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dragon zen

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Everything posted by dragon zen

  1. :) I just submit a new 0.9 version and wait for Armaholic, :D
  2. Yeah bro, I just asked same question as you, not get solution yet. That wiki page only told us how to use artillery module in AA2, but not in OA. In OA, there is already an action of "FireAtTarget" in menu as we can see when we sit in mortar, so I guess in OA the artillery might work in another way... So, I think the most important thing is how to use the new artillery computer in OA, with script of course.
  3. Thanks bro, I try this code but AI didn't turn mortar and just shot a fire at default angle. In fact, I can use Artillery Module. But in this way, EventHandler "killed" can't get the killer, reply a <object-Null> instead. (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Artillery_Module) has pointed out that in OA, it is uneccesary to use Artillery Module with ARTY_ prefix ammo, but how to change the ammo?? If I use script in this page, the ammo will change to ARTY automatically. So I just wondering how to use artillery computer with AI.
  4. Thanks for your answer, but I want to run it will script totally: without any command of player. I have target and mortar and so on, just need a code to fire. ---------- Post added at 09:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 AM ---------- Well, I'm sorry for that. But are you sure this has been asked serveral times?? I searched the artillery issue but most of them use Artillery Module under AA2 (such as http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Artillery_Module) or use very very complex script made by other gamers. Since in OA player's command is quite simple, I want to know how to make similar order with pure script. However, By now, I really haven't found what I need. And I also concern whether it also need script just like old Artillery Module... So if u see the answer countless times, could you tell me some things about that? I'm really appreciated.
  5. UP EVERYDAY... I really need help with this issue, my mission just blocked here.............................. T_T
  6. Alright, this problem has been solved I should use GPW1=group W1, rather than create a new group. Now it's OK, :D
  7. Hi friends: I got a problem with JIP, hope who can give me some help. First, In my mission.sqm, I have 3 soldiers named W1, W2, W3 in 3 independent groups. And in a script I write if(isServer)then{ GPW1=createGroup west;if(!(isNil "W1"))then{[W1] join GPW1;}; GPW2=createGroup west;if(!(isNil "W2"))then{[W2] join GPW2;}; GPW3=createGroup west;if(!(isNil "W3"))then{[W3] join GPW3;}; GrpArray=[GPW1,GPW2,GPW3];publicVariable "GrpArray"; }; and in script after Init.sqf of player, I also write something such as if(!(isNil "W3"))then{[W3] join GPW3;}; Then I use GrpArray as index to locate groups. This script run OK in host and player who is not JIP. However, when the player quit and rejoin (for example, W3), problems come: 1. First phenomona, the new player is still W3 if he hint player, however, the (group W3) changed from 1-1-B to 1-2-F, AND if I hint "GPW3", it present that GPW3 is any! It seems that 1-1-B lost, though I don't know how to check 1-1-B. 2, Another issue I found is that, if W3 recruit a soldier before disconnect, after he come back, that soldier disappeared. That is to say, W3 now is a new group, he may even BECOME A NEW ONE, rather than take W3 back from AI, I guess. In all, I want to those who JIP can simple take the AI, and keep staying in GPW1, GPW2, GPW3. All my subsequent scripts based on the GrpArray, this is big problem!!!:mad: Thus, who can tell me what happenned here? Why JIP make GPW3 any?? so that I even can't make new W3 join GPW3... Any suggestion is appreciated. THANKS. ---------- Post added at 10:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ---------- In addition: I think whether I should define GPW1=group W1, but I don't think this work, because JIP just erase that group out... Well... Is that a way to define W3's group name as GPW3, in mission.sqm?? for example through Init script of W3??? Really maddening...
  8. if(isServer)then{...}; or if(!isServer)exitwith{}; ============= if (isServer) then { //..local hosted server //..single player //..dedicated server }; if (!isServer) then { //..client on local hosted server (not the host itself!!!) //..client on dedicated server }; if (isDedicated) then { //..dedicated server only }; if (!isDedicated) then { //..local hosted server //..singleplayer //..all clients }; if (!isDedicated and isServer) then { //..local hosted server //..singleplayer }; if (!isDedicated and isServer and not isMultiplayer) then { //..local hosted server };
