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Everything posted by major_shepard

  1. Answer in the previous page ^^ Yes there will be a new release of LEA for ArmA3 when the full game comes out. It will be a new build with GUI improments and more...;)
  2. Done. Select Repository to get workable RSP. You will find the stuff into US (RSP) faction filter. Checkout Rifles and Equip tabs :)
  3. You know wrong I am afraid ^^ Why not go and tell your disappointment to ACE team for pushing out ACE 1.14 Stable ;)
  4. It breaks with ACE 1.13 stable so no modification will be done.
  5. LEA uses the ACE_weapononback variable through setVariable not this function. Now if it fails with the new beta build of ACE you should ask ACE Team to push out 1.14 stable release at last...
  6. Very weird indeed, try re installing Java but I am doubtfull.
  7. create "userconfig" folder at root of c:\ and give the path c:\userconfig. If you still get the message "Path to userconfig folder is invalid" I espect you have some Read only restriction on c:\
  8. The message "Path to userconfig folder is invalid" popup because the the path you give does not ends with "userconfig" => http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/wiki/images/7/7c/Leamissionapply.png LEA wiki http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/wiki/index.php/2._Wiki_English
  9. Have a look to mission maker part of the LEA wiki: http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/wiki/index.php/2._Wiki_English#Use_as_mission_maker
  10. Yeah there will be a LEA for ArmA3 but I can't promise anything during the Alpha stage of ArmA3. LEA for ArmA 3 will be a new build with significant GUI improvements. I'll also try to improve the Addon Editor make it more flexible and efficient.
  11. I just test your addon. To resolve the missing picture do this: - Remove into the Weapons Panel the entry with classname HSO_HEChargeMuzzle - For Weapon with classnames HSO_Mauler, HSO_AKS74S use the picture AK_74.png from \resources\pictures\weapons from LEA install directory - For Magazine HSO_762_AK, HSO_762_RPK, HSO_545_RPK, HSO_127_Mauler, HSO_12G_SaigaMag, HSO_762_AKSD use \resources\pictures\magazines\30Rnd_545x39_AK.png You can find all the ArmA 2 weapons and magazines pictures into \resources\pictures\ LEA install directory. Just watch picture-weapon/magazine association into the CfgWeapons.cpp and CfgMagazines.cpp files.
  12. You are welcome to share your LEA addon once OK. Use the Export button and give me the lea.addon file so that I can place it into LEA Public Repository.
  13. 1.First of extract the content of the addon using the Extract button of LEA Edit Panel. 2.Locate inside the extracted folder the config.cpp file and replace it by its equivalent config.bin 3. Push the Analyse button of LEA Edit panel. You may also take care that some addon are provided with multiple config files for being compatible with some other mod. For example one config file for ACE compatibility, another one for the base game. Witch means that you must run your game with the right addon dependences. ---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 AM ---------- I don't succeed to add multiple ACRE radios of the same kind (let say PRC148) to a unit by scripting. This is not a problem with LEA but SQF scriptiing. I opened a post here, no response so far :( http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?133891-A-C-R-E-Advanced-Combat-Radio-Environment-1-4-Stable-Release-Thread&p=2296341&viewfull=1#post2296341
  14. major_shepard

    64-bit executable

    Any 32 bit application can be recompilated into a 64 bit one but you won't see any difference at all int terms of performance. Optimized 64 bit application taking advantage of the more memory allowed means a complete rewrite of the code. This ends for dev too have 2 branches of development and 2 branches for maintening both code. As a result one may expect at least 2x cost for producing the game and time needed.
  15. Maybe a ACR bug. Do you use ACE or not? I guess with ACE backpack it should work.
  16. LEA requires at least 1280*800 screen size. There is no plan for now to support lower resolution sorry.
  17. LEA 1.4 Update 4 Build 1.4.74 --- Downloads --- => Check for Updates in the Help menu. --- Changelog --- Added: Profiles Editor - select All/unselect All commands of profiles in a folder. Fixed: Mission Editor - Do not Apply loadout option permanently checked with non playable and Empty unit when reloading a mission. Modified: Performance - Faster loading of weapons and Profiles Editor.
  18. Is there a way to give many radios of the same kind to a player by scripting? Picking up a radio from the ground works find but scripting results in one radio only into loadout. Thanks.
  19. I can't test your mission doe to addons dependences I don't have. Looking to the init.sqf, I should recommend you to put the LEA initialization line at the END of the init.sqf file. LEA scripts are call in a function witch means that any thing that fallow won't be executed until LEA scripts finish, like execVM briefing.sqf.
  20. I don't understand your problem. Yes send me the mission please. Remove any dependance to addons except ACE.
  21. Have you changed something like UAC or some xml files into the resources of LEA? If you Java configured to run in cmd console just double click on "LEA.bat". Then copy paste the text displayed in the console into a text file you send me. However re-installation of LEA should résolve the issue. ---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ---------- Yes incoming in next update.
  22. Yeah this a regression that will fix for next release.
  23. Raven backpack is kind of OA Backpack. Also it is not possible to use it with any units from ArmA 2 original game or addons based on these units.
  24. Try this: menu Help -> Install new Addons -> Repository -> RQ-11 Raven A Help -> Manager Adons -> select RQ-11 Raven A Raven backpack will then appear as "US (RQ11)" into the faction filter.
  25. LEA 1.4 Update 3 Build 1.4.73 --- Downloads --- => Check for Updates in the Help menu. --- Changelog --- Fixed: excessive cpu loading by reg.exe process.