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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. 1para{god-father}

    Countdown timer on map ?

    Hmmmm might be me but i cannot get it to work ? placed a marker named it test1 change the code to test1 then place a trigger with a radio call and started the script. I put a hint in the script just after if (isServer) then { - and i get the hint but nothing else no timer where teh marker is ?
  2. 1para{god-father}

    Countdown timer on map ?

    Very nice many thanks !
  3. I am having an issue with ACM Module It spawns in US stuff as well , but it should just spawn in Russian . Any ide why ? It is sync to Playable leader which is bluefor Any idea why ? waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}}; waitUntil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}; //Sets frequency and number of patrols (0-1). BIS_ACM is module name [1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; //min max spawn distance [bIS_ACM, 250, 600] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; //factions to be spawned Just need Russian [["RU"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; //Skill range for spawned units [0, 0.6, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc; //Amount of ammo spawned units possess [0.2, 0.5, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; //Type of patrol. With 0 meaning no chance of appearing, and 1 meaning 100% chance. -1 removes patrol type completely. ["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; ["air_patrol",0.1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;
  4. 1para{god-father}

    ACM Module issue

    Nope did not work still get US and some BAF stuff :( It must be something to do with hosted server
  5. 1para{god-father}

    Creating a recon mission

    LOL opppsss :)
  6. 1para{god-father}

    Creating a recon mission

    This would be my suggestion. 1) I would just set it so only a few players would be able to spot say 4 max so really just squad leaders or a few snipers teams ( be able to specify there name in the configurations ( i.e. “s1â€, “s2â€,â€s3â€,â€s4†or whatever the players name is) 2) I personally would not worry too much about JIP but that is just me as I mostly play in a clan mission where all Team Leaders /snipers are already in game and we start together. 3) You would not really need end mission In MP as it will probably be just part of the Task or a side mission type thing so just a hint to say Yep you have located xyz – and set a variable to true so they can fire of anything else they need using that variable – Not seen this type in a MP before and would add another feel to a MP squad game for sure - just wish i could script better have lots of ideas just no goood at scripting :( BTW works great in SP love it !
  7. 1para{god-father}

    Creating a recon mission

    Is there any way this could work in MP on a hosted server ?
  8. 1para{god-father}

    ACM Module issue

    Very strange , SP No "US" - Sever "US" as well :( Just added the below , which seems so have worked will have to have a longer test on hosted as they take a while to start to spawn ! [bIS_ACM, [ "RU_InfSquad", "RU_InfSection", "RU_InfSection_AT", "RU_InfSection_AA", "RU_InfSection_MG", "RU_SniperTeam", "RUS_ReconTeam", "MVD_AssaultTeam", "RU_MotInfSquad", "RU_MotInfSection_Recon", "RU_MotInfSection_Patrol" ]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc;
  9. 1para{god-father}

    ACM Module issue

    Yes it is named "BIS_ACM" It was running on a Hosted server if that makes any difference? I do get Russians, but I am also getting the odd US troops as well , and the funny thing is i was testing on woodland map and it spawned in Desert US armour !
  10. 1para{god-father}

    Spawn Plane

    Worked like a charm - thanks
  11. 1para{god-father}

    Spawn Plane

    Trying to spawn in a plane , it spawns in but the it is on the ground not flying ? _Su34veh = [getMarkerPos "vipspawn", (random 360), "Su34", EAST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; Is there a way to gte it to fly and not be on the ground ? Thanks
  12. 1para{god-father}

    Spawn Plane

    Well i am using UPSMON that sets the patrol to a marker which i have made over the whole map , that way it wil fly around eveywhere so it will be random more fun :)
  13. 1para{god-father}

    Spawn Plane

    AHhhh thanks will give that a go now ! @ Koni No it spawns a plane with Crew allread in
  14. 1para{god-father}

    Spawn Plane

    Thanks that done the job ! I wanted to then use UPSMON so it will go on patrol, i am getting am error type array expected, should this work ? _SpawnPos = [(getMarkerPos "vipspawn" select 0), (getMarkerPos "vipspawn" select 1), 500]; _Su34veh = [_SpawnPos, (random 360), "Su34", EAST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; [(units _Su34veh) select 0, "patrol_all","spawned","delete:",200] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
  15. 1para{god-father}


    Is there a way I can enable teleport for just 1 player , as at the moment if i place the following code in 1 palyers .ini it seems that all players then can teleport ? - onMapSingleClick "player setPos _pos";
  16. 1para{god-father}


    I have it in players INI is that correct ?
  17. 1para{god-father}


    For some reason that also did not work ,did not teleport at all ?
  18. Thanks , I just download it from Armoholic did not know that was beta, will use the updater now , thanks
  19. Having the same message how did you fix it in the end ?
  20. 1para{god-father}


    That does not work , testing it on Hosted server BTW .
  21. 1para{god-father}

    Creating a recon mission

    WOW this looks like this could be a great script, and add some more mission ideas for gameplay - any way you can mod this to be usable in MP as that would be awsum - a proper recce at last
  22. 1para{god-father}

    Automatic Eject Script

    I see you are using isKindOf "Plane" does that work for Heli as well if not what would it be , as looking for it top work on Just heli. Thanks
  23. 1para{god-father}

    Automatic Eject Script

    Dont want to hijack this thread but is there a way to make a player invincible when in a heli and for a while after he gets out i.e time to get away from the helli explosion. Looking for if a pilot gets shot down he will suvive so has to get back from enemy lines ! @ tavtavtva the above does work ok it ejects me when i get hit by an AA pod ?!
  24. 1para{god-father}

    Game Servers

    Guys can anyone recomend any good Game server hosts - have tride UK game but had soo much lagg gave up so looking for new server. Any suggestions ?