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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. 1para{god-father}

    Tanoa Objects

    Where are the Tanoa Object , I have extracted A3 but could not find them anywhere ? Or does it not yet unpack the Buildings etc... Cheers
  2. 1para{god-father}

    Tanoa Objects

    ************ Solved was using old tools
  3. 1para{god-father}

    Tanoa Trees  

    Has anyone found a way to use Tanoa Trees as cannot seem to be able to use them
  4. Hi Guys, Need some advice , i have my GUI and its all working and spawns in my groups etc... As I am using a Dialog does all the spawns - spawn Local not on server i.e i am running this on my Dedibox - they all spawn fine but no EH or addactions example through my GUI buttons ( this is not full code but just an example of what i am doing) _grpP = [getmarkerpos "sZoneLocal", EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; { _x setVariable ["AISpawnTime", time]; _x setVariable ["AISpawnPos",_cpPos]; _x setVariable ["LastAIDistanceCheck",time]; _x addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",'if (isServer) then {_this call God_fnc_OnKilled;};']; } foreach (units _grpP ); ////////////and this as well how would I add an addaction to an object that would work on Dedi ? [_object, ["<t color='#ff0000'>Defuse The Bomb</t>", God_fnc_actionDefuse, [], 1.5, true, true, "", _condition, 3, false]] remoteExec ["addAction", 0, true];
  5. 1para{god-father}

    Advice on Dialog and Local / server issue

    Perfect as usual many thanks for your help !
  6. 1para{god-father}

    Advice on Dialog and Local / server issue

    hmmmm sorry so how would i do that then as really would like it to be on server rather than local !
  7. 1para{god-father}

    Advice on Dialog and Local / server issue

    init.sqf #include "\a3\ui_f\hpp\definedikcodes.inc" _adminIDs = [ "76561198027698781", "76561198027698781" ]; if ( hasInterface && //Client machine { isServer || //SP { getPlayerUID player in _adminIDs } || //Predefined admin { serverCommandAvailable "#exportjipqueue" } || //Logged in admin { !isNil { missionNamespace getVariable "BIS_fnc_admin" } && { call BIS_fnc_admin isEqualTo 2 } } //Logged in admin, A3 version 1.70 maybe? } ) then { waitUntil { !isNull ( findDisplay 46 ) }; ( findDisplay 46 ) displayAddEventHandler [ "KeyDown", { params[ "_display", "_keyCode", "_shft", "_ctr", "_alt"]; if ( _keyCode isEqualTo DIK_F10 ) then { [] execVM "populate.sqf"; }; } ]; }; Then i create the dialog in populate.sqf If i use a Dialog / GUI and spawn something via this is it always local ?
  8. 1para{god-father}

    Vehicle !alive Help

    I have a convoy and was using !alive for the trucks so i know it has been ambushed but if i shoot the drivers out it will never carry on the code any sugg on how to solve this issue ? the guys are in a group _aiGroup i nmeed a way to know if any driver has been shot in the vehicles waitUntil {(!alive _leadtruck) or (!alive _maintruck) or (!alive _reartruck) }; Thanks
  9. 1para{god-father}

    Vehicle !alive Help

    is there a way to work of if a Vehicle has stopped i.e taken enough damage it will not move but not destroyed ?
  10. 1para{god-father}

    Vehicle !alive Help

    Cheers many thanks !
  11. 1para{god-father}

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    is it just me but when I spawn them in they just shoot each other , any idea why ? nul = [_cpPos, 2, false, 2, 50, 1, 0.75, nil, nil, 9, ["OPF_T_F"]] execVM "LV\fillHouse.sqf";
  12. I have created a simple dialog , but I only want admin or certain playersID to be able to use it any idea how I can just allow admin's or certain players to have aces to it and link it to a Key ? Thanks
  13. 1para{god-father}

    Dialog but Admin only

    hmm must be me but still does not work on Dedi ? initplayerlocal.sqf #include "\a3\ui_f\hpp\definedikcodes.inc" _adminIDs = [ "76561198027698xxxxxx", "76561198027698xxxxxx" ]; if ( hasInterface && //Client machine { isDedicated || //Dedi { getPlayerUID player in _adminIDs } || //Predefined admin { serverCommandAvailable "#exportjipqueue" } || //Logged in admin { !isNil { missionNamespace getVariable "BIS_fnc_admin" } && { call BIS_fnc_admin isEqualTo 2 } } //Logged in admin, A3 version 1.70 maybe? } ) then { waitUntil { !isNull ( findDisplay 46 ) }; ( findDisplay 46 ) displayAddEventHandler [ "KeyDown", { params[ "_display", "_keyCode", "_shft", "_ctr", "_alt" ]; if ( _keyCode isEqualTo DIK_F10 ) then { //open display here }; } ]; };
  14. 1para{god-father}

