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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. 1para{god-father}

    Marker just for EAST to see ?

    Ahhh yes i have this at the start of my script no wounder ! if(not isServer) exitWith{}; Ill wrap what i need in if (isserver) then {} apart from the markerlocal Thanks
  2. Create smoke on a marker , you can change it to a Object etc.. _smoketest = "1Rnd_SmokeGreen_GP25" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "smokepos1");
  3. 1para{god-father}

    Marker just for EAST to see ?

    OK this works great when i test , but when i try on Dedi server no marker comes up ? Any idea how i can get it to work on Dedi ?
  4. Is there a way to just have WEST use this ? as i have a different spawn style I use for EAST (insurgency style) Thanks
  5. 1para{god-father}

    Only allow West to shoot VIP

    Thanks , After thinking about it i thought it would be unfair as they could just shoot the building where he is and not kill him , which would not be fair so i need a distance check really. Can I reference him like "_pilot allowDamage true" in a trigger or would i not be able to reference him as a\ variable i.e _pilot ? _triggeram1 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[getPos _pilot select 0,getPos _pilot select 1,0]]; _triggeram1 setTriggerArea [200,200,0,false]; _triggeram1 setTriggerActivation ["WEST","PRESENT",false]; _triggeram1 setTriggerTimeout [1,1,1,true]; _triggeram1 setTriggerStatements ["this", "_pilot allowDamage true;",""];
  6. OK I have added the below to my ALICE Module and it works great. i.e if executes civideath.sqf and generates a score. But i need it to only add up the score if Bluefore kill the Civi not OPFOR thuis is the bit io cannot get top work , but i get no error ? Working _ALICE setVariable [ "ALICE_civilianinit", [{_this addEventHandler ["Killed", {_this execVM "civilians\civdeath.sqf";totalscore = totalscore -50;} ]; }] ]; not working - no error no Civilians even spawn in ? anyone spot the error ? _ALICE setVariable [ "ALICE_civilianinit", [{_this addEventHandler ["Killed", {if (isPlayer (_this select 1) AND side (_this select 1) == WEST ) then {totalscore = totalscore -50};_this execVM 'civilians\civdeath.sqf';} ]; }] ];
  7. Is there a way I can have a Addaction to just show for up for West as I doi not wnat EAST ro be able to Captute the Pilot _grp = createGroup WEST; _pilot = _grp createUnit ["US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1", _pos, [], 0, "FORM"]; _pilot setCaptive true; _pilot setHit ["hands",1]; _pilot setHit ["head_hit",0.4]; _pilot setHit ["body",0.5]; _pilot playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon"; _pilot disableAI "MOVE"; _pilot disableAI "ANIM"; //////Just need BlueFor to see the addaction ////// _pilot setVehicleInit "this addAction ['capture','scripts\capture.sqf'];"; processInitCommands; removeAllWeapons _pilot;
  8. 1para{god-father}

    Addaction to Just show for WEST ?

    ahhhh works great now, many thanks !!!!!
  9. 1para{god-father}

    Addaction to Just show for WEST ?

    Hmmm getting an error using this ? missing ";" ?
  10. How would i go about checking to see if Any West Players are within a certain Range of an any EAST OPFOR ? As trying to stop a spawn in they are xx distance Thanks
  11. 1para{god-father}

