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About Sweetcom

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  1. Hi! I've tried the "BIS fnc customGPSvideo" -function but without any luck. I've basically copy/pasted a working script from ARMA 2 OA right over into the mission editor but I get no result...no error ...nothing when calling the function. The functions module are no longer needed and even when I add the gps item in my gear it's not showing up. I then thought I would check if the function still exist in the modules so I went over and unpacked the functions_f pbo in ARMA 3 and did find "fnc_customGPSvideo.sqf" there. So it's indeed there but I assume maybe the new gps might cause some trouble here and at this moment we maybe have to hang out and let BI do their magic. Anyway if some one figure out to embed little video's again please post your solution.
  2. Hello! I recently tried the hidden 3D Editor and thought it would be a nice tool to save some time with placing units in buildings or objects in different environments. I saw a tutorial about controling this stuff in the 3D mode by press shift for rotating and alt key for adjusting the elevation. However neither of these controls work i the 3D mode for me. Anyone experienced the same thing? I am running the latest beta and hope this is not another bug.
  3. Thanks F2k Sel. When you wrote that it's possible to drag the radio out of screen I came to think about that I changed my screen res down a bit some weeks ago to gain better fps and guess what happened now when I changed back to my native fullscreen size? Yup, the radio is back "hallelujah":P In other words the problem was selfmade but luckily solved.
  4. Yes, that worked for me too until a few days ago when I suddenly noticed the radio gui was gone from the map view even when radio trigger was added in ME. I wonder if it could be a bug or if I've messed up something someway.I guess the radio must have a gui paa file located somewhere in the game dir and it would be interesting to look it up and try to get it back into the editor.....problem is that I don't now how:P
  5. Great, thanks! This works well when you get hold of the array values and use specific mempoints if needed for the task.
  6. Hi all! I've searched the forum trying to find a way to attach objects for example a map to a units hand while playing some animation to get a nice scene to record. Is this possible with the empty objects that you can find in the editor? I have used the attachTo command to other more simple stuff but I guess it has some limitations here. Any thoughts about this one?:j:
  7. Hi there! I recently noticed that my radio within the map mode (m) is gone. I can see the radio in my gear and it's works perfectly when calling using the keyboard but the visual GUI is gone. Have any of you some idea what could have caused this annoying thing to appear and maybe could give me some options to try and get it back?
  8. Okay, thanks Loyalguard -that was much appriaciated! Somehow I missed that thread which gave me some more ideas now that I'm gonna try out.
  9. Hi there all! I'm currently building a mission with a recorded intro playing at the beginning using the BIS fnc playVideo function. Everything works fine except I would like to implement an option for the player to skip the intro if wanted when already executed at mission start. I have tried a lot of stuff now without any real sucess. I come up with one simpel solution with a "sleep delay" and "if statement" posted below but it's more of a workaround because you can only abort the intro before it have been spawned. I'am quite new to the scripting part of ARMA 2 and would therefore be very happy to hear if some of you have any possible solutions for this purpose? I thought I had a solution to exit videoPlay while running using the "3000 cuttext ["","plain"];" code that could be used to remove spawn BIS_fnc_AAN function which also is some kind of layer that plays on top of screen. However that didn't work for me at all and I am currently out of solutions. This is what I've done at the moment: init.sqf: titleCut ["Call Radio ALPHA to skip Intro", "BLACK FADED", 2]; //Start from black screen. titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 10]; //Fade in -intro. [] execVM "intro.sqf"; //Executes my intro.sqf ################################################### intro.sqf: skip=false; _trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]]; _trg setTriggerArea[0,0,0,false]; _trg setTriggerActivation["ALPHA","PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerStatements["this", "hint 'Skip Intro';skip=true", ""]; sleep 3; //Available time from start to abort the into, when passed the intro cannot be canceled. if (skip) then { exit //If Radio Alpha=true, intro.sqf will exit. } else { _video=["video\intro.ogv",[-0.6,-0.7,2.2,2.5]] spawn bis_fnc_playVideo; //BIS function Play video, my intro ogv. waitUntil {scriptDone _video};//Terminates the script when done. };