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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. 1para{god-father}

    Revive Script

    Hi Guys, I only want a Medic to be able to Revive is that possible, i presume i change the following but not sure what to ? _can_revive = "soldierWB"; //array no.18 Thanks
  2. I am using Norrins Revive script, and need a way to try and record the number of Revives a play makes in a mission and store them? then export them to a text file at the end of the game. Is this possible ?
  3. 1para{god-father}

    Count number of Revives

    Thanks Demonized, I am using the latest I belive v5 , i`ll try that out later I know the score card gets saved to the server - startlog at the end of a mission so will see if it is possible to save it with the score card . As the Medic have an unfair score at the end of a match, this is what i have been workin on so far ! http://www.tacticalrealismleague.co.uk/specops/roster Looking at it should I put it in Revive_player.sqf then under // Revive/reward function ?
  4. 1para{god-father}

    Some help on script

    ohhhh - that is new to me, that is why I am having other issues LOL Many thanks for that , that should solve some other problems :) WOpppppeeee it worked thanks guys
  5. Hi me again ! Running a Hosted server is getting to me !!! Have this little script that I am using to capture someone, which works fine, however when run on a hosted server "pstask5=true;" never seems to get set , I have a trigger on the map that when pstask5=true; it will call another script and that triggers UPSMON but it does not , Can anyone explain this to me as it works on no problem on my local PC _per = _this select 0; // Person who had the addAction _ldr = _this select 1; // Person who used the addAction _act = _this select 2; // ID of the addAction // activate next task pstask5=true; ///remove action and join group _per removeAction _act; _per switchMove "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon"; // Join the VIP to the group. [_per] joinSilent group _ldr; _per EnableAI "MOVE";
  6. 1para{god-father}

    Some help on script

    Sorry should have said I have that set it in my ini file already pstask5 = false; publicvariable "pstask5";
  7. I have a heli that come in to pick up a VIP which works fine it lands and waits for him to get in. I then have a WP set to HOLD that I have sync with a trigger set to Switch and in the condition I have:- vipman in heli1pickup tested and all works great on local PC so names are correct. but put on hosted server and the heli just sits there when vipman get in , but on local it works and he flys away. Any reason why the switch trigger would not work on Hosted server ? Thanks
  8. 1para{god-father}

    Switch trigger on Hosted server

    Nope that still does not work. He is AI and ungrouped ?! so strange it works pn Local , any other idea ?
  9. 1para{god-father}

    hmmwv In Chopper Cargo?

    also this is a great script i use all the time you can load up what you like in a chinook:- http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10834
  10. I am creating some OPFOR in some locations, and need some advice. I was wondering before i create them all, can they all be in the same group? , as worried about the 144 limit. My code is as follow: _grp1s = createGroup EAST; _unit1s = _grp1s createUnit ["TK_Soldier_Sniper_EP1", [0,0,200], [],0, "NONE"]; _unit1s setPosATL [4191.43,3936.18,7.83081]; _unit1s setDir 352.94; _unit1s addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "removeBody.sqf"}]; _grp2s = createGroup EAST; _unit2s = _grp2s createUnit ["TK_Soldier_Sniper_EP1", [0,0,200], [],0, "NONE"]; _unit2s setPosATL [4189.27,3882.01,8.90854]; _unit2s setDir 321.528; _unit2s addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "removeBody.sqf"}]; //etc... about 50 of them but that is just the first part of the mission.
  11. 1para{god-father}

    Advice on Spawn script and Group limit

    So they cannot be in the same group as they are in different location, and I need them to stay where I have placed them. So separate groups then :( If they are Deleted and removed , will that release another Group slot ?
  12. Hi Guys, I tested this code and it all run fine on my Local PC but put it up on our Hosted server and it just did not totally work , we got the Guy where he should have been so i know the script fired, but the part after the Waituntil just did not fire - but it worked fine when I test on a local ? in MP player would be anyone if i am correct ? Am I missing something for MP? if (isServer) then { _grpdummy = createGroup EAST; _vip1 = _grpdummy createUnit ["RU_Functionary1", getMarkerPos "task6spawn", [], 10, ""]; removeAllWeapons _vip1; _vip1 setCaptive true; _vip1 setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _vip1 setPos ((position _vip1 nearestObject 115676) buildingPos 14); _vip1 switchMove "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon"; waituntil {player distance _vip1 < 5}; sleep .5; [nil, nil, rHINT, "HAHAHA you will not take me alive I have triggered the device you have 15 sec."] call RE; sleep 16; _boom = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle ((position _vip1 nearestObject 115676) buildingPos 14); pstask6a=true; };
  13. Is there a way to preload a vehicle with the ammo I need? i.e Jackal can carry ammo but to save some time preload it with the stuff I need. Cheers
  14. 1para{god-father}

    Pre Load A vehicle with AMMO ?

    @Carl Gustaffa Sorry can you explain that for me please ?
  15. 1para{god-father}

    Pre Load A vehicle with AMMO ?

    You sir are TOP Thanks
  16. 1para{god-father}

    Advice with Script - on MP

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Many thanks, had 25 players last night got to Task 6 which was that one and could not go further because it would not complete the task. – note to self test on server first ! PS used your Heli VIP script you sent and that worked a treat :) really nice !
  17. 1para{god-father}

    Cargo Load and Drop Script

    I fixed the ammo crate issue, FYI Replace the line in //// Wait until ground reached in the script _Object setPos [(getPos _Object select 0),(getPos _Object select 1),0.001]; To the following and it works great now. no idea wehy the above would not work but this fixed it for some reason ?! _Object setpos [getpos _Object select 0, getpos _Object select 1, 0];
  18. I am trying to get a AI to walk to a vehicle and get in but it just does not seem to get in, i can get him to walk to the VIPwalk marker but that is it ? using this in my script _wp = _grpVIP addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "vipwalk", 0]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 = _grpVIP addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "vipgetin", 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "GETIN";
  19. 1para{god-father}

    AI walk to vehicle and get in

    Thanks guys got it working now !!! Used a combination of all suggestion and it works :) this seemed to work best _wp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "VIP assignAsDriver pmccar; [VIP] orderGetIn true;"];
  20. 1para{god-father}

    AI walk to vehicle and get in

    Well they just walk to the car and stand there and do not get in. _wp1= _grpVIP addWaypoint [getpos pmccar,0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "GETIN NEAREST";
  21. 1para{god-father}

    AI walk to vehicle and get in

    Thanks , but it is all in a script so need another workaround. Anyone help getting a guy in a Vehicle via script ? Thanks
  22. 1para{god-father}

    Ammo box drop script

    If I was U just download the following script ! http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10834 That will do what you need and more !
  23. A question for you guys, I am running on a Dedi server and have approx 25 players , if I use the Alice module will this case any / much lag ? Just seeking advice Thanks
  24. I used the Civilian kill counter, and the Civilian Module and to be honest i had a lot of lag ! I took the Civilian kill counter out of my INI and put it in its own .sqf that did help a little. But i always get issue when using the Civi module on our dedi with 20+ player - so have stopped using it. You could try that and see if that helps?
  25. I need to activate something when a player gets close just checking if this will work. will PLAYER be anyone who is playing ? waituntil {player distance _vip1 < 20};