    Insurgency style respawn

    OK another Request :) Would it be possible to Stop spawning if Enemy is near by say 100m ? I have tweaked your code slightly to now allow Spawning to any Alive Unit , but sometimes we spawn in right on the action and get shot so is there something like If EAST is nearby do not allow them to spawn onto that Man ? and display a message ? Cheers
  12. ok worked it out using the AAS scripts that i found and it works great you can then set it to what you like in parameters at mission start. in my Init.sqf i have this [] execVM "Launchthirdperson.sqf"; then Launchthirdperson.sqf waitUntil { player == player }; if( local player ) then { [] execVM "limitThirdPersonView.sqf"; }; limitThirdPersonView.sqf ////Params_CameraView=1; ////uncomment this if you do not set up parameters on mission start // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MAIN ROUTINE // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // no loop need, if third person view is not available anyway if (difficultyEnabled "3rdPersonView") then { switch (Params_CameraView) do { case 1://vehicles only { while {(true)} do { if (cameraView == "External") then { if ((vehicle player) == player) then { player switchCamera "Internal"; }; }; sleep 0.1; }; }; case 2://infantry only { while {(true)} do { if (cameraView == "External") then { if ((vehicle player) != player) then { (vehicle player) switchCamera "Internal"; }; }; sleep 0.1; }; }; case 3://disabled { while {(true)} do { if (cameraView == "External") then { if ((vehicle player) == cameraOn) then { (vehicle player) switchCamera "Internal"; }; }; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; };
  13. I have set our server to stop 3rd part so that bit is fine, I Just need it to be allowed for Helicopters / vehicles can he post his script then ?
  14. 1para{god-father}

    Random Start Position of Player

    Still having an issue with this ! All works until i try on dedi then My played does not move or is Unconscious - presume it is due to the Marker not being there as @ the start ? Anyone have any Suggestions on how i can have a Random Start Position for Players ? ---------------------------- Ignore all Resolved -- forgot to put down Respawn_west marker
  15. I am trying to create a Random start location , which all works until i try on a dedi server ? It moves All my base to the random location but the Player starts where I placed him in the Editor? ( it all works fine when i test ) if (isserver) then { _pads = [hpad1,hpad2,hpad3,hpad4,hpad5,hpad6,hpad7,hpad8,hpad9,hpad10,hpad11,hpad12,hpad13,hpad14,hpad15,hpad16,hpad17,hpad18,hpad19,hpad20]; _dest = _pads select (floor (random count _pads)); [siteObjects,_dest,35] execvm "shk_moveobjects.sqf"; ["Base",getpos _dest, "Icon", [1,1], "TYPE:", "Start", "COLOR:", "ColorGreen", "GLOBAL", "PERSIST"] call CBA_fnc_createMarker; }; server execVM "revive_init.sqf";
  16. 1para{god-father}

    spawning efficiency advice

    I have a made a few mission where I have pre built 2-3 bases and there was a lot of Objects in those bases and they where ready at mission start up ,and i would stay away from that as even running on our dedi server it ground to a holt. I would do as you said Spawn them in and out again do not have them all on the map at the start , well that is my option I only tend to have 1 base now due to the number of Objects in those bases.
  17. 1para{god-father}

    Help Creating a Base that uses CodePad

    i think i have one pm me with your email and ill mail it to you
  18. Been playing with this most of today but just cannot work out how to do it?! All I am looking for is a countdown time , that when it reached 0 it end the mission , OK this works fine so far, My issue is I need this to work on a Dedi server , that way everyone gets the same time and should also work for JIP. So i thought I could run it on the server - wrong :( If i run it inside the IF (isserver) I get no timer when testing on the Dedi server , if i run it local I get the timer , but JIP will get a different time . Best way to get a timer working on a dedi that will not have any performance impact Examples.......... I get no Time at all INIT.sqf if (isserver) then { []execvm "timer.sqf"; }; I get a timer but it will be local so JIP will get a different time Init.sqf []execvm "timer.sqf"; timer.sqf /////set to 30 sec for testing//// _hour = 0; _minute = 0; _second = 30 ; while {true} do { if (_second == 0 AND (_minute > 0 OR _hour > 0)) then { _second = 59; if (_minute > 0) then { _minute = _minute - 1; } else { if (_hour > 0) then { _hour = _hour - 1; _minute = 59; }; }; } else { _second = _second - 1; }; hintSilent format["Timeleft = %1 : %2 : %3",_hour, _minute,_second]; sleep 1; if (_hour == 0 and _minute == 0 and _second == 0) THEN { []execVM "timerout.sqf"; }; };
  19. 1para{god-father}

