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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. Would I be correct if I wanted it to be set to 48 Hours ? Colum_revive_LifesPersist=(172800*60);
  2. Sorry guys racking my brains but cannot seem to work out how to do this. I have a civilian that i need to get Intel from so was thinking of a addaction that would display a hint on one of the 5 tanks that are pre placed - tank1 - tank5. My issue is how can i just work out to show 1 tank at a time i.e once it is destroyed they come back and get the next location etc.. until they have all been destroyed. [nil, this, "per", rADDACTION, "Gather Intel on Location","intel.sqf",[],1,false,true,"",""] call RE; //get approx location of tank _name = tank1 _dist = 550; _angle = random 359; _marker1 = createMarker[format["marker%1",_name],getPos _name ]; _marker1 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker1 setMarkerType "FLAG"; _marker1 setMarkerText "T72 Location 550m"; _marker1 setMarkerSize [.50, .50]; _marker1 setMarkerPos [(getPos _name select 0) - 0.5 * _dist + (random _dist), (getPos _name select 1) - 0.5 * _dist + ( _dist)];
  3. 1para{god-father}

    Intel on 5 locations 1 at a time ?

    ahhh that helped ill use that as it save reinventing the wheel !! Cheers !
  4. I have a AApod placed down called pod1 Then in my script i have a waituntill however when i shoot the man it is not classed as destroyed if i place a satchel charge and blow it is then shows the hint. How can I get it so that only the Man needs to be shot down to show the hint ? waitUntil{!alive(pod1)} Hint "BAA pod down;
  5. 1para{god-father}

    Intel on 5 locations 1 at a time ?

    I was really to get Intel from 1 guy i.e add action give me Intel on 1st tank location. when that is destroyed go back and get the next location etc... No sure how to do it as a If statement would not work , nor e a case ?
  6. 1para{god-father}

    Destroy AApod man only

    Thanks Guys , a question by would using EH be better ?
  7. Hmmmm, Thanks for testing ! OK I made my own script with a load out and the same happened so it must be the latest ACE and pukf pack causing the issue. Again thanks for your time
  8. Just tested it and It works like a charm , many , many thanks indeed !!!!!
  9. 1para{god-father}

    Stop spawn into water ?

    thanks guys will use both Cheers works so far :)
  10. I am using the below to spawn in a random position from a marker but how can i stop it spawning into Water , as sometimes it spawns into water :( _marker = _this select 0; // marker name _radius = _this select 1; //5K _pos = getmarkerpos _marker; _exp = "(1 + meadow) * (1 - forest) * (1 - trees)"; _prec = 100; _bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_pos,_radius,_exp,_prec,1]; _spot = _bestplace select 0; _spot2 = _spot select 0;
  11. Many thanks https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Mod/testloadout.utes.pbo?w=820b6e7a
  12. Still need some help on this I have removed all Mods apart from ACE , ACRE and CBA. I get the weapon load out but for some reason still do not get any Personal Med supplies I have set first aid to all 2x some Kits i get 1x Bandage but most i get nothing? If i go to a med box I can then fill them all up , any suggestions ? Clean mission only the following in the ini INI leaFunction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "lea\loadout-init.sqf"; call leaFunction;//line generated by LEA. If I take out everything from the 8 slot where you can store extra Med supplies / 203 rounds etc... I then get the MED aid x 2 on all !? So it has something to so with using these slots .
  13. I am using the LEA auto add to INI so that line is in there allready like you said so very strange , it must be something i am runningh I guess as I presume no one eles has the issue :confused: Ill try remove all mods just in case
  14. Thanks When i try using the @lea its all works great I get all the correct loadouts. - thanks ! Try again using the same profile but without the @lea I get all the correct gear but still no luck with the Epi and morphine all i get is 2x bandage. This is a clean map with only the ACE wounds module placed
  15. Is there any way to disable the persistence lives , as trying to run a MSO style mission where it replenished every 24 hours or is there a way Revive can do this ?
  16. No Not using the add on so I presume it should be fine :) 1.... Question I have set my load-out but for some reason the load-out is not the same when I go into the game , they have Grenades and also the standard round not the tracer rounds i have put in. all other equipment looks OK apart from the personal Epi,Bandage etc is also mission . It looks like they are not clearing there original gear ?
  17. Ahhhh I see now many thanks ! A quick question I am Using the MSO style mission where it saves all my gear on disconnect will this overwrite my load out each time ?
  18. Does this alos support the ukf_ukweps if so where are they as i could not see them ?
  19. I have a dedi server set up and all working however i have noticed that when any Units are spawned in they get set to 1.0 for all there skills ? It is like it is ignoring the setting on the server that are below: If i change say the 3rd person view , it does change in game but the skill is ignored , any suggestions where to start looking ? class Regular { class Flags { 3rdPersonView=1; armor=1; autoAim=0; autoGuideAT=1; autoSpot=1; cameraShake=1; clockIndicator=1; deathMessages=1; enemyTag=0; friendlyTag=1; hud=1; hudGroupInfo=1; hudPerm=1; hudWp=1; hudWpPerm=1; map=1; netStats=1; tracers=1; ultraAI=0; unlimitedSaves=1; vonId=1; weaponCursor=1; }; skillFriendly=1; precisionFriendly=1; skillEnemy=0.40000001; precisionEnemy=0.40000001; };
  20. 1para{god-father}

