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Everything posted by (GB)Winston

  1. (GB)Winston

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    Thank you for your in-depth reply.
  2. (GB)Winston

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    Hi there, we have just put this on our server! Great game, i used to play original CTI on ofp, and Rubber edition on ARMA 2. We are trying different parameters to suit our gameplay style. We like small amount of towns (maybe up to 10), i was wondering about base start positions. Are they equal and opposite with reference to towns or the island? For example if town layout is string or line are the base starting positions equal and opposite to the enemies base start position. Oh and do you plan for your CTI edition to be available on different maps? ---------- Post added at 10:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ---------- Is there a manual somewhere to explain parameters as a whole?
  3. (GB)Winston

    FUSION PvP Nights

  4. (GB)Winston

    FUSION PvP Nights

    A TS meeting for next tuesday? My ts.ukfrg.com
  5. (GB)Winston

    FUSION PvP Nights

    Hi HennoGarvie, We are UKFRG http://ukfrg.com/index.php Maybe we could set up a TvT in the coming weeks? we play Hard core 1 life games with Task force radio, We could probably field 12-15 guys of mixed ability. Maybe we could meet on TS for a chat? ---------- Post added at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 AM ---------- ts.ukfrg.com is our TS addy.
  6. (GB)Winston

    UR Clan Now Recruiting

    Update. Coop mission. We use this to train for TvT if you like what you see, pls contact me on steam "gbwinston" Or if you want to play us in TvT (hard core, 1st person, 1 life, task force radio)
  7. We are a easy going clan that likes to play several different game modes including TvT, coop and warfare in both ARMA 2 and 3. We are mostly British but with a healthy mix of Europeans thrown in for good measure! When we play TvT we play hardcore with radio mods and weapons packs against like minded clans. If you like what you see in the Video please come to TS and ask for Winston or Larner. In this video we play against C-L-F, a good German Clan. ---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 PM ---------- And a more recent game. _____ This weeks vid, if you like what you see PM me or "gbwinston" on steam.
  8. (GB)Winston

    Everon2013 for @A3MP

    Hotzenplotz, thank you. i loved this in ofp and A2OA!!!
  9. (GB)Winston

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hi Spanish! I totally agree with spanish. I notice a strategic mode on some warfare maps, which is good. Also maybe Parameters that can be tweaked to enable the ability to change the game drastically. For example, adjustable total number of towns that are playable and Number of towns that need to be taken for a win condition. This would give the server admins the ability to change dynamics of game without huge adjustment to original Warfare game. Maybe a Parameter for increased MHQ armour to stop base hunters. All in all 0.97 runs very well though, thanks for your effort, it is very much appreciated.
  10. (GB)Winston

    Who's going to make the first domination gamemode?

    You guys should try Warfare rubber ed, its a change from benny Ed and you need more team work to win. Also towns ahve to taken in order so there is more of a front line feel to it.
  11. (GB)Winston

    WARFARE BE2 *Rubber Ed*

    Yes very good Spanish. Jedra do we see you on our server? Urban xtreme? Come and join us for fun! We have TS as well.
  12. (GB)Winston

    Too hard to find compatible server

    Hey there, just come to our server, its warfare (rubber edition) Search for urban xtreme, we run a 24 man server. Which is ultra smooth!!! You need no mods whatsoever. Also join us on ts
  13. (GB)Winston

    WARFARE BE2 *Rubber Ed*

    Hi rubber, 1. once mhq is destroyed, could the position still be marked on the map for the next build? We joined a game, our mhq destroyed. but no one had an idea where it was. dead mhq disapears? 2. could we have options to change peace time setting in parameters? Many thx
  14. (GB)Winston

    WARFARE BE2 *Rubber Ed*

    Hi rubber, I have a few questions. 1. Would putting a normal lingor map on our server allow us to play rubber ed on lingor? Or will you include these on later builds (with everon pls)? 2. We have tried to run RCON on our rubber server, but it doesn't work. we have had the odd hacker and would like to ban them ;) 3. Any chance of tweaking the balance of east so that it is similar to west. West has better kit/weapons/vehicles, and we have noticed that most people want to play west. 4. Are you planning to bring rubber to ARMA 3? 5. pls come and join us on urban xtreme server ;)
  15. (GB)Winston

    WARFARE BE2 *Rubber Ed*

    We play rubber a lot on our server (Urban xtreme), And chance of some new maps? I know you've done lingor, but how do i get that for my server?
  16. (GB)Winston

    WARFARE BE2 *Rubber Ed*

    Hi Rubber, We have had the rubber ed on our server. Its a great game, but how do i put battle eye on the server side? This is not strictly a rubber ed question but any help would be great.
  17. (GB)Winston

    WARFARE BE2 *Rubber Ed*

    Hi Rubber, i have enjoyed your mod very much. our clan is moving to arma2 OA and we like the rubber ed. What do i need to down load to put it onto our server. Also how do i put it onto the server?
  18. (GB)Winston

    ACE mod for a noob

    Hi all, I'm new to arma 2 just fresh from OFP (basically the only game i've played since 2001) Can anybody point me towards the latest version of ACE for arma2 (standalone, yea i know i'm behind already and i need OA) Also is there a good monitor/launcher for arma2 like ofpmonitor/watch for OFP? Thanks in advance.
  19. SRY, i'm a complete noob, this work for ARMA 2 stand alone?