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Everything posted by 1para{god-father}

  1. 1para{god-father}

    Saint Kapaulio Terrain [W.I.P]

    Thanks :) It in African Foliage :- http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8523
  2. 1para{god-father}

    How to place A3 objects on map

    As above without those tools you stand little to no chance even to pack up your terrain i would strongly advise using his PBOproject and not the BIS tools. I very very much doubt they will add anything to the Expansion for terrain Building !
  3. 1para{god-father}

    How to place A3 objects on map

    You need to run ArmaA3p Grab it here https://dev-heaven.net/projects/mikero-pbodll/files That will then unpack all your A3 Objects then just add them to your project you will see then in A3 folder on your p:\ it will take a lot of space :)
  4. 1para{god-father}

    [WIP] Terrain - Isla De Spero

    Love that runway ! This will be awesome , nice work
  5. 1para{god-father}

    Saint Kapaulio Terrain [W.I.P]

    a little update on some work:..... * Finishing off the large town which holds the main Prison Complex * Added in a Bridge ( AI still do not like the Bridges ) * Working on the last Major Town 95% Complete - just now need to work on the Satellite mask Working on the Big City - Prison High Point View of the River
  6. 1para{god-father}

    Building now showing on MAP

    Should we be able to see the outline of Building on the Map view in Game , because I still cannot see any Building via the MAP - any idea if this will be fixed Because On V3 you could see them in grey when you zoom into the Map , but not in TB - or do we now have to draw them onto the Sat map ?
  7. 1para{god-father}

    Problem with Map display

    Had the same issue after update, but seem to have fixed the issue now as it is back to normal ! I removed my Sat_normal deleted my layers folder re imported my Sat_Normal and regenerated - can now see the bottom and no line ! Hope it works for you all as well :)
  8. Quick Q - I tried to grab some stuff of a dead OPFOR but it only allows me to heal him it will not show me his Inventory ? It did open on one body but the rest it will not get no option ? Any idea's
  9. 1para{god-father}

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Ignore solved :)
  10. 1para{god-father}

    Arma 2 buildings in Terrainbuilder

    Why not unpack and use these: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26806
  11. I am trying to activate a trigger but only by land , as I do not want any AIR to activate the trigger, I have this in the condition but for some reason the when I run it on a Dedi server it does not work ? But it does when i host? isServer AND "Land" counttype thislist > 0 Any idea how I can get this to work on a dedi ?
  12. 1para{god-father}

    Key Points

    Still having this issue any idea's out there on why in TB it is not getting the correct Size of a Key-point radius ?
  13. 1para{god-father}

    Key Points

    OK having a slight issue with KeyPoints in my Terrain. They all show fine on the map - and in game I can see all the names fine as well - BUT To test Populating my Terrain I am creating a Marker around every Village Town etc .. that i have named so far but for some reason a few have no marker Size - it like the KP size is set to 0 where i is not ? In TB they have been set to the correct Size - They do get listed below as I spawned a man in each marker and they show in the correct place but the marker cannot been seen due to it being 0/0 Any idea why some KP do not get the correct size ? { _town = text _x; _sizeX = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Names" >> (text _x) >> "radiusA"); _sizeY = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Names" >> (text _x) >> "radiusB"); _name = format["mrk_%1", _town]; _foo = createmarker [_name, getPos _x]; _foo setMarkerSize [_sizeX, _sizeY]; _foo setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _foo setMarkerBrush "SOLID"; _foo setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; } forEach nearestLocations [getArray (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"), ["NameCityCapital","NameLocal","NameCity","NameVillage","Strategic","CityCenter","NameMarine","Hill","StrongpointArea","VegetationPalm","Airport"], 25000];
  14. 1para{god-father}

    ASOR Roleplay Objects

    Great Idea !
  15. 1para{god-father}

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    ahhh yep all working now ! thanks
  16. 1para{god-father}

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Hi Silola, For some reason when i try and export to TB i get an error at then end of the process "Output Error" - i have checked the .rpt but no info there at all - and no file get created - have even set a new path to see if the default one was the issue but still no file. Any idea's ? Cheers
  17. 1para{god-father}

    Display forest on satellite map

    I think I know what he is trying to ask - on your Sat Mask How do you paint / make the forests and get them to look nice - as when using L3DT the sat mask it exports is not the best and does not show any Forest's textures so you need to PS forest onto it - this I believe is what he is asking how do you do that bit - the config does show the Green blocks but not nice forest from above. Anyway that is what i think the Q is :)
  18. 1para{god-father}

    Map Builder - Ingame 3D-Editor for terrain creation

    Looking very nice indeed !
  19. 1para{god-father}

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Great work indeed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. 1para{god-father}


    OK at the moment i am packing my whole terrain up , inc all configs etc.. into 1 .pbo Is there a way to split out all the configs so i do not have to pack them up each time i make a little change as it is taking hours to just check a small change . Thanks
  21. 1para{god-father}


    ooo many thanks for that that will save me LOTS of time with small changes !
  22. 1para{god-father}

    How to make a section of terrain flat?

    Press "S" when in Buldozer to get the brush and then Hold Left shift as said above - or Flatten in L3DT if it is a Big area !
  23. 1para{god-father}

    clutter Issues

    not sure if it is the way it is pasted but there are a Lot of spaces ?? "wld_anapoli_ThistleTho[color="#FF0000"]r n[/color]Green" "wld_anapoli_StrG[color="#FF0000"]r a[/color]ssDryMediumgroup" change them all and that should do the trick "wld_anapoli_ThistleThornGreen" so make sure they are all correct and no spaces and missing
  24. 1para{god-father}

    Map Builder - Ingame 3D-Editor for terrain creation

    OK not the news you wanted - they spawn fine in editor _obj = "wired_fence_8md_f" createvehicle getpos player; select the same object and A3 crashes :(
  25. 1para{god-father}

    Map Builder - Ingame 3D-Editor for terrain creation

    Strange thing is i am not using AiA and not using the A1,A2 upgrades - so just using the standard A3 objects. Placing them fine in TB & Bulldozer , but crash to Desktop using MB.. it happens as soon as I click onto the object from the list -when it display's the object (I do not even get past this stage as it crashes before i try and place it)