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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. 1para{god-father}

    Headless client Setup

    Hmmm so instead of ruining the scripts on the server i.e. if (isserver) then { _null = execVM "myScript.sqf"} you just run them on the HC ? Also what about during the mission AI spawn ?
  2. 1para{god-father}

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Ahhh so: nul = [spawn1,2,50,[true,false],[false,false,false],false,[30,10],[1,2],[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9,0.7,0.8,0.8,0.8,0.9,0.8],nil,nil,21] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; _id = 21; call compile format["_grpname = LVgroup%1", _id]; waitUntil {{alive _x} count (units _grpname) == 0};
  3. 1para{god-father}

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Is there any way to check if all are dead in the militarize group ?so i can then send another group ? _grp = [spawn1,2,50,[true,false],[false,false,false],false,[30,10],[1,2],[0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9,0.7,0.8,0.8,0.8,0.9,0.8],nil,nil,nil] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; waitUntil {{alive _x} count (units _grp) == 0}; ////did not work :(////
  4. 1para{god-father}

    Karma Modules

    Yep have the same issue :( Good old BIS like to break things more than fix them !
  5. Agree this is getting very tiresome these issue should have been fixed in ALPHA / BETA not on full release Come on BIS sort this stuff out!!!!
  6. 1para{god-father}

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    I was trying to use the template but looks like it has been removed ? Can you no longer use MON_SPAWN.SQF ? nul = [1,"Spawnmarker1",4,["yourmarkername", "STEALTH","FORTIFY"]] execVM "SCRIPTS\UPSMON\MON_SPAWN.SQF";
  7. 1para{god-father}

    ZGM Visitor Objects for ArmA 3 BETA

    I suggest you look at this first and work your way through it still applies to A3 https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mondkalb's_Terrain_Tutorial then if you have any question post up, its better to try first you will learn a lot more!
  8. I get nothing no iteration menu , or any civi spawns - also get no error which is strange ! Placed Module > syn to player - left shift no menu ? ***************EDIT************** OK retried a few times and got it working - now and again you get no options - are you supposed to get any civis spawning ? Commands work apart from Clear area & get inside Great Job so far !
  9. any update on this is this is very much needed in A3 !
  10. Will the skill module also set the skill for any spawned in AI via script - and is there any plans to capture theses and add them to the Profile system ?
  11. Anyone had any luck on Dedi as i get no addaction when i test the demo :( works find when i test on hosting but dedi i get nothing
  12. 1para{god-father}

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    great work !! Just a quick question - we had 20+ players and for some reason a few players when they joined in they did not get any Kit , if they left and rejoined they then got the correct Kit. When i held everyone at the start in the lobby then all started at the same time they all received there Kit apart from 1 player. Any idea why sometimes players do not get there kit ? * BTW if i use the following as the first line it stops the Revive working so i needed to move this to after there Revive was initialised leaFunction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "lea\loadout-init.sqf"; call leaFunction;//line generated by LEA.
  13. 1para{god-father}

    Problem with texture

    It looks to me like your mask_lco is not correct it might have some blending as i had the same issue ( cleaned up my mask re imported and it sorted it out)
  14. 1para{god-father}

    Lines across Sat

    I had the same thing and it was due to the satellite Grid being wrong - so i suggest you play with that
  15. what Faction do i use to get AGGRESSORS working with OPCOM ?
  16. I have made a few changes to my terrain using bulldoze and now i need to put this back into my L3dt project .. but when i import my heightmap back in it start a new Project , is there a way to update an existing projects as i need to keep my attributes / design map etc.. Thanks
  17. 1para{god-father}

    Import Heightmap back into L3dt

    I was using .png to import back into L3DT so does it have to be xyz then to go back into an existing Project ?
  18. 1para{god-father}

    C-130J Port Release

    Thanks for the server Key , it will enable us to test IgiLoad on our dedi server now :)
  19. 1para{god-father}

    C-130J Port Release

    Only client key , so we are unable to run this on our server :( Cheers and Great work !
  20. 1para{god-father}

    C-130J Port Release

    Any chance for a server Key ?
  21. 1para{god-father}

    IgiLoad script - logistical support

    Nice one IGI We have a lot of Fun testing this , great work :)
  22. I am using L3DT but am struggling making small trenches/ verges along side roads , and very small streams What is the best way to do very small changes is it using bulldozer, as L3DT seems not to like small changes Thanks
  23. 1para{god-father}

    We Need a *NEW* Tutorial!

    There are NO tools out for A3 yet for terrains but most if not all tool for A2 work This TUT still works in A3 - so i suggest you look there and try that first , hopefully new A3 tools will be out soon. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mondkalb%27s_Terrain_Tutorial I do not think anyone will make a new TUT until A3 tools come out as there is no point
  24. 1para{god-father}

    best way to make Small verges alongside roads ?

    Thanks but still no Joy :( was all working @ 2048x2048 x 10 So do you think it is the Texture layers causing it or the Satalite Grid Getting to the point i wish i never change !:(
  25. 1para{god-father}

    Config file problems?

    You will need to photoshop the Buildings etc... onto your Sat mask as far as I am aware