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dragon zen

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Everything posted by dragon zen

  1. Hello friends: Now I try to write MP missions. Since there are many players, how can I check who call a dialog?? A simple example: player call dialog and choose their skill or type (just hit a button), how can I know who use this function now? In many MP mission, there are dialog of buy weapon, respawn. How does those work?? A deeper and abstract question is: how to discriminate different player's control in MP mission??? It's the first time I try to edit MP mission, thanks for your help. Dragon Zen
  2. OK. that's it. Now 2 question in addition: 1, Use radio to call sqf make sure the certain player. However, if mission give a dialog or a hint to certain player (player open the dialog passively), how to make sure it is he, rather than others, open a dialog or receive a hint?? In all: What make sure a sqf is actived on certain client-side??:confused: 2, Does object (such as car, missile) "public"? If a client-side called sqf create a soldier or artillery fire, other players also create the same thing, is that right?? Then, if I use EventHandler "Killed", and killer will gain some money (MoneyP1=MoneyP1+_money). How should I set the variable "MoneyP1"? Set it as global variable (then every client run EH-Killed at same time, and each client do their own "MoneyP1=MoneyP1+_money"), or set it PublicVariable (then Server run "MoneyP1=MoneyP1+_money")? [note: I want player to be able to look at P1's money, not only theirselves.] In all: Since many computers run same mission, I just don't understand which part of calculation is done by Server, and which part by Client-Side. And, how to define who run a function? :butbut: THANKS
  3. Sorry sir, I have new question about that: what is the mean of "the script is called only on his client"?? I use radio to call sqf. To clarify, I give you the short example: =============================== ====use radio to call dialog==== Rbuy=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[100,100,0]]; Rbuy setTriggerActivation["BRAVO","PRESENT",true]; Rbuy setTriggerStatements["","nul=[]execVM'supply\buymenu.sqf';",""]; Rbuy setTriggerText "Buy Menu"; ====buymenu.sqf is this:==== createDialog "StandardBuy"; waitUntil {dialog}; blahblahblah........ ====dialog "StandardBuy" like this:==== class StandardBuy { .... class buy : RscButton { action = "nul=[player]execVM'buy\buystandard\StandardAddS.sqf';"; text = "Buy Soldier";}; .... ====StandardAddS.sqf like this:==== _caller=_this select 0; ======================= My question is: Are these code confirm the "player" only refer to him, and the dialog will only show only on his screen, rather than All players?? And, If I use "nul=[]execVM.... "in Dialog and use "_caller=player;" in StandardAddS, is that still OK?? First time to try MP mission, thanks for your help!:p ============== In addition: If I use global variable to save the value in control, such as onToolBoxSelChanged = "Variable1 = (_this select 1)"; Does it will crash between different players?? I just don't know what variable is used across the net, all global variable??
  4. Hello Friends: If I use a toolbox, I know there is a "onToolBoxSelChanged" function. But my question is, how can I get the value of current selection?? I tried lbCurSel (it is OK for ListBox), but it always return -1. So I ask anybody can tell me what is "lbCurSel" for ToolBox?? (unnecessary "value", just return which selection player use.) Thanks. =============== Thank second floor, but I don't want to use global variable.
  5. If this can't be get, I have to change toolbox to listbox...
  6. Yes, I know , but I don't want to use global variable. Because I am studying MP mission now, I don't know whether global variable will crash between different players. Of course, I don't understand the mechanism of MP yet.:D
  7. Friends: I use trigger to set an area, and now I want to check whether certain units are in this area, how to make it?? I know there is a code "list" which can give all units in area, but this seems calculate too much. Is there any method by which I can check certain unit, just this unit?? Thanks
  8. dragon zen

    [SP]AdvancingPower - A 4F Dynamic Mission

    Thank you, friend. The enemy AI are also rush to your side, so it is also possible to be push backward. (maybe you always did good job) jets and chopper, OK, I remember this suggestion, give the on/off of that. ---------- Post added at 12:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:15 AM ---------- Thanks for your suggestion. Maybe I'm busy in editing, not have long time test. I'll try to check whether it is because the error of script eat the resource. You can't use supply in vehicle, including repair and so on. However, if you can't resupply at all, even on foot, I'll test it. Thanks for your feedback.
