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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. 1para{god-father}

    Work out Size of town

    Thanks, but how would i strip out the Array to just hold the Type as it holds tyhe following at the moment and cannot find the command to just hold the Type ? Array:- _towns = nearestLocations [getPosATL player, ["NameVillage","NameCity","NameCityCapital","StrongPoint"], 25000]; _pos = _towns select (floor (random (count _towns))); Returns Location NameVillage at 3627, 8511 Thanks
  2. Is there a way to work out the size of a town as I need to place a Marker around the whole town.? _towns = nearestLocations [getPosATL player, ["NameVillage","NameCity","NameCityCapital","StrongPoint"], 25000]; //_towns = [getPosATL player, ["StrongPoint","FlatAreaCity"], 25000]; _pos = position (_towns select (floor (random (count _towns)))); /////////Create marker//////////////////// _mrk1 = createmarker ["marker_patrol1",_pos]; _mrk1 setmarkershape "ELLIPSE"; _mrk1 setmarkersize [200,200]; ///// ?????How to get correct siez??????????///////// _mrk1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; "marker_patrol1" setMarkerAlpha 1; Sleep .2;
  3. Is there a way to use Stored information on the Debrief screen ? I.e some of my Public Variables ? I have made my briefing.html but cannot work out how i can Use my PV on it. Thanks
  4. 1para{god-father}

    Count shots in MP

    Happy to keep it all local until end of mission then add them up for a final total but not sure how I would do that ? Max 6 players on a dedi server Thanks
  5. Thanks last one works a treat !
  6. I store a Number in a PV i.e Totalscore= 200 But how can I show that on the below as ? if ((side player) == west) then {cuttext["Your Score is xxx","BLACK FADED",20];}
  7. This works fine, but not when i try Titletext hint format ["your score is %1", Number_shots_fired];
  8. I did try that but i get an error missing " ] " but i cannot see why ? if ((side player) == west) then {titleText FORMAT["Total Score is %1" totalscore,"BLACK FADED",20];};
  9. 1para{god-father}

    How to add Points system

    Thanks - the points still toted up when they killed each other, i tried this and it seems to work , would it work on dedi do you know ? _x addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", { if ([color="#FF0000"]_this select 1 == player)[/color] then {scor = scor + 10; publicVariable "scor"; _text = parseText format["%1",scor];[nil,nil,rHint,_text] call RE }}]
  10. 1para{god-father}

    How to add Points system

    Would there be any way to just have the points added if Bluefor kill OPFOR as i noticed you get points some times as they Kill themselves or each-other by mistake. Thanks
  11. I have a pre placed Base i.e a few playable men , vehicles and a heli and ammo crate , how can i Random the Start location on a map safely i.e not in water etc.. so the start of a mission is in a different place each time ? Thanks
  12. 1para{god-father}

    How to Random Preplaced Base

    Yes that is correct so each time i start the mission we start in a random location
  13. 1para{god-father}

    Mission Timer help

    Top Man works a treat !
  14. 1para{god-father}

    How to add Points system

    Cool that should get me started !! Thanks !
  15. 1para{god-father}

    How to add Points system

    Thanks, Still unsure really what to do ! so forgive me but how would I add a EH to a group and add the score to a PublicVariable ? ? ///Spawn in group _Grp1 = [_pos, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Group")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_Grp1, _pos, 80] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol; ///add EH to group for score to each AI killed it would add 5 points to a variable ???//////// _Grp1 addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", { addScore 5; }];
  16. 1para{god-father}

    How to add Points system

    Yes but i need to be able to control i.e Every OPFOR killed +5 point every Vehicle destroyed +10 points etc.. If played dies - points etc...
  17. I have searched but not sure how to do this, as could not find a solution. I have 1 Playable OPFOR (the rest are Bluefor) and I need that player to be able to Respawn into any OPFOR AI that is alive still, It is just to put a Human element into my OPFOR for my COOP missions. Anyone know how I can do I this ? Thanks
  18. 1para{god-father}

    Player Respaw into AI OPFOR

    thanks, where would i add that in the players ini or my main ini ?
  19. 1para{god-father}

    Player Respaw into AI OPFOR

    That is not really what i am after, I am looking for 1 player who is OPFOR to be able to Re spawn into a Spawned OPFOR, Blue for are using Norrin Respawn so that is all taken care of Is there a way to Jump / Swap into any AI OPFOR that is Spawned ?
  20. If we do not want the Wave Respawn do we set it to this , or do we comment it out ? Colum_revive_WaveTime_Respawn=[0,0];
  21. YAAAAAAAA , many thanks will update and test tomorrow :) Love this Mod BTW is a MUST to have with ACE !
  22. any ETA on the next release ? Also did you fix the Extraction Issue where you do not get the option to go back to base , as i had it again last night , its when you do not pop Smoke , as i had run out , the heli just hovered and i was sitting in it but did not get the options. Thanks for the Hei re spawn that will come in handy as the do get shot down from time to time :)
  23. To call a Template you need something like this nul = [2,[getMarkerPos "town2"],1,["town1","respawn:",2]] execVM "SCRIPTS\UPSMON\MON_SPAWN.SQF"; 2 is the template Number and 1 is the amount of templates to create - this will spawn 1x template 2 and Respawn 2 times once group is dead.
  24. 1para{god-father}

    Insurgency style respawn

    Anyone know how you can do the Respawn into Alive AI , as i am looking for that for playable OPFOR - same as Insurgency Respawn Cheers
  25. 1para{god-father}

    1.62 Linux patch

    Sorry cannot seem to find the latestr Build , can someone please let me know the link to the latest Linux 1.62 patch Thanks guys