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About _S2_

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  1. oh i see what you did there.
  2. _S2_

    ACE for OA 1.11

    Actually, the 60mm can be fired and operated by a single individual. That is the nice thing about it. Sure you can use it for accurate firing with the sight and such, but there is also an aiming system you can use and kind of "eye ball" it.
  3. _S2_

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    From the 2 second mark all the way to the 9 second mark are "snapping" incoming rounds, followed shortly by "muffled" distant gun fire. It's hard to hear the distant retort of the enemies weapons because a second volley of rounds come in.
  4. Nou, is retrans being fixed in today's update? It was rebroadcasting over all nets instead of just the desired net in the array.
  5. Quick question, how realistic is the ballistics? Is angle fire applicable?
  6. Hey madbull, I am having some issues with the Stryker MC. You covered up the BIS ammo count in the top right corner with your ammo count and such, but changing the charge in the action menu ( red text ) isn't changing the charge. If I press "F" ( the normal change ammo key ) it changes the charges ( I can't see what charge I am on though, since it's covered ). It's easy to test, just select a target 2K away with your artillery computer, change your charge in the action menu, and fire ( leaving the splash markers on ), and fire. The round will fall short, if you hit "F" and fire another round on the same elevation and azimuth it will impact further out, just like how you would normally change the charge without R3f Artillery. So yeah, changing the charge with your system in the action menu isn't actually changing the charge. Edit - I will have to check and see if ACE changed the charge type, which could be the reason why it's not changing, since the charge has a different name??? Edit2 - Doesn't look like ACE changed it, still says it uses "24Rnd_120mmHE_M120_02"