    Timer Issue on Dedi server

    Ok thought of another way will this have much impact on server load ? create a marker on the map using CBA persistent then run this from server as well _hour = 1; _minute = 45; _second = 0 ; while {true} do { if (_second == 0 AND (_minute > 0 OR _hour > 0)) then { _second = 59; if (_minute > 0) then { _minute = _minute - 1; } else { if (_hour > 0) then { _hour = _hour - 1; _minute = 59; }; }; } else { _second = _second - 1; }; "Time_left" setMarkerText format["Timeleft = %1 : %2 : %3",_hour, _minute,_second]; sleep 1; if (_hour == 0 and _minute == 0 and _second == 0) THEN { //exitWith {endmission "END1 []execVM "timerout.sqf"; }; };
  20. 1para{god-father}

    Timer Issue on Dedi server

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. OK Would it be possible to have something like a time running just on the server , which just will let players know at certain Points with a hint ? I.e my mission is 1:45min so display a hint every to all plays at start :145 keep it displayed for 10 sec then show it again at 1:00, 30 min 15 min 10min 5 min thgen count for say the last 5 min Would that be any better and be better and for JIP sync ? and if so how ?
  21. 1para{god-father}

    Timer Issue on Dedi server

    what about JIP will they not get the time starting from the beginning again ?
  22. 1para{god-father}

    Camera Script Issues

    Try like I said it will work fine then create a new .sqf called Intro.sqf put the code i gave you into that file then in your INI. add this on the bottom [] execVM "intro.sqf"; Everyone will get the cam when they join
  23. Great work Many thanks for your time and effort to share with others !
  24. I am adding Event Handlers to all AI that I spawn in , approx 35 AI I have 12 players who also have Killed EH added and 4 vehicles. So I did not think that would be many EH in total, or is it the Public Variable Each time adding up the score causing the Freezing ? if so any suggestions ? I played a mission and it Froze 1/2 way through each time, if i take of the EH it runs no issue why would it cause the Dedi server to Freeze ? Example of my spawn.. _grp2 = [_pos, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Patrol")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_grp2,_pos,150] execVM "scripts\BIN_taskPatrol.sqf"; { _x addEventHandler ["Killed", { if (isPlayer (_this select 1) AND side (_this select 1) == WEST ) then {totalscore = totalscore + 5; publicVariable "totalscore";}}]; } forEach (units _grp2);
  25. 1para{god-father}

    Domination like intro

    OK here you go Create 2 invisible Helipads on the Editor 1 called camstart and the other called camtarget place Camstart where you like and the other on a player then run the below from your INI.sqf intro.sqf private ["_camera","_dlg"]; setViewDistance 3500; "dynamicblur" ppeffectenable true; "dynamicblur" ppeffectadjust [3]; "dynamicblur" ppeffectcommit 0; "dynamicblur" ppeffectadjust [0]; "dynamicblur" ppeffectcommit 10; _line = 0; i = 0; _camera = "camera" camCreate [(position camstart select 0), (position camstart select 1) + 1, 120]; _camera camSetTarget [(position camtarget select 0), (position camtarget select 1) , 1.5]; _camera camSetFov 0.7; _camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "Back"]; _camera camCommit 1; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; sleep 3; playMusic "startmusic"; enableRadio false; ////// Loadingtext _camera camSetTarget player; _camera camSetPos [(position player select 0), (position player select 1) , 2]; _camera camCommit 18; sleep 4; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camera; closeDialog 0; enableRadio true; setViewDistance (paramsArray select 3); [] Spawn { waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")}; // Info text [str("Welcome to") , str("type what you like "), str("by who made missioin YOU ")] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText; }; sleep 15; sleep 44; playMusic ""; 5 fadeMusic 0.7; if (true) exitWith {}; Just tweak to your needs i./e take out music etc..