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Everything posted by zooloo75

  1. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll take this into consideration for the next version.
  2. Thanks :) ---------- Post added at 02:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:15 PM ---------- Good to hear :)
  3. Version 1.2 released. http://bitDungeon.org/Content/Files/ArmA/@Impulse.zip + "Slapback" effect re-added. + Object/Outdoor echoes improved. + Sounds tweaked.
  4. Battles aren't complete without mortars and other fire support :)
  5. Thank you for the video, definitely clears up what you're describing. Rest assured that the "slap back" sound is in v1.2 (which I plan on releasing tonight or tomorrow).
  6. FFIS2 (cancelled) had a large focus on urban combat, this one will as well.
  7. Those screenshots look nice, gonna give it a DL! ---------- Post added at 07:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 AM ---------- WOW!! I am speechless, this is absolutely beautiful! This is to ArmA as EnbSeries was to GTA IV.
  8. Thanks for the material, very useful!
  9. Thank you for your feedback, I really appreciate those with the real-world experience to tell me how things can be improved! :) In regards to silencers, I deliberately didn't code for it (yet) as I am wanting to focus on unsilenced weaponry first. Your advice is very useful though for when I move on to suppressed weapons (and later, focus on more key details).
  10. Thank you for your feedback, I am working on it :)
  11. The performance killer was getting nearby buildings. I don't know what you mean by the "slap back" reverb, could you please elaborate on the conditions that the sound would play at so I can get a reference? If the effect is in the v1 video, you can tell me the timestamp where it's heard and I'll reproduce the effect for the next version.
  12. My function uses line intersections at fixed angle intervals from a position. This is much quicker than the nearest objects command, though less accurate. I don't need to get EVERY building, I just need to get most of them, and with an execution time of less than a millisecond vs 40+, this is the better choice.
  13. Received some very good compliments from friends and family that have served and have been in combat and they said that this sounds just like the real thing, like Iraq. Same with indoors; was told that this is what it really sounds like. I'm happy :D ---------- Post added at 08:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 AM ---------- Thanks :)
  14. Version 1.1: http://bitdungeon.org/content/files/ArmA/@Impulse.zip + Major performance optimizations + Sounds tweaked + Gunfire now echoes off objects/rocks/vegetation
  15. Thanks for the feedback! ---------- Post added at 03:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 AM ---------- Currently working on optimization. The biggest performance-eater is nearestObjects, so I've taken it upon myself to come up with an exceptional alternative to this function which performs MUCH faster, though the algorithm is approximate. Here's the comparison using ArmA3's built-in script timer: 2000 meter building check. 83.4147 ms (nearestObjects) 0.837141 ms (my algorithm) As I said, my algorithm is approximated and as such, will not return every object, but is sufficient enough for my needs. ---------- Post added at 03:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:04 AM ---------- Performance is improved tremendously now! No more 20FPS dips when firing!
  16. Thank you, I will soften the reverb.
  17. I appreciate your feedback, thanks! Great read! :)
  18. Thanks for the support everyone! Next revision will cover: + Performance optimizations + Tweaked sounds based off your feedback (so please continue to add input on what can be improved!)
  19. Initial Release: http://bitdungeon.org/Content/Files/ArmA/@Impulse.zip Can a mod move this to the completed forum?
  20. http://www.twitch.tv/zooloo75/b/630894911 Check out the broadcast of the mod.
  21. JSRS already has a good reverb system in-place. There are some details in Impulse that definitely add on to JSRS. But putting JSRS aside, Impulse would work well for other sound mods as well that are lacking a reverb system. I'm hoping sound modders will have dryer sounds in the future.
  22. Tested this with JSRS Dragonfyre, and it sounds epic!
  23. Nice! I've been out of the ArmA scene for quite some time, was completely unaware of your mod, very cool!