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Everything posted by major_shepard

  1. Could you check if the problem appends with all of the profiles or only when one of them is selected? In this case could you send me the profile thanks ;)
  2. I need the paa files associated to the weapons and magazines. If you know how to unpack the ACR pbo files you are welcome ^^
  3. That concerns ACE Dev version. LEA only supports ACE Stable release (currently 1.13)
  4. Sure but I don't know what is the "CAT" item :confused:
  5. In th Help menu of LEA select Install New Addons then select Repository => PUKF Weapons pack ;)
  6. It is possible to script ammoboxes/vehicles cargo content into a given mission see the LEA wiki mission maker part for this. But there is no option for now that would give you a standalone script for ammoboxes if it is what you want. However I can include this feature into LEA.
  7. Beta means possible changes, so what I'll wait until the DLC is released.
  8. You mean the PRC148/PRC117F one can get into vehicle using some king of keys combination? I guess there is an issue from ACRE regarding this feature. There is nothing into LEA that script this or help changing this.
  9. You can only have one rifle with OA, backweapon is a ACE feature. If you don't use ACE configure LEA to run without it => Help menu => Addon Manager => uncheck ACE.
  10. Strange indeed. What do you have into userconfig\lea folder? Guess if you delete the lea folder into userconfig, may fix the problem.
  11. Some stuff are from OA others from ACE. Look in game for the difference. It depends if your have set a ACE or a OA rucksack and if the server is running ACE or not.
  12. Yes it does, all stuff of ArmA2 OA is supported, the backpacks as well, please read the Wiki LEA. ---------- Post added at 01:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 PM ---------- LEA 1.3 Update 5 Build 1.3.61 --- Downloads --- => Check for Updates in the Help menu. --- Changelog --- Fixed: ACE IFAK - bandage and morphine no more mixed up. Fixed: @LEA - Preferences apply now to all selected profiles.
  13. It depends if you use ACE mod or not. If you do, select ACE mod in Addon Manager interface. If you don't use ACE do NOT select ACE mod in the interface. Back weapon is a ACE feature as well as weight computation and Wounds stuff.
  14. Look here: To use the new multiple profiles in game selection 1. Check into @LEA the readme.txt file. Be sure it is the 1.5 version. However copy paste @LEA folder from LEA installation directory to your ArmA 2 directory. 2. Double click on the profiles you want to use into Profiles Editor see 3. Select Apply to @LEA as previous. In game you should be displaying profiles names when using the Apply Loadout action see As DukeNukem pointed out, Preferences from @Apply to LEA interface would only apply to the currently selected profile not all of selected profiles (like the previous way). This is minor issue for now. Fix coming soon.
  15. Thanks for reporting Kevaskous. ;) Will push a fix this week end.
  16. Thanks [A*C] Team :) Any help required, your are welcome on the S.o.E TS3 ;)
  17. LEA 1.3 Update 4 Build 1.3.60 --- Downloads --- => Check for Updates in the Help menu. --- Changelog --- Fixed: opening of Profiles Editor may failed since 1.3.59
  18. Can't reproduce here. Run lea.bat file from LEA installation directory then copy paste text from console into a text file and send it to me tanks. Send me also your list of profiles. email: sonsofexiled@gmail.com
  19. LEA 1.3 Update 3 Build 1.3.59 --- Downloads --- => Check for Updates in the Help menu. --- Changelog --- Added: LEA addon editor - entry for ACE backpack and OA bacpack addition. Added: Preferences panel - ACRE PRC152 and ACE Map. Added: @LEA - new in game interface for multi profiles application. Changed: backpack weapon like rucks or launchers are no more put into secondary empty weapon loadout. Fixed: loading of ACE Wounds stuff into loadout through IFAK ACE function. Fixed: missing RH M4A1's with GL's into RH M4/M16 addon for LEA. To use the new multiple profiles in game selection 1. Check into @LEA the readme.txt file. Be sure it is the 1.5 version. However copy paste @LEA folder from LEA installation directory to your ArmA 2 directory. 2. Double click on the profiles you want to use into Profiles Editor see 3. Select Apply to @LEA as previous. In game you should be displaying profiles names when using the Apply Loadout action see
  20. Have a look into the Help menu of Addon Sync ;) You need to install an FTP server if not already.
  21. ok fix will be included in the new version coming this weekend thanks :D
  22. What version of ACE are you using? Last update from six updater? Don't have issue with 1.13 Stable after briefing stage. Also what would happen if mission maker don't add the ACE Wounds module into his mission? Script error due to IFAK function?