  9. Hello friends: I'm matching to MP editon and I try to search these basic question but I didn't find the detail, so ask here. 1) Spawn a soldier to player's group. I know that units in players group will be run on local machine, doesn't it? The question is, if I want to add a new unit, I should run this script on server or on local machine? As well as that, since I need player buy a unit, if unit should create in server, do you have suggestion how to call script ON server FROM local machine? (I think I can only use publicVariable as a mediation, any better approach?) 2) Then, add EH for this new soldier. If I want to add EH for this soldier, shall I add EH on all client's machine? or local machine? or server?? In fact, I just don't know whether EH is similar to units which will be created and then sync automatically to all machine, or be considered as local one need to add on each machines? 3) In summary, I just don't understand which type of things are auto-sync between machines? For example, Marker? Eventhandler? InitScript for units? Where can I know this knowledge, I think I saw them somewhere but can't find now. Basic questions, thanks for your help.:o
  10. Thanks, and do you mean that even I use a script in the machine of server to creat a soldier for a player, the AI will also local to that player's machine? I just wondering this point.
  11. Sorry to dig up this thread, I want to ask how to add other parameters in the same place. I saw some mission seems have additional parameter, isn't it? If so, how can I add, especially what is the "code" variable for new parameter? If not, please tell me how to let player set something before mission start, thx.
  12. Hello everybody: My <AdvancingPower> has been update to version 4.3 (2012.6.15) If there is no bug, this will be FINAL VERSION!!! Sorry bro, I forget the ReadMe file who can guide to DIY this mission (e.g. add faction), I'll complete it later. http://dragonzen.minus.com/ihVx0VX01yRRd.jpg (707 kB) Description: Arma is a realistic war game, but I want to provide a mission for entertainment. The major feature of my mission is 4F: ============== Feature: 1.Furious: In this mission, your emeny appear in front of you and friends come from behind. Battlefield will move with position of groups, so every meter is valuable. With new AI script, AI teams will also call support and that make battle more crazy! You can set battlefield smaller (see "Flexible") to enjoy CQB! 2.Flexible: Firstly, size of battleground, number of groups, time, weather, so many options let you make your own battle. Most of options can be change DURING the game by Radio 0-0-9! Secondly, system will search exist weapons and vehicle automaticly, so that you can enjoy your downloaded Weapons and Vehicles in this mission! You can replace soldiers and vehicle for AI groups. 3.Fruitful: Firstly, you can enjoy all kinds of weapons and vehicle. Call several support including Artillery, AH and Satellite...which make the battlefield more colorful. Secondly, there are 3 SubMissions in this version, in which you can fly AH or Jet or be a sniper. Bullet camera is availiable for SubMissions. Thirdly, You can act as soldier and give leadership to AI. You can also switch position in Helicopter to enjoy the gunner. 4.Fantastic: Some supply such as Detection, Teleport and SmokeWall and so on, are not that realistic. And you will also get welfare if you lack of money or scores. All of these are designed for an enjoyful experience! So, Enjoy the 4F Frontline, and I wait for your feedback!;) =============== Note: Please don't add too much troops in the mission, or it will be lag.. Download: This mission only require Arma2 (so AA2:Free can enjoy this too), and it also suitable for OA and other mods. I put this mission in 7 maps, no matter which map you play, which mod you use, you must have AA2 at least. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11463 =============== ChangeLog: At the page in armaholic. =============== THANKS LIST: Thankslist: THANK piko, swagger and other friends in bbs.samren.cn: They teach me lots of skill and help me to solve lots of trouble. THANK thumsonb: His awesome mission Flashpoint:Chernarus give me the basic idea how to create and respown infantry and vehicles, and he allow me to use those codes in his scripts. THANK Mr.Murray: his handbook for scripts teach me a lot things as I am a new learner. THANK Chicago: He taught me how to use camera. THANK Big Dawg KS: He release his bullet camera code. THANK others for some code: ruebe for selectbestplace; R3 for their cargo drop code. =============== PS: Coming from China, sorry for my english.
  13. dragon zen

