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Everything posted by zooloo75

  1. I decided not to use setobjecttexture and giving it an invalid texture (which causes it to be invisible) as it throws a popup error for the first hit which I myself don't mind, but I know there are going to be people that would complain about it. So I used an object that is barely noticeable. I wonder if someone can make a model that is just a collision mesh that casts no shadow. That would alleviate the object issues. Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  2. There would be performance issues involved with spawning objects per shot, especially in a firefight. I have it triggered by a hitpart eh so only shots that land will be processed. There's also the problem with the distance the massive object would cover, which would be way less than the bullet due to the mass. Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  3. I use tiny objects that aren't very noticeable, such as a pen. Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  4. zooloo75


    I'm beginning to think he just wanted to advertise his mod on my thread. Not cool. Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  5. zooloo75


    Dear community, HALP -> (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?179332-CBA-based-config-help&p=2713545#post2713545) :(
  6. zooloo75


    http://s28.postimg.org/ujd1wrykr/rag400x259.gif It's about 2MB so it may take a few seconds to download.
  7. zooloo75


    Hang in there people! It's been a while since I made anything utilizing CBA. Trying to figure out how to do this stuff again XD Here's an appetizer for the mean time.
  8. I think that should be rephrased to, "I didn't know relativistic physics could handle ArmA." Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  9. zooloo75


    Nice, how are you guys triggering the ragdoll?
  10. zooloo75

    Nobody Playing Arma 3?

    Make sure you didn't filter out the keyword "Life".
  11. There's a new setMass command. Remember, things become more massive as they gain velocity too! :D
  12. Whaaa! But I love my breathing vents, DragonBall Z eye HUDS, and metal plated turtlenecks! I disapprove of this mod. Shame on you! Just kidding :P This looks great! Finally a more down to Earth Opfor that doesn't look like they just came out of an alien invasion.
  13. Well, I've managed to make a believable ragdolling function last night for FFIS2. Would be so much more convenient to have a standard command to do so. I have it so when a unit is hit by a projectile or explosion, they ragdoll. Unlike your TPW Fall mod, I bypassed having to do such extremes :P The trick is to spawn a small object, set its mass to a heavy number (~ > 300) and make it invisible (not with hideObject as that also removes collision) with setObjectTexture, setting its alpha to 0. Reposition the object near the unit and set the object's velocity to go towards the unit, knocking him down. Wait half a second, delete the object. The only issue is that a shadow is still cast from the object, but wow, being ragdolled when hit is amazing in ArmA! It really is a cool effect and adds lots of immersion. I plan on releasing the ragdoll effect as a separate mod from FFIS2 (as well as having it already integrated within it) for people that just want ragdolling when getting hit. Why BIS hasn't done this already, I don't know, but from testing it, it's addicting to get shot (that sounds morbid, I know), and adds immersion to shooting a unit as they don't just shake off your bullet like nothing happened. Reminds me of GTA IV. Expect the release tonight hopefully!
  14. @Kremator, the mod is only used on the host/server - lifting the workload off of clients. A large amount of AI features are expected to have a performance impact simply due to the lack of efficiency some of the scripting commands have. It is unrealistic to expect to run 100's of AI each with their own advanced thought-process and have good performance. It's going to take a host with a powerful machine to handle it all. After all, this is a simulation, and lots of code is being put into the behavior of a unit. I already have to cut down on features because the engine simply can't handle it. I am writing my algorithms and methods with Big-O in mind. Also as Kremator said, performance is heavily-based on the mission. If a mission is already performing poorly, then there wouldn't be much sense in throwing more code on top of it. The mod is going to be open source and is protected under Creative Commons. If someone would like to simplify the AI's behavior in my mod to perform better for their server, then that route is available to them. I am not going to over-simplify my work because people want to run this with a 1000 AI on a weak machine. If it runs on my machine then I'm happy, and given that my hardware isn't exactly the newest and greatest, you guys should be fine.
  15. Realtime Geographical Weather & Time A few weeks ago I thought of an idea that utilizes DLL extensions and gathers data from weather API's on the web. What does this mean? This means that we can have real locational weather at Altis or Stratis (or any map that is derived from somewhere on Earth). Weather can be segmented for different areas on a map, for example: You are driving out of a town in Altis, and further down the road it gets cloudy and very windy. This data is pulled in from the real island of Lemnos. So if it were raining at the exact place you are at in Altis, at Lemnos, then it would rain ingame at that area. In a multiplayer environment, you could be sniping enemies from a distance - for them, it is rainy and foggy; for you, it is clear and sunny, until you go to their area. The API in mind is http://openweathermap.org/API This concept is something I am wanting to hear opinions on from the community before I dedicate time to such a project. Yea or nay? Ingame Implementation
  16. Very nice! Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk
  17. Update: Ragdolling. Units have a chance of ragdolling when shot or hit with an explosion.
  18. zooloo75

    adduniform doesnt work right?

    In what scenario would adding this restriction to the game and making content creators adapt help at all? addUniform should force a uniform onto a unit by default, or else that command wouldn't have been called to begin with.
  19. Work-arounds such as this should not be a standard to do something as simple as triggering an already existing functionality of the game.
  20. Yea, but the object is still visible and breaks the immersion. IIRC an object with hideObject applied won't collide with other units or objects. If not, then hmmm.
  21. I doubt that a new physics engine in DayZ would be migrated over to ArmA3, seeing as of how ArmA3 already has PhysX while DayZ doesn't.
  22. Correct. Combined with setVelocity, this would be a very welcomed addition for us scripters. I don't imagine that it would be hard to implement at all since units already transition into a ragdoll state upon death. I may have to do some reverse engineering and see if I can somehow execute the function and call it internally in the game via callExtension.
  23. Hmm, I'll wait for ArmA12 for them to let us utilize the new ragdolls.
  24. I take that as a no... still...