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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. @columdrum Many thanks both issues solved now, thanks for your help ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another Question is there a way to tweak how much a player needs to get back on their feet , as we played last night and the medics was taking a very very long time to revive , and on some missions I wanted it to be a little quicker, is that possible to tweek ? if so where would I look Thanks
  2. I have built some platforms that the Helicopters sit on and I have their height etc in the INI , but when they respawn they respawn on the ground , anyway to respawn them at the original height ?
  3. Sorry should have said ! It wortks great when i test the mission i.e host myslef but when i put it on our Dedi server that is when i get the issue ! PM you the mission so you can see if you get the same issue. Many thanks! BTW. is it possible to be able to Spawn back to a Carrier , i have put this in my INI but it still seems to spawn into the sea and not at the correct hight ? , would i need to amend anything in the script ? "Respawn_west" setMarkerPosLocal [markerPos "Respawn_west" select 0, markerPos "Respawn_west" select 1, 15.9];
  4. Thought so as i just could not get it working , at leats it is not my server then :) If anyone can work it out he can !
  5. Thanks for the info I was Just using the HINT as a test to see if the script was working because when I tried this script on my DEDI it does not work , if i host it works like a dream ! ( but that explains why My hint did not come up ) The script below which is Demonized script that i was trying to work on a DEDI , have no idea why it will not work on a dedi box, like it does when I run it on hosted. Hopefully someone will point out the issue !? private ["_huntdown","_require_1_capture","_noCntStart","_who","_colorChk","_col","_t","_min","_sec","_endHint","_endType","_marker","_cnt","_ALL_towns_markers"]; /* * Save as timer.sqf * Place the same markers here as in engageTowns.sqf * Adjust end messages. * Set the endMission types, check http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/endMission for info on endings. * Place this in init.sqf or in any unit/object initline, number is minutes after all is captured before endMission. _null = 10 execVM "timer.sqf"; Credits: Psivalli for the idea and actual timer code part. */ _ALL_towns_markers = ["townMarker1","townMarker2","townMarker3"]; _require_1_capture = true; // if one of the markers must change color before the actual timer is activated. (all markers can start as for example red, and once 1 of them has been captured by others the timer activates. if (!isServer OR !isNil "DMZ_ET_endCheck") exitWith {}; DMZ_ET_endCheck = true; waitUntil { !isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone" }; if (_require_1_capture) then { // wait until there is change in marker colors before activating the countdown, no matter color of marker, at least one of them has to change before timer is activated. _noCntStart = []; {_noCntStart = _noCntStart + [[_x, getMarkerColor _x]]} foreach _ALL_towns_markers; waitUntil {sleep 1; ({getMarkerColor (_x select 0) != (_x select 1)} count _noCntStart) != 0}; }; while {DMZ_ET_endCheck} do { _cnt = count _ALL_towns_markers; waitUntil {sleep 1; ({getMarkerColor _x == "ColorBlue"} count _ALL_towns_markers) == _cnt OR ({getMarkerColor _x == "ColorRed"} count _ALL_towns_markers) == _cnt OR ({getMarkerColor _x == "ColorGreen"} count _ALL_towns_markers) == _cnt OR ({getMarkerColor _x == "ColorWhite"} count _ALL_towns_markers) == _cnt}; DMZ_ET_endCheck = false; _t = _this * 60; while {_t > 0} do { _colorChk = []; { _col = getMarkerColor _x; if (!(_col in _colorChk)) then {_colorChk = _colorChk + [_col]}; } foreach _ALL_towns_markers; _who = switch (true) do { case ("ColorBlue" in _colorChk): {"West"}; case ("ColorRed" in _colorChk): {"East"}; case ("ColorGreen" in _colorChk): {"Resistance"}; }; _min = floor (_t / 60); _sec = floor (_t mod 60); _min = (if (_min <= 9) then {"0"} else {""}) + str _min; _sec = (if (_sec <= 9) then {"0"} else {""}) + str _sec; _t = _t - 1; [nil,nil,rSPAWN,hintSilent (format["%3 WIN %1:%2",_min,_sec,_who])] call RE; sleep 1; if (_t != 0 AND count _colorChk > 1) then {_t = 0; DMZ_ET_endCheck = true}; }; [nil,nil,rSPAWN,hintSilent ""] call RE; if (!DMZ_ET_endCheck) then { // now all markers is either red, blue or orange. _endType = ""; _endHint = ""; _marker = _ALL_towns_markers select 0; if (getMarkerColor _marker == "ColorBlue") then { // Bluefor win message or set a variable for your own end triggers etc. _endHint= "Blue wins"; _endType = "END1"; }; if (getMarkerColor _marker == "ColorRed") then { // Opfor win message or set a variable for your own end triggers etc. _endHint= "Red wins"; _endType = "LOSER"; }; if (getMarkerColor _marker == "ColorGreen") then { // Resistance win message or set a variable for your own end triggers etc. _endHint = "Resistance wins"; _endType = "LOSER"; }; if (getMarkerColor _marker == "ColorWhite") then { // Civilian win message or set a variable for your own end triggers etc. _endHint = "Civilians wins"; _endType = "LOSER"; }; [nil,nil,rHINT,_endHint] call RE; // below and the _endType lines can be deleted if you handle end of mission some other way. sleep 5; // wait 5 seconds after hint then endmission for all. // end the mission. [nil,nil,rendMission,_endType] call RE; }; };
  6. Not sure if you are running this on a dedi box if you are can you confirm that the Timer works for you? , as I am unable to get the Timer to work on a dedi box, works great when hosting myself! Just tested again on Dedi box and Timer defiantly does not work , Demonized any chance you could have a look at that for us ? Thanks
  7. 1para{god-father}

