and thankfully with a bit of guidance from NetFusion on the math side of things, I've been able to get this fixed :)

    • Like 4

  2. do you think a 4 engine bomber fly's better on just 2 of the engines? maximum speed will be obtained when all 4 engines are working. Are you saying the RV engine use's Distributed algorithm


    What a game engine is doing is irrelevant when you find out it is not effectively using all available resource (cores) .

    "Evolution according to Amdahl's law of the theoretical speedup in latency of the execution of a program in function of the number of processors executing it, for different values of p. The speedup is limited by the serial part of the program. For example, if 95% of the program can be parallelized, the theoretical maximum speedup using parallel computing would be 20 times."



    Thnx for the responses I got the answer I was looking for, no need for further discussion.



  3. Hey Zooloo, did you ever get a weird dark shadow-effect around your blood plane when you moved away from the "UserTexture1m_F" model? I'm seeing a strange effect that at first I thought might be ambient occlusion, but I disabled that in Options but it's still there. Annoying as fck it's stopping me from releasing anything.

    Yea, I had that issue during the transition. Had to disable shadows on the .p3d in object builder.

    It seems that models without a shadow LOD will have soft shadows applied to them instead. Go into Object Builder, select all vertices, press E, then untick the Shadows checkbox.

    Good luck, can't wait to try out your version!

  4. I would like to see blood washing away during rainy weather. This is something you see in real life and video as opposed to video games. AKA, if it's dumping rain, a pool of blood should displace very quickly, especially if at an angle.


    Of course, I'm sure this would be exceptionally difficult to implement in A3.


    Edit: I almost typed A4--ain't that some shit?


    Cool idea, but that'd be a pain in the ass to implement (mostly due to art assets), and it wouldn't be too great on performance.

  5. Hate to say it but that top pic looks ridiculous, looks cartoonish, you'd never see that in real life, it isn't believable, maybe beliveable if it was a small vapor cloud but not a huge

    splash like the guy is a walking blood water balloon.

    Blood on the ground is overkill I mean your getting hit by a small piece of metal if not a bit bigger depending on the size of the rd and gun its coming from.

    Imo blood is believable when someone is dead and theres a pool of blood there because the body is bleeding, but to have a huge splatter mark on the ground tells you that the would be victim

    is running around with an extra 5 gallons of blood in a backpack when he gets hit. Maybe hes a medic, lol


    Can we tone it down just a tad so it dont look like a bomb went off next to people every time you shoot someone with a non50cal weapon.


    Definitely something wrong with his screenshots, lol, but you do bring up a good point. Right now, blood splatter size depends on the health of the body part hit. This could be combined with different texture sets depending on an ammo caliber range as well.

  6. UPDATE!

    New version available: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/@bloodlust_v1.8.zip



    Expanded upon vaporization with a new gib model and more blood splatters.

    Added blood spray animations for exit wounds.

    Added weight to gibs, reducing bounciness.

    Bug fixes (such as floating bleed splatters) and code refactoring.




    Spent most of the day finishing the implementation of blood sprays, squashing bugs (gah!!! majority of the day wasted here), and refactoring the code base.  

    Consider donating beer money. I seriously need it.




  7.  Man cant wait for that spikey bloodlettin!


     Anyheys heres link for my scream mod https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/62320088/%40FrogScreams.rar


     Id like to eventually tie severity of yells in with severity of hits -also dont know if anyone notice but in my GoreInc video posted earlier in this thread, I had guys scream different stuff when seeing nightmarish stuff around them like "Oh this is bullshit!!!" when soemone nearby exploded in GIBS. That was all dynamic I put in Slx Wounds, but Im gonna be putting that down now as between this and GoreHeads, everything is nicely covered.


    Tried out your mod! Love it! :D

    • Like 1

  8.  Man cant wait for that spikey bloodlettin!


     Anyheys heres link for my scream mod https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/62320088/%40FrogScreams.rar


     Id like to eventually tie severity of yells in with severity of hits -also dont know if anyone notice but in my GoreInc video posted earlier in this thread, I had guys scream different stuff when seeing nightmarish stuff around them like "Oh this is bullshit!!!" when soemone nearby exploded in GIBS. That was all dynamic I put in Slx Wounds, but Im gonna be putting that down now as between this and GoreHeads, everything is nicely covered.


    Awesome! Can't wait to try this out ingame! BloodLust v1.8 is keeping me very occupied right now :P
