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Everything posted by major_shepard

  1. could you show me how does it looks like in the Download panel after a Check for Addons ? Only changed files should be marked red and deleted files blue. Could you give a link for me to download your mod pack prior the changes and after the changes?
  2. major_shepard

    ADuke's OH58D Pack

    Nice. Also have you plane any fast rope for your helicopters? Being able to throw up to 4 ropes would be awesome :D
  3. Hi shay_gman, Is there a way to teleport players into vehicles like boat, chopper and plane? If not I would really appreciate you had this capability to the MCC. Thanks.
  4. major_shepard

    Arma 2 Weapons Project

    Nice. Hope you can be given a helping hand on this :)
  5. Thanks mate. Now as we don't want to override SpiritedMachine ArmA 2 game launcher from witch ArmA3Sync is based on, no specific development will be done regarding ArmA 2.
  6. When you launch ArmA 3 with AiA using ArmA3Sync, are ou able to open Chernarus in the mission editor? Please checkout ArmA3Sync Tools menu -> AiA Tweaker and make sure the directories are correct.
  7. Can't reproduce here with the stable branch. @Papa: could you make a try with the dev branch launching ArmA 3 with ArmA3Sync and no addon. Then open the Mission Editor.
  8. Delete the false profiles into \MyDocuments\ArmA 3 profiles, it should go fine then :)
  9. ArmA3Sync 1.0 Update 1 Download Use Check for Updates in the Help menu or grab the windows installer here: ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/releases/arma3sync-installer-1-0-21.exe Changelog Fixed: game profile name with "-" and spaces characters wrongly split as run parameters.
  10. You must be on the machine hosting the FTP server (i.e be able to browse the hard disk). With the select button give the path to your "REPO" folder => c:\...\REPO
  11. Do you also launch other mods with AiA? Just look at Expansions section of ArmA 3 and check that all mods are here. If yes, ArmA3Sync is ok. AiA is far for stable right now.
  12. No because the event is uploaded to the repository. If you want just some guys of your organization be able to publish events on the repository, just create a supplementary account with read+write permissions on you FTP server and give it to them.
  13. Yes there is. If you want to share repository protected by a password use Help -> Autoconfig -> Export. It will generate an encrypted file containing your repository information so that nobody can grab the password even the ones you give it to ;) ---------- Post added at 10:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 AM ---------- Multi-language support could be added. Looking for some german/spanish/russian guys to do the job ^^
  14. Yeah fuck you are right :). Just replace the - by _ has a workaround for now. I'll push an update to fix it.
  15. If you have only one game profile you can just select "Default" in the profile checkbox of ArmA3Sync and it should work. Now %20 stands for a white space. Does the folder is named "[RCB] ck-claw" or "[RCB]%20ck-claw" on your hard drive inside \MyDocuments\ArmA3 other profiles\ ?
  16. Could you check this please: ftp://www.sonsofexiled.fr/ArmA3/ArmA3Sync/development/screens/arma3sync_test_game_profiles.png
  17. Nop sorry I don't have any. Even If you get previous version you will be rejected from public server due to not matching version. ArmA 3 is far more stable right now than ArmA 2 was in 2009. Also we can expect fast integration of stuff from ArmA 2 to ArmA 3 because the engine is quite similar.
  18. Please read the wiki http://www.sonsofexiled.fr/wiki/index.php/ArmA3Sync_Wiki_English I guess you can add the Six addons destination folder to Addon Search Directories of ArmA3Sync. As first try starts the Game without @AllInArmA (Game version = ArmA 3). Checkout the run Parameters in Addon Options panel. Every selected mods should appeared.
  19. Yes there is a ACRE installation wizard with detects Windows 32/64 bit and TS3 32/64 bit versions.
  20. You can install 2 versions of ACE as long as you give a specific name to the folders i.e @ACE_1_13. If you should have no bug running ACE 1.13 alone and using LEA. Now if you have other mods that do a mess I can't do nothing. The thing regarding ACE 1.14 is that most of the ACE team seems to be retired, maybe working on ArmA 3 don't know. Now I am working on LEA for ArmA 3, I can't afford investing more time into LEA for ArmA 2.
  21. major_shepard

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    I have wrote a new launcher and addons synchronization software for ArmA 3 inspired from SpiritedMachine's work => http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162236-ArmA3Sync-launcher-and-addons-synchronization-software-for-ArmA-3
  22. Use ACE 1.13 Stable release. LEA should work fine with this one. => http://wiki.ace-mod.net/ACE_1_13
  23. Hi all, Everything is in the title. Does anyone has some information? Thanks