    Dialog but Admin only

    Hi, To make this work on dedi would i just need to change as below ? , as tried that but still get nothing on dedi when i try i hit f10 !isMultiplayer || //SP to isMultiplayer || Thanks
  15. Hi need some help I am trying to sort out a Hunt script so > My Dialog lists all players > click on player and run the hunt code so they are chased by AI. so Populate my list box with all players { if (isPlayer _x) then { _index = lbAdd [1100, name _x]; _data = lbSetData [1100, _index, getPosATL _x]; }; } forEach allUnits; get player name /////Grab Player Name _playername = lbData [ 1100, lbCurSel 1100 ]; _playernamecheck = if (_playername isEqualTo "") then {"error"} else {_playername }; Then run the hunt, my issue is how can I user the players name ? _hunted = ??????? while {{alive _x} count (units _grpP) >= 1} do { _pos = _hunted call CBA_fnc_getpos; [_grpP,_pos,50,"SAD", "AWARE", "RED","FULL","COLUMN", "_grpP spawn CBA_fnc_searchNearby"] call CBA_fnc_addWaypoint; sleep 30 + (random 15); deleteWaypoint [_grpP, 0]; }; Hope that makes some sense - if there is a better way please let me know !
  16. Hi I am just trying to get 2 vehicles to follow 3-4 way points that I am placing down via map clicks but they seem to drive everywhere but where they should - I am sure it can be done better so can anyone please advise me on how to get theses 2 vehicles to follow the WP * Also when they get to the last WP how can i delete all to start again. * Is there a way that if i shoot near the vehicles it will stop and eject the Driver ? Many thanks ! private ["_convoy_wp1","_point1","_convoy_wp2","_point2","_convoy_wp3","_point3","_convoy_wp4","_point4","_convoy_wp5","_point5"]; deletemarkerlocal "marker1"; //delete old markers if needed deletemarkerlocal "marker2"; deletemarkerlocal "marker3"; deletemarkerlocal "marker4"; deletemarkerlocal "marker5"; hint parseText format["Add waypoints for convoy:<br/>--------------------------<br/> <t color='#00CCFF'>Left click on the map to set start position for the convoy</t><br/> <t color='#33CC00'>Waypoints done: 0</t><br/> <t color='#FF0000'>Waypoints to go: 5</t><br/>--------------------------<br/>"]; click = false; onMapSingleClick "point1 = _pos; click = true; onMapSingleClick """";" ; waitUntil {(click)}; click = false; _convoy_wp1 = createMarkerLocal ["marker1",point1]; _convoy_wp1 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot"; _convoy_wp1 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5]; _convoy_wp1 setMarkertextLocal "Start"; _convoy_wp1 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _point1 =getmarkerpos "marker1"; sleep 0.5; hint parseText format["Add waypoints for convoy:<br/>--------------------------<br/> <t color='#00CCFF'>Left click on the map to set the 1st waypoint for the convoy</t><br/> <t color='#33CC00'>Waypoints done: 1</t><br/> <t color='#FF0000'>Waypoints to go: 4</t><br/>--------------------------<br/>"]; onMapSingleClick "point2 = _pos; click = true; onMapSingleClick """";" ; waitUntil {(click)}; click = false; _convoy_wp2 = createMarkerLocal ["marker2",point2]; _convoy_wp2 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot"; _convoy_wp2 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5]; _convoy_wp2 setMarkertextLocal "1"; _convoy_wp2 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _point2 =getmarkerpos "marker2"; sleep 0.5; hint parseText format["Add waypoints for convoy:<br/>--------------------------<br/> <t color='#00CCFF'>Left click on the map to set the 2nd waypoint for the convoy</t><br/> <t color='#33CC00'>Waypoints done: 2</t><br/> <t color='#FF0000'>Waypoints to go: 3</t><br/>--------------------------<br/>"]; onMapSingleClick "point3 = _pos; click = true; onMapSingleClick """";" ; waitUntil {(click)}; click = false; _convoy_wp3 = createMarkerLocal ["marker3",point3]; _convoy_wp3 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot"; _convoy_wp3 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5]; _convoy_wp3 setMarkertextLocal "2"; _convoy_wp3 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _point3 =getmarkerpos "marker3"; sleep 0.5; hint parseText format["Add waypoints for convoy:<br/>--------------------------<br/> <t color='#00CCFF'>Left click on the map to set the 3rd waypoint for the convoy</t><br/> <t color='#33CC00'>Waypoints done: 3</t><br/> <t