  9. OK, I'll try to adjust the background next version. Thank you.
  10. =============== This is old page, new page please go to http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=122476 =============== After half year, the 3.5.2 version with big improvement release!! Last version is 2.63(2010.12.19), and now it jump to 3.52(2011.7.5). Many new functions add: major of them such as automatic searching for weapons and vehicle, mod replacement, sniper and AH submissions. You can find more little functions yourself! =============== Latest version download:http://www.filefront.com/17668639/Breakthrough263.Chernarus.pbo No matter which map you play, this mission require AA2, no additional requirment, so it is also suitable for <<AA2:FREE>> !!! If you want to play this mission in other map, it is very easy: Just create a soldier as player in editor and save the mission, and then put all unpacked files except mission.sqm to that folder. Pack it, everything done!! A known issue is that you must open your parachute at high altitude, if you touch ground and die while the parachute is opening, the game is end rather than respown. Please avoid this. =============== Hello everybody: This is my first mission. It seems that I have use nearly 300 hours on this mission, for learning, editing, testing. In this misson, you are the center of the frontline (just like thumsonb's flashpoint). Your emeny appear in front of you and friends come from behind. Your task is to push the frontline forward. When you reach the target position, you win the game. In this game, You can recruit soldiers ,buy vehicles, call artillery and use several tactical supports. You can enjoy the AH or sniper submission. Before and during the game, you can set bases of both sides anywhere on the map, you can set numbers of groups for each sides, you can choose different types of skill. I don't set a failure condition, you will respown at base after you die. And you'll get basic wellfare if you have little money. I provide the opportunity to fly AttackHelicopter (you can change your seat as you wish), create some unreal support such as Ninja teleport. All of these are just for promoting your game experience. Some players say Arma is a little boring because its realistic simulation. My purpose is to provide a furious battlefield. There are still many things to adjust and large room for improvement in this mission. I appreciate if you can tell me your suggestions. Enjoy the fantastic frontline and I wait for your feedback!;) =============== THANKS LIST: THANK piko, swagger and other friends in bbs.samren.cn. They teach me lots of skill and help me to solve lots of trouble. THANK thumsonb. His awesome mission Flashpoint:Chernarus give me the basic idea how to create and respown infantry and vehicles, and he allow me to use those codes in his scripts. THANK Mr.Murray, his handbook for scripts teach me a lot things as I am a new learner. THANK ruebe, for his research on selectbestplace code. THANK Chicago: He taught me how to use camera. =============== Update: v3.5.2(2011.7.5) a,Fix the potential bugs in submission. v3.5.1(2011.7.2) a,Add Mi17 and UH1Y into AH support. v3.5(2011.7.2) a,Add Submission system. b,Add submission of AH with automatic searching. c,Add submission of Sniper. v3.4(2011.6.23) a,Add the function to replace the soldiers and vehicles in battle. b,Kill enemy in APC get 50% money, in tank get 25% money. v3.3.3(2011.6.22) a,Add buy vehicle with full crewman. b,Change the Calculation of Battlefield Size. c,Change the Code of AH. d,Optim the Decoy Menu. e,Fix the appear of waitlist. f,change the code of creating troops. v3.3.2(2011.6.20) a,Add Score Cost to Illegal Soldiers. b,Fix the automatic searching of Soldiers and Vehicle. c,Fix the position of AH. v3.3.1(2011.6.19) a,Fix a potential bug of AH. b,Fix the window-time of Artillery. c,Adjust the Economy System. v3.3(2011.6.18) a,Better Decoy Control. v3.2.4(2011.6.13) a,Better smoke wall. b,Better Opitions and Status Showing. c,Skill can be changed after respown. v3.2.3(2011.6.12) a,All types of players use Squard