    SLP_Spawing script

    WOW nice one, love the hunt feature made an escape and evade mission so this will come in handy as another group will soon come looking for us if we take out the original group. Thanks for that!
  8. Have you tried this on a Dedi box yet as it work great when i host but on a dedi box the explosions never happen ?
  9. Yes mate locate that line in the .sqf and then put the // in front of that line :)
  10. 1) look in the .sqf and locte the "sidechat "trigger activated"; " and comment that out as that will revove the Spam Chat , that was left in in error. 2) make sure you set _tracking = false; otherwise you wilol see all the red dots - that was for debug and testing. Not sure how to hide the markers as the whole point was to show them in the first place !!! As for the other you will need to wait for the Expert Demonized LOL.
  11. Just noticed you left a player sidechat "trigger activated"; in the "create a trigger over each marker."
  12. Not sure wht I have done , but for some reason when i die i get "SCALAR of 9 lives" and they do not go down it stays at 9 ? It all works great appart from number of lives Colum_revive_Vidas_Side= true; if (Colum_revive_Vidas_Side) then { // life number if Colum_revive_Vidas_Side= true; //lifes for bluefor team / west side Colum_revive_VidasMax_WEST=10; //lifes for opfor team / east side Colum_revive_VidasMax_EAST=99; //lifes for indepen team / guer side Colum_revive_VidasMax_GUER=99; //lifes for civilian team / CIV side Colum_revive_VidasMax_CIV=99; };
  13. 1para{god-father}

    Mitilini Island

    Great new island nice work indeed ! BTW where is the kill house could not locate it ?
  14. Yes you are correct not sure why it did not work last time maybe i set teh distance wrong :) - - but working now - - however I get no chat text anymore just the radio beeps , any idea ?
  15. Nice one will update now :) Have you had any joy using this when running ACE as it seemed not to work ?
  16. 1para{god-father}

    SLP_Spawing script

    thanks, just thought that would be a nice feature to have :)
  17. 1para{god-father}

    SLP_Spawing script

    Just a question can you set numbre of respawn i.e when all are dead in a group respawn another group - that way you can have another wave comming in , once those are dead , is that possible
  18. 1para{god-father}

    Enhanced Skills Slider

    Just wanted to post a big thanks - been using this today and i really can see the change in AI and makes it a lot quicker to change on the fly ! I also was running in Regular whilst testing and a lot of AI where also showing skill all set to 1 , no idea but it must be the way I was spawning them in as it should put them in about .5 , so using this showed me why AI where so bloody good at killing us all on mission nights as they were all set to 1 Issue now resolve with this tool keep up the great work - - - - - - A must for Mission makers / admins
  19. 1para{god-father}

    Change Skill after or during spawn

    cool thanks, no idea why it sets them to 1 but hey that will do the trick - thanks !
  20. I am spawning a group in , and have noticed that for some reason they have all there skill's set to "1", no wounder they are so blody good ! , I found this out when i used the "Enhanced Skills Slider" , no matter what i set the server to they allways are "1" - even when i start the server in Recruit ? ( they do change when i use the Mod) So is there anything in code I can do or need to do to change this , - I know i can use above Mod , but i really would like to spawn them in with set skills rather than then being Aimbots at the start. Thanks _grpbuild1 = [getMarkerPos "marker_house1", EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "INS" >> "Infantry" >> "INS_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
  21. 1para{god-father}

    Enhanced Skills Slider

    That is good news, thanks for that , Ill get on with testing for best values now, any recommendations Need AI to spot at a good distance but to have a longer firefight i.e Ai not to accurate in fire fights lots of pullets pinging around you.
  22. 1para{god-father}

    Enhanced Skills Slider

    If i am running it on a Dedi server would ALL clients need to run it as well as no other AI are spawned after the start of the mission !? Cheers
  23. 1para{god-father}

    ASR AI Skills

    Is there any issues using this with UPSMON ? as when i activate this on our Dedi UPSMON does not seem to spawn any units in , take it off and they spawn in again , but when i test it on local host it all works great !? Anyone using this on Dedi with UPSMON ?
  24. 1para{god-father}

    BIS Module Improvement Project

    I am still having an issue trying to add something to the vehicle INI when it is spawned , can you please let us know where it should go ? Thanks
  25. Did you manage to get the Helli's to work on this ?