    Addon restrict to player "s1"

    Could not find anything on the Addaction for MP , Is this correct ? I need it so only players get the addaction if "actionActive" is true . ////_informant is the man I created///// [nil, _informant, "per", rADDACTION, "Get Information","intel1.sqf""",1,false,true,"","actionActive"] call RE; OK solved i was missing a "," !
  21. Can anyone please let me know how I can restrict a addaction so only player named "s1" can see / use it ? using this on my object Sqh=this addAction ["Get Intel !", "intel.sqf"];
  22. I am creating a roadblock and all works great but how can i remove all objects when needed, I presume i can delete each object i.e Deletevehicle _bg1; but is there a cleaner way ? Thanks // Define [ Gate, Blocks, Barriers, Guides, Nest, Wire, Weapon] for each faction _list = switch (_fac) do { // RU case "RU": {["ZavoraAnim","Land_CncBlock","RoadBarrier_long","Land_arrows_desk_L","Land_arrows_desk_R","Land_fortified_nest_small","Fort_RazorWire","M2StaticMG"]}; // ACE_RU case "ACE_RU": {["ZavoraAnim","Land_CncBlock","RoadBarrier_long","Land_arrows_desk_L","Land_arrows_desk_R","Land_fortified_nest_small","Fort_RazorWire","M2StaticMG"]}; // GUE case "GUE": {["","Sign_Checkpoint","RoadBarrier_long","RoadCone","RoadCone","Land_BagFenceLong","RoadBarrier_light","SearchLight"]}; // INS case "INS": {["ZavoraAnim","Sign_Checkpoint","RoadBarrier_long","RoadCone","RoadCone","Land_BagFenceLong","RoadBarrier_light","M2StaticMG"]}; // BIS_TK case "BIS_TK": {["ZavoraAnim","Land_CncBlock","RoadBarrier_long","Land_arrows_desk_L","Land_arrows_desk_R","Land_fortified_nest_small","Fort_RazorWire","M2StaticMG"]}; // BIS_TK_INS case "BIS_TK_INS": {["","Sign_Checkpoint_TK_EP1","RoadBarrier_long","Land_Pneu","Land_Pneu","","Misc_TyreHeapEP1","DSHKM_TK_INS_EP1"]}; // Default default {["ZavoraAnim","Land_CncBlock","RoadBarrier_long","Land_arrows_desk_L","Land_arrows_desk_R","Land_fortified_nest_small","Fort_RazorWire","M2StaticMG"]}; }; // Place Gate if !(_list select 0 == "") then { _bg1 = _list select 0 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [0,7,0]); _bg1 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); }; // Place Blocking Element (concrete, tyres etc) if !(_list select 1 == "") then { _cb1 = _list select 1 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [5,6,0]); _cb1 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); _cb2 = _list select 1 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [10,6,0]); _cb2 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); _cb3 = _list select 1 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [-5,6,0]); _cb3 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); _cb4 = _list select 1 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [-10,6,0]); _cb4 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); }; // Place Road Barriers if !(_list select 2 == "") then { _rb1 = _list select 2 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [5,5,0]); _rb1 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); _rb2 = _list select 2 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [10,5,0]); _rb2 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); _rb3 = _list select 2 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [-5,5,0]); _rb3 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); _rb4 = _list select 2 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [-10,5,0]); _rb4 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); }; // Place Guides if !(_list select 3 == "") then { _s1 = _list select 3 createVehicle (_roadpos2 modelToWorld [-4,0,0]); _s1 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -90); _s2 = _list select 3 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [-4,4,0]); _s2 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -90); _s3 = _list select 4 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [3,4,0]); _s3 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -270); _s4 = _list select 4 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [3,0,0]); _s4 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -270); _s5 = _list select 4 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [3,-4,0]); _s5 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -270); _s6 = _list select 4 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [0,-7,0]); _s6 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -180); }; // Place Fortification if !(_list select 5 == "") then { _b1 = _list select 5 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [10,-6,0]); _b1 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -180); _b2 = _list select 5 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [-10,-6,0]); _b2 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -180); }; // Place Wire if !(_list select 6 == "") then { _rw1 = _list select 6 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [10,8,0]); _rw1 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); _rw2 = _list select 6 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [-10,8,0]); _rw2 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); }; // Place Weapon if !(_list select 7 == "") then { _sg1 = _list select 7 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [10,-7,0]); _sg1 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); _sg2 = _list select 7 createVehicle (_roadpos modelToWorld [-10,-7,0]); _sg2 setDir ((direction _roadpos) -360); }; _triggeram1 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[getPos _roadpos select 0,getPos _roadpos select 1,0]]; _triggeram1 setTriggerArea [150,150,0,false]; _triggeram1 setTriggerActivation ["EAST","NOT PRESENT",false]; _triggeram1 setTriggerTimeout [5,5,5,true]; _triggeram1 setTriggerStatements ["this", "psdelete=true; publicvariable 'psdelete'",""]; waituntil{psdelete};
  23. 1para{god-father}

    How to Remove all Objects

    Many thanks for the Explanation of private variable and scope , I forgot that and i think that is why i have been having issues elsewhere in my scripts !