Leaders. b,NPC soldiers change from 1 to 3, use Team Leader. c,NPC soldiers will save their weapons when respawn. v3.2.2(2011.6.11) a,Add some weapons from OA into standard weapons. b,Add Grenade and Mine into standard weapons. v3.2.1(2011.6.10) a,Fix the bug in setting area of battlefield. b,Fix the code error in searching the weapons automaticly. c,Add coordination for Satellite. d,delete X8 and G36 from standard weapon. v3.2(2011.5.9) a,Change the support menu. b,Change the recruit menu, now system can autodetect soldiers and tank. c,Add markers for boxs. d,Fix some bugs. v3.1(2011.4.23) a,Change Player respawn position (at base and teleport to battlefield). b,Add kill-camera. c,Fix the bug in calculate the waypoints and the movement of battlefield. v3.0(2011.4.19) a,Recreate the weapon-buy menu. now system can autodetect weapons. b,Change setting of battlefield. c,Change the code of respown. v2.9(2011.4.13) a,Add Satellite. b,Add SmokeArtillery. c,Artillery Area can change angle. v2.8(2011.4.7) a,Enlarge the default size of battleground. b,Number of your soldiers is increased by your Kill number (Ss=Kn^0.5). c,You will lose weapons when respawn, and Diemoney is cancled. d,Type of soldier changed, You have only 1 guardman this time. e,Decrease the cost of artillery, interval time of ATRY sets to 3mins. f,Increase the number of jets as cool background. v2.7(2011.1.1) a,fix the lost function manager. b,change the code of helicopter. c,fix the error when kill enemy in vehicle. v2.63(2010.12.19) Fix bug in Fasttime(0-0-9) Fix bug that AH cost nothing. Change the position of spawning AH, now it have enough distance to battleground. v2.6(2010.12.18) a,change soldier type, complete the function they have. b,you can on/off decoy and sniper group. c,player can change the proportion of Player position in movement of battlefield. v2.5(2010.12.16) a,Update artillery system. b,Supply truck has own position of statics. v2.4(2010.12.XX) a,add supply truck, can buy,fix,load b,change boxdrop. c,now you can buy weapons you like. v2.3(forget date) a,put sniper team into a special group b,fix potential bug. c,change waypoints d,add setpoints 3 v2.2(forget date) a,fix boxdrop-tree,smoke. b,fix group. c,fix waypoints. d,add 2 kind of detection. e,add decoy team v2.1(forget date) a,Add Quick repair, refuel, rearm. b,Adjust the rule of creating team. c,Initial place is decided by player, rather than setting at the base. v2.0(forget date) a,Rewrite the main structure of mission for future development. b,Adjust the rule of creating team. c,Player can adjust interval time between team respawn. d,Change the way in which player can control the battleground more easily. e,Add some new dialog. f,Make markers appear again. v1.9(forget date) a,Add some new dialog. b,Empty vehicle get damage bit by bit (like BF2), so that player can use enemy vehicle. v1.8(forget date) a,Change the position of respawn. b,Change the timelimit of AH. c,Combine =AntiAir= and =Pilot=. d,Close the Marker on map. e,Enemy also drop ammobox. v1.7(forget date) a,Fix some bug. b,Add NOTE for RU. c,Add ammobox droping. d,Other little changes. v1.6(2010.07.30) a,Fix the bug that east-side AH support create west grp. b,Correct the earn-money system. c,A-10 and Su-39 join the battlefield. d,Artillery-Kill now increase money.(adjust the benefit of grenadier) e,Little refresh the NOTE and hints, and other adjustment. v1.3-v1.5(2010.07.28) Now player can act as russia soldiers. This is a big change, so I fix several bugs in v1.4 and v1.5. I should continue to search possible bugs, but to fix sniper error, I release v1.5 now. v1.2(2010.07.28) a,Fix a script bug of recruiting soldiers when player act as sniper or medic. b,Change the way to buy ammobox. Set different cost for each static defence called by 0-0-3. v1.1(2010.07.28) Add a screen "black in" when player is killed, which give a "delay" for respown. Player can change the basic setting during the game(including fast time on/off, number of group, battlefield size, position of base). =============== PS: Coming from China, sorry for my english.