color='#FF0000'>Waypoints to go: 2</t><br/>--------------------------<br/>"]; onMapSingleClick "point4 = _pos; click = true; onMapSingleClick """";" ; waitUntil {(click)}; click = false; _convoy_wp4 = createMarkerLocal ["marker4",point4]; _convoy_wp4 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot"; _convoy_wp4 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5]; _convoy_wp4 setMarkertextLocal "3"; _convoy_wp4 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _point4 =getmarkerpos "marker4"; sleep 0.5; hint parseText format["Add waypoints for convoy:<br/>--------------------------<br/> <t color='#00CCFF'>Left click on the map to set the last waypoint for the convoy</t><br/> <t color='#33CC00'>Waypoints done: 4</t><br/> <t color='#FF0000'>Waypoints to go: 1</t><br/>--------------------------<br/>"]; onMapSingleClick "point5 = _pos; click = true; onMapSingleClick """";" ; waitUntil {(click)}; click = false; _convoy_wp5 = createMarkerLocal ["marker5",point5]; _convoy_wp5 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot"; _convoy_wp5 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5]; _convoy_wp5 setMarkertextLocal "End"; _convoy_wp5 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _point5 =getmarkerpos "marker5"; sleep 0.5; hint parseText format["Add waypoints for convoy:<br/>--------------------------<br/> <t color='#00CCFF'>All waypoint for the convoy have been set</t><br/> <t color='#33CC00'>Waypoints done: 5</t><br/> <t color='#FF0000'>Waypoints to go: 0</t><br/>--------------------------<br/>"]; hint "Convoy Ready to Spawn"; _carlist = [ "C_Van_01_box_F", "C_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Hatchback_01_F", "C_Van_01_fuel_F", "C_Offroad_01_F", "C_Quadbike_01_F", "C_SUV_01_F" ]; _civlist = [ "C_man_p_beggar_F", "C_man_1", "C_man_polo_1_F", "C_man_polo_2_F", "C_man_polo_3_F", "C_man_polo_4_F", "C_man_polo_5_F", "C_man_polo_6_F", "C_man_shorts_1_F", "C_man_1_1_F", "C_man_1_2_F", "C_man_1_3_F", "C_man_p_fugitive_F", "C_man_p_shorts_1_F", "C_man_hunter_1_F", "C_man_shorts_2_F", "C_man_shorts_3_F", "C_man_shorts_4_F" ]; Event_Convoy_ConvoyVehicles = [ "B_Truck_01_medical_F", "I_Truck_02_covered_F", "I_Truck_02_ammo_F", "I_Truck_02_medical_F" ]; Event_Convoy_EscortVehicleLead = "I_Truck_02_covered_F"; // Escort vehicle that leads the convoy ///Markers to place down Event_Convoy_MarkerType = "c_car"; Event_Convoy_MarkerText = "Supply Convoy"; _convoyVehicleArray = Event_Convoy_ConvoyVehicles; _convoyVehicle = selectRandom _convoyVehicleArray; _eastCenter = createCenter east; _group = createGroup east; _group allowFleeing 0; _group setCombatMode "RED"; _group1 = createGroup east; _group1 allowFleeing 0; _group1 setCombatMode "RED"; _spawnPos = _point1; _escort = createvehicle ["I_Truck_02_covered_F",_point1,[],10,"NONE"]; _escort setVariable ["ExileIsPersistent", false]; _escort setDir _unitDirection; _escort addEventHandler ["GetOut",{_this call god_bomber;}]; _escortDriver = _group createUnit ["I_G_Soldier_F",_point1,[],0,"NONE"]; _escortDriver moveInDriver _escort; _escortDriver setCaptive true; _vehicleLead = createvehicle [_convoyVehicle,_point1,[],20,"NONE"]; _vehicleLead setVariable ["ExileIsPersistent", false]; _vehicleLead setDir _unitDirection; _vehicleLead addEventHandler ["GetOut",{_this call god_bomber;}]; _driver = _group createUnit ["I_G_Soldier_F",_point1,[],0,"NONE"]; _driver moveInDriver _vehicleLead; sleep 1; _wayPointOne = _point2; _wayPointTwo = _point3; _wayPointThree = _point4; _wp1 = _group addWaypoint [_wayPointOne, 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 = _group addWaypoint [_wayPointTwo, 0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp3 = _group addWaypoint [_wayPointThree, 0]; _wp3 setWaypointType "CYCLE"; _wp3 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _vehicleLead forceSpeed 5; _escort forceSpeed 5; _marker1 = createMarker ["Convoy",position _vehicleLead]; _marker1 setMarkerType Event_Convoy_MarkerType; _marker1 setMarkerText Event_Convoy_MarkerText; Add Marker to Vehicle to track [_marker1,_vehicleLead] spawn { private ["_marker","_vehicle","_regulatingV1"]; _marker = _this select 0; _vehicle = _this select 1; while {true} do { _marker setmarkerPos position _vehicle; sleep 1; /// change to 60sec later }; }; /// when they get to last waypoint Delete all/// ////???????????????
  17. 1para{god-father}