    [SP]AdvancingPower - A 4F Dynamic Mission

    make it up, final version released
  14. Hello friends: Units, especially land vehicles, will calculate best path to move. My question is how does this is achieved, is there a code or function to do this? I want to simulate the movement of troops with markers (without real units). I want to simulate units with markers, and then deploy units when it is closed to players. In doing so, it is possible to simulate a crazy war on whole map with limited resource of computer. I think the current CTI is cool, but dominate whole maps with soldiers less than 200 seems very strange, and I also see the discussion about how to steal a city with single player, that's aweful. So I think whether it is possible to replace those real units with markers, and that will make great mission. When it comes to technique, although it will be complex to create those code, the achievement is not hard. And the only problem I don't know now is the simulate the movement of vehicles. Of course, this is only an idea, I don't think I have time to edit it now, and I hope those mission makers may see this and create good mission. Thanks
  15. But a question is, situlation is quite complex. Sometimes the vehicles use the road, and sometime they don't, for road is not the quick way. And, the virtual vehicles also need to avoid hills and forest... So I really want to know how those units calculates their waypoints....
  16. Hello friends: It's the first time to edit MP mission, a question for "selectplayer" and respawn. I'm sorry I even don't know how to make respawn function in MP, but I don't want to use normal respawn. (Of course I also appreciate if somebody can give me a link to tutotial of respawn so I can learn it) My mission is similar as CTI, a 8vs8 playable teamleaders which can be controled by AI if there is enough players. In my mission, I want to create a new unit to leader's team and make player select that unit when he is dead. My confusions are: (1) Which computer (client or server) should create the new unit? I saw that unit in player's team is local to client's computer. But I guess it should be server, for that leader maybe AI. But if it is server create the unit, how to write code to make player select that unit? (Use isPlayer?) (2) Subsequently, which computer run "_groupplayer selectleader _newunit" ? Does it necessary to set new unit as playable? What is most important: Since the playable is changed, whether those players join in progress get crash because they load original units which has been deleted??:confused: This even make me wonder whether my idea of respawn is possible in principle in MP mission...... The first step to edit MP misson is real hard, thanks a lot for the helps!!
  17. dragon zen

    [SP]AdvancingPower - A 4F Dynamic Mission

    @Cyril55 "Add building or fortifications"...I'm sorry for that. If you want to "buy" fortifications in this mission, sorry I didn't add this functions. I had the idea to buy M240nest or foxhole but didn't try it yet. If you want to set some building before the game start, you need to edit the mission for yourself......
  18. dragon zen

    [SP]AdvancingPower - A 4F Dynamic Mission

    @Anthropoid: Didn't come for couple of days and thank Katipo66 for those explanation. Yes, the two bases should put as far as possible because they only decide the direction of the battlefield. The area of battlefield is marked by the three rectangle, and they decide the distance between spawn, and the big circle is the furtherest extent that FireCenter can move (FireCenter move out of the circle will lead to clean sweep) ---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 PM ---------- HOTFIX release, sorry for that bug.
  19. dragon zen

    Domination for Single Player

    Thanks a lot for your work!!!
  20. Hello my friends: I want to use ControlGroups to show long structured text, just like http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DialogControls-ControlsGroup However, when I write this: class GunV : RscControlsGroup { idc=-1; x=0.65;y=0.2;w=0.25;h=0.2; class Controls{ class GunV2 : RscStructuredText { idc = 219; x=0.65;y=0.2;w=0.25;h=0.2; colorBackground[] = {0.2,0.4,0.2,0.4}; }; }; }; And in script I write "((findDisplay 200) displayCtrl 219) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _library;". However, there are only ScrollBars, without any content. If I don't use ControlGroups, the content is OK, so I hope any one tell me what's wrong with my code? Do I need some change in script?? Thanks DragonZen
  21. dragon zen

    [SP]AdvancingPower - A 4F Dynamic Mission

    To be frank, I didn't test the paratroops yet for a long while, because everytime I run it with para closed. I'll test it.