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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. Nice one many thanks works great.
  2. I have been playing with the Dynamic Object Compositions and need to know a way to check to see if a check a Dynamic Object Compositions has been destroyed ? Is that possible ? _newComp = [(getPos this), (getDir this), "Firebase1_RU"] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf"));
  3. 1para{god-father}

    How to work out if a x in onboard a heli ?

    Ahh that easy, should have tried that , i was thinking to much in that thought i would have to check cargo etc... Many thanks !
  4. Example.... if I use this script and I need to add it say to 3 players can I call the script 3 times or do I need 3 of the same scripts Rescue1.sqf ,Rescue2.sqf and Rescue3.sqf ? Rescue.sqf _per = _this select 0; // Person who had the addAction _ldr = _this select 1; // Person who used the addAction _act = _this select 2; // ID of the addAction // Remove the rescue option _per removeAction _act; _per switchMove "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon"; // Join the VIP to the group. [_per] joinSilent group _ldr; _per EnableAI "MOVE";
  5. 1para{god-father}

    Can I run a script more than once ?

    thanks, Just so i know if i have for example a Waituntill{_per} do something. Could I still use it multiple times ? Sorry just trying to understand scripts how they work and if I can utilise the same scripts
  6. When in MP if a player gets shot in a vehicle is their way to stop him falling out of the vehicle? Until say we stop the car then drag him out or then he ejects out ? Using Norrin Revive script if that make any difference ? Thanks
  7. 1para{god-father}

    Need help with 2 problems. Please

    I get the same problem as well , not sure what it is as I have never found out but it only happens some times for me not all the time. so if you do find out i would love to know as well !
  8. Ahhh that makes sense ill give that a go but i recon that should do the Job ! MANY thanks that worked !
  9. Is it possible to save a MP hosted game ? I really just want to save what point players where upto not there scores etc.. Or can you simply not save a MP game ?
  10. 1para{god-father}

    Save MP game is that possible ?

    WOWOOWOO nice one , Looking very nice indeed ! Just what ARMA needs
  11. Having an little issue deleting a marker, I get the hint fine but the marker remains, can i not use _markerpad in a trigger ? _vehicleambush=_this select 1; _base = _this select 0; _pads = [hpad1,hpad2,hpad3,hpad4,hpad5,hpad6,hpad7,hpad8,hpad9,hpad10]; _dest = _pads select (floor (random count _pads)); [_base,_dest,55] execvm "shk_moveobjects.sqf"; ///////////////////make marker/////////////////////// _markerpad = FORMAT ["marker_%1",(_dest)]; _mrkscud1 = createmarker [_markerpad,getpos _vehicleambush]; _mrkscud1 setmarkershape "ELLIPSE"; _mrkscud1 setmarkersize [200,200]; _mrkscud1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _triggeram1 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[getPos _vehicleambush select 0,getPos _vehicleambush select 1,0]]; _triggeram1 setTriggerArea [230,230,27,false]; _triggeram1 setTriggerActivation ["WEST","NOT PRESENT",true]; _triggeram1 setTriggerTimeout [30,30,30,true]; _triggeram1 setTriggerStatements ["this", "Hint 'Finished'; deleteMarker _markerpad;",""];
  12. Well it must just be me as I have that and they just do not die ! Put 50x50 trigger in on alfa radio condition = this Act on = Hint "DELETE";{_x setDammage 1} foreach thisList; I get the hint but the group just stand there and do not die ?!
  13. 1para{god-father}

    Help on Script to delete Marker

    _vehicleambush=_this select 1; _base = _this select 0; _pads = [hpad1,hpad2,hpad3,hpad4,hpad5,hpad6,hpad7,hpad8,hpad9,hpad10]; _dest = _pads select (floor (random count _pads)); [_base,_dest,55] execvm "shk_moveobjects.sqf"; ///////////////////make marker/////////////////////// _markerpad = FORMAT ["marker_%1",(_dest)]; _mrkscud1 = createmarker [_markerpad,getpos _vehicleambush]; _mrkscud1 setmarkershape "ELLIPSE"; _mrkscud1 setmarkersize [200,200]; _mrkscud1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; Well confused now ! I need to format _markerpad to get the marker name to work and if i put a hint in i get "marker_hpad3" which is what i expected. take the format out then the marker does not work. So I thought I could use that to delete as well ? It is all in 1 script so it should never be out of scope. @PELHAM Thanks Ill have a bash at that then and will see :)
  14. 1para{god-father}

    Save MP game is that possible ?

    Thanks guys - that is a shame :(
  15. I have put that in a trigger around the whole area but they do not die ?
  16. [quote=kylania Personally I'd do it one of two ways: 1. Random spawn the whole camp at the start. Adds replayability. This is a very handy script! I am trying to also move a marker using this but the marker does not move I have Grouped the marker but it will not move, anyidea how i can move a marker with the objects ?
  17. Thanks , how would I do that i.e Kill all units in the area ?
  18. If I wanted to delete a Group I have spawned how do I delete the Group when i no longer need them ? _upsgrp1 = [1,_positionToSpawnIn,1,["ambush1","spawned","showmarker","delete:",30,"respawn:",5]] execVM "SCRIPTS\UPSMON\MON_SPAWN.SQF"; I thought this would work but it does not :( deletevehicle _upsgrp1;
  19. Yes sorry should have said I am using the UPSMON template for my spawn
  20. 1para{god-father}

    How to Delete a Group

    Yes that would work , how would i so that ?
  21. Can someone let me know how i can delete Spawned groups , that are no longer needed, i.e when i have moved far away from the patrol zone they will still be alive ! _upsgrp1= [1,getMarkerPos "testspawn",1,["marker_test","spawned","move","showmarker","delete:",30,"respawn:",5]] execVM "SCRIPTS\UPSMON\MON_SPAWN.SQF"; waitUntil {mission1end}; Hint "Should delete"; deleteVehicle _upsgrp1; {deleteVehicle _ x} foreach units _upsgrp1 ; I get the Hint but they will not delete the Units Error from RPT:- Error position: <units _upsgrp1; deleteGroup _upsgrp1; > Error units: Type Script, expected Object,Group
  22. 1para{god-father}

    How to Delete a Group

    Hmmmmm This is not to remove dead body's it was to remove the Patrol once i have left an area and no longer need that group , they will probably still be alive. As a work around if i cannot delete them could i kill them all ? if so how ?
  23. 1para{god-father}

    How to Delete a Group

    Thanks , but still getting an error this is frommy.rpt Error position: <units _upsgrp1; deleteGroup _upsgrp1; > Error units: Type Script, expected Object,Group ANy idea why ? the group is 100% called _upsgrp1
  24. 1para{god-father}

    Script that calls on radnom script?

    how would you stop spawning the same mission again then ? as it is random you would not wnat the samne mission twice ?