  11. Hello friends: I want to show some text on screen without stop player's control, just like another "hint", or something like process bar when you handle static weapons in ACE2. If I use DIALOG, player will stop their control and deal with the dialog. So I ask this question. I know there is "bis_fnc_dynamictext", its effect is what I want. But this is not good enough, for it only show one message every time. I see the code of this function, but didn't understand it. Seems this kind of function is reached by DISPLAY, that is what I am not fimilar yet. Thanks for you help!!
  12. OK brothers, thanks a lot. I'll try your advice.
  13. Thanks a lot. I just write a script to calculate it, Now this can be done by simple code. T_T.........
  14. Friends: I want to ask how to get an object directly without lazer? just like order your teammate to attack an enemy?? I remember in AA2, artillery module can set target location directly when you use a rifle, just like give order, uneccessary to use a lazer. How does this achive? I try to search this, but don't know which word should I use, so ask it. Thanks. ================== In addition, when I think about this function, I remind series of code such as "onMapSingleClick". Once I view those code in some webpage, but I can't remind of it. Any one give me an link in which similar codes are introduced??
  15. Starting a dialog by radio. If the "player" can confirm the clientside who use it, that's OK.
  16. Sorry sir, I can't understand what these code for, maybe I didn't write my problem correctly. I want to ask: If somebody call dialog and buy a car, I don't know how to decrease HIS money, rather than others. I just need to find a way to connect the function with certain player. Does variable "player" in dialog can connect to certain clientside? For example, if(group player==grp1)then{variable1=variable1-money;}; if(group player==grp2)then{variable2=variable2-money;}; ????
  17. WOW, awesome work. Can you send the mission to Armaholic or other place?? I can't use the megaload. Does this bomb have sqf version??:D
  18. the CAA1 is too big... Is there mission on AA2?
  19. UPUP, anybody know how to create another "hint"??
  20. dragon zen

    How to fill Truck with troops

    Or you can move all the soldiers into vehicle and delete the soldiers not in vehicle.
  21. ha, Of course I know the "hint", but I want to create another one.... title Text seems can't set at certain position and can't show muti message at time. Can "bis_fnc_dynamictext" run serveral times at the same time? OK I'll try it again. But my mission is based on AA2, I find it will report bug if I use bis_fnc_dynamictext. And if I some fnc_ew_credits(not exact), OA will report bug... So I want to do it myself.
  22. =============== Problem has been killed. Thanks zapat =============== Hello friends, I have a question: Does BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle must enter "AH1Z" directly, rather than use a variable?? I write: AHType="AH1Z"; _heligp = [_pos, _angle, AHType, _gp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; It doesn't work!! write "AH1Z" directly is OK. Anybody tell me why??:confused: THANKS
  23. I try hint str AHType, it is "AH1Z". No matter I put AHType or str AHType in function, it doesn't work... ---------- Post added at 03:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ---------- OK, thanks bro. Problem solved. I just get another error in my script.:o THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!
  24. In addition: If the BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle just can't use variable, then I want to know how to create a AH1Z flying. If I just create it as car, it will crash from air...
  25. Hello friends: I have known how to search all existing soldiers in certain mod. But I got a question: I use following script, but there are still some men which can not create in the mission, they are base type or other thing, can't be created. So I ask besides _display_name and _mode, which variable should I use to flite soldiers?? Thanks. _soldierall=configFile >> "CfgVehicles"; for [{_i=0}, {_i<count _soldierall}, {_i=_i+1}] do { _soldier=_soldierall select _i; if (isClass _soldier) then _type=getText(_soldier >> "vehicleclass"); if(_type in ["Men"])then { _name=configName(_soldier); _display_name=getText(_soldier >> "displayName"); _side=getNumber(_soldier >> "side"); _weapons=getArray(_soldier >> "weapons"); _faction=getText(_soldier >> "faction"); _model=getText(_soldier >> "model"); if((_display_name!="")&&(_model!=""))then {XXXXX}; }; }; };