    Help with Hunt Script Dialog

    Sorry thought it worked but i am getting an error lbSetData [1100, _index, _player call BIS_fnc_objectVar ]; }; }> 16:14:38 Error position: <_player call BIS_fnc_objectVar ]; 16:14:38 Error Undefined variable in expression: _player
  18. 1para{god-father}

    Mikero Tools (Solved)

    ok thought i would get back into this but wanted to update all my tools where do i find Mikero tools from now ? as this link is dead ? https://dev-heaven.net/projects/mikero-pbodll/files Ignore it was temp down !!!
  19. 1para{god-father}

    Help with Hunt Script Dialog

    ahhhhh that's it over looked that ! Works great now thanks !
  20. 1para{god-father}

    Need help with GUI

    ahhh just run it it works perfect ! Many thanks for finding the issue a true gent :) * the listbox was there for testing i should have removed that ! *Also i was closing the Dialog hence there was nothing being returned ! DOH
  21. 1para{god-father}

    Need help with GUI

    OK I have populated my ComboBox { _index = lbAdd [2100, _x]; } forEach ["Combo 1","Combo 2","Combo 3"]; And i see the list yaaaaaaa > when I make a selection then click on the apply button it fires this > Hint "Yep we got here OK "; /// see if we get here private ["_data"]; _data = lbData [ 2100, lbCurSel 2100 ]; player sideChat format ["%1", _data]; I get the hint but never get the side chat of my selection , I thought it would pass a 0,1,2 depending on my selection ? Any help would be awesome as been trying all day on this
  22. 1para{god-father}

    Need help with GUI

    Yes i have a radio but I must be doing something wrong as I now always get "error" If i HINT STR(_data); i get "" Am I filling the combo correct - as I am lost as to why I cannot get the selected value ? Thanks This is my test GUI i am working on :- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3cKXZRr8-B3RGxXSXZFeHRlRnc/view?usp=sharing
  23. Hi, I have made my simple dialog and now I am trying to use what I have selected I have populated my Combo box and click on the button that fires the below I know it gets there but I only ever get a -1 hint so it is like it is not getting anything from the combo section - can anyone advise where I am going wrong Thanks disableSerialization; ////////////Grab access to the controls////////////////// _dialog = findDisplay 9999; /// this is just my temp name for now _type = _dialog displayCtrl 2100; // /combo _selectetype = lbCurSel _type; /// grab user selection Hint STR(_selectetype); // just dispaly to see what i have selected --- only get -1 ? ///now do stuff dep on selection if (_selectetypee >= 0) then { switch (_selectetype) do { case 0: { etc....
  24. 1para{god-father}

    Dialog but Admin only

    perfect works like a charm :)
  25. 1para{god-father}

    Dialog but Admin only

    Many thanks for that Awesome ! This is causing a A3 crash #include "a3\ui_f\hpp\definedikcodes.inc" Any idea why it said it is not found?