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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. 1para{god-father}

    Air Support Scripts

    Yes i am using the MP version on a dedi , I get it twice as well but also when I die for some reason everyone eles then gets the Air Support option which is not good ! Any idea why , is anyone else getting this ? Cheers
  2. 1para{god-father}

    Air Support Scripts

    Has anyone got this working on a dedi , so after you die you can use it again ? at the moment when you die eveyone get the option not just the original person
  3. 1para{god-father}


    Will this work on a dedi server , has it been tested yet ?
  4. If you get it Fixed Demonized let us know , as i cannot use Armour with UPSMON now :( cheers guys
  5. Hi Guys i am gettin an error ? "There is no alive member " aborting Anyone know what this message is for ? and why i am getting it ? Cheers guys
  6. 1para{god-father}

    Revive Script

    Hi Guys, I know AI can throw smoke when they are down, is it possible that in a MP game when you are down you automatically pop smoke, so other team members can find you and gives them a little cover. Has anyone done this that could help? Also Thanks Norrin Great script !!!!
  7. 1para{god-father}

    Help with BIS Silvie and Vehicles

    Ahhh i see I wounder if that would work with a few trigger areas ? Ill have atest tomorrow :) thanks Azcoder did not sede that first time round !
  8. 1para{god-father}

    Help with BIS Silvie and Vehicles

    Thanks will that stop them spawning onto the runway ?
  9. 1para{god-father}

    Help with BIS Silvie and Vehicles

    Thanks guys the Airport is not classed as a TOWN or city so I cannot put it in the blacklist hence my question about using markers, so I presume this cannot be done using a marker then :(
  10. 1para{god-father}

    how to make it stay day time

    Hmmmm this gives me an idea I have a few tasks that I run and in 1 task it would be good to run this mission at night could I use that in MP and suddenly change the time to night for a mission , then once complete change it back would that work ? as i would need everyone to change time as it is MP on Dedi ? Cheers
  11. 1para{god-father}

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Hi Guys anyone know of a way to stop vehicles spawning at the Airports ? I am using the Module and can see I can use Blacklist but i need the Object Ref for the Airport as it uses objects any idea , as i get a lot of Vehicles @ my base BIS_silvie_mainscope setvariable ["blackList",["????????"]]; Thanks
  12. 1para{god-father}

    Help with BIS Silvie and Vehicles

    sorry to bump but really need to stop vehicles spawning into area's :) Anyone know ?
  13. 1para{god-father}

    Civilian kill Counter

    Thanks Shk works great so far :)
  14. 1para{god-father}

    Civilian kill Counter

    Hi SHK, I am also trying to get this to work when just Bluefor kill a civi , as way to often they just walk off something and kill themslef and the kill counter add up !. How would i just check that Bluefor killed the civi ? Thanks
  15. What I am after is when you spawn in for the first time you get a nice Dialog box appear with some rules on for a few seconds I am sure I have seen a nice looking Hint type box , I can use but cannot seem to find the correct commands any help would be grateful Thanks
  16. Does anyone know if there is a admin spectator script I can use?
  17. Hi Guys, I have a script that I can load/unload ammo crates onto a Jackal, my problem is if the jackal is destroyed and the ammo crate is still inside it end up floating in the air where it was onboard the Jackal. How can I get it to lower the ammo crate to ground level when the Jackal is destroyed ? Cheers guys
  18. 1para{god-father}

    How to lower an object to ground level

    Thanks guys , What would be best to use a Trigger / or in my init file or create a seperate .sqf ? Cheers
  19. 1para{god-father}

    Cargo Load and Drop Script

    Alos would be good to have a marker placed if dropping Ammo crates !
  20. 1para{god-father}

    Kill all units in a Radius

    nice one thanks
  21. 1para{god-father}

    Kill all units in a Radius

    Hi I would like to kill all independents using the above is the side RES ? as they are not east Cheers
  22. How can I detect when a building has blown up , is there a way to use the ID ? or would I have to place a small object in the house and use that i.e a can ? Cheers
  23. I was woundering if this is possible , as I could not see anything using the search ? Is it possible for OPFOR AI to chopper in some armour and drop it at a location then start patrolling ? Or is this not possible in MP ? Thanks guys
  24. Can anyone help please I am trying to get this to work on a dedi server, basically it is a timer that fires when a trigger is activated and should show on everyone’s screen. Run locally works fine, but not on a dedi :( //nul = [120, "Arming in :", "Launching..."] execVM "timer.sqf" private ["_remaining", "_ref", "_timer", "_msg1", "_msg2"]; _timer = _this select 0; _msg1 = _this select 1; _msg2 = _this select 2; _ref = time; "glt_timerMsg" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[] call glt_showCountdown}; if (isnil "glt_timeFormat") then { glt_timeFormat = { private ["_hours", "_minutes", "_seconds"]; _hours = 0; _minutes = 0; _seconds = 0; _seconds = _this; if (_seconds > 59) then { _minutes = floor (_seconds / 60); _seconds = _seconds - (_minutes * 60); }; if (_minutes > 59) then { _hours = floor (_minutes / 60); _minutes = _minutes - (_hours * 60); }; if (_seconds < 10) then { _seconds = format ["0%1", _seconds]; }; if (_minutes < 10) then { _minutes = format ["0%1", _minutes]; }; [_hours, _minutes, _seconds] }; }; if (isnil "glt_showCountdown") then { glt_showCountdown = { hintsilent glt_TimerMsg; }; }; if (isServer) then { while {_timer > 0 && ps_timeok} do { _remaining = _timer call glt_timeFormat; glt_timerMsg = format ["%1\n\n%2:%3:%4",_msg1, (_remaining select 0), (_remaining select 1), (_remaining select 2)]; publicVariable "glt_timerMsg"; if (local player) then {[] call glt_showCountdown}; _timer = _timer - 1; sleep 1; }; }; glt_timerMsg = _msg2; publicVariable "glt_timerMsg"; if (local player) then {[] call glt_showCountdown};
  25. 1para{god-father}

    Timer script on Dedi

    Hi Shk, Still having a problem with this timer ! It all works fine on MP but as soon as I try it on Dedi with a few players I get no timer, not even the hint I put in there to test , but if i go in the dedi on my own to test it works fine. Every come across